The continuing education of Mike B

Thank you my friend


I’ve had some companions over 10 years now only few sexual encounters but they have become my dear friends and help me with energy work , healing and basically everything else , sometimes when i take a bath they become strong enough to move my privates around the area just playing with them :rofl::rofl: is an interesting experience indeed and i am glad i have been able to live it , seems that trying to develop a relationship not necessarily sexual as many of people here look for is fruitful :slight_smile:
Only thing is that they are always around and of course they can start to have some influence , but is this not true with all humans relationship’s ? 0o


I’ll be honest when I was watching the spirit dance in my crystal ball like a naked belly dancer I got aroused without me even touching myself. I knew she was manipulating my energy body. I couldn’t believe it. Shocking.


Yep apparently they are experts at this thing :slight_smile: , they can do many unbelievable stuff with that :stuck_out_tongue:
Learned a lot over the years , more like practiced and it was worth it , controlling energy in the body even when doing random activities and moving around feels simple to me now .
As with my ADD getting into trance feels hard to me , this was the next best thing :slight_smile: maybe an alternative for some people .
Great teachers for energy work indeed

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Oh yeah for sure they teach bio energy and etheric energy manipulation very very well.


The Calling of Archangel Raphael

This ceremony was intended to provide healing and comfort to a seriously injured young woman.
Thankfully my Order mates in the Order of the Brass Lamps supported this cause, as well as a couple of other magicians I greatly respect.

Thank you to all who participated.

For any curious about how I called him the ritual format is in my E book here on Balg. Here’s a link.


6-19-22 1:09 Am

It’s been an emotional day. There’s been power, joy, hope, and deep sorrow and sadness and regret.

I’m sitting in my temple talking to my Order mates and I hear the whispery shadowy voice of murmur.

“Get ready, your mom will be the next”

My.mother passed away in 2015. We had hit a real tough patch in our relationship that tore us apart. This was never fixed before she passed. It’s an understatement to say we weren’t on civil terms. I’m not going to get into the who’s and why’s here in the forum.

I said to Murmur “I don’t know if I can, things were really bad between us”

Murmur said " you’re going to learn how to heal a relationship next. Be prepared this may not be easy for you."

After the conjuration of the soul of JW I had a wonderful loving dreamscape with her and I know that relationship is healed and I have closure and the answers I needed.

Next ( probably next Saturday) I’ll evoke Murmur and have him bring forth my mom from the otherside and we will heal our broken relationship. I’m going to do whatever it takes to make things right with her.

Yes this is going to be really hard and probably painful. But I’m not going to fear that pain and let it scare me into more years of burying this problem.

I’m going to brave and face this.

That’s all for tonight.


Ah man. We are here if you need us.


I am also here for you, friend!


Thank you @anon4083462 and @anon41658706

I’m learning as I go that sometimes it’s best not to go something completely alone. Reaching out to others when things are challenging or traumatic is a perfectly healthy way to deal with things.

Never thought my occult journey would lead me to necromancy and this.


6-19-22 604am

Spirit of the day

President Ose

This spirit is a master manipulator and is quite cunning. This spirit can cause delusions. This spirit is also a master of Glamour magick. Anyone needing to appear to be something different or more than they truly are can find help from him. He can also teach the art of Glamours.

I had another Archangel calling of Raphael for my injured friend this morning at dawn.

I’m using a total different space than my temple because I don’t wish to mix the internal and celestial energies in my temple.

Mine is a temple of Sitra Ahra!

Ritual went well, I strongly feel Raphael is hearing me. I was going to do the ritual three days but I’ve opted to go seven days because I want Raphael to get tired of hearing my voice and act on my request decisively.

Not much else planned for the day.


6-19-22 806 am

I want to talk about clairaudience for a minute. Everyone thinks this is some magickal ability you were either born with or not. I’m going to tell you right now that’s bullshit.

You can hear and communicate with spirits if you train your mind how. Actually to tell you truth you’ve been hearing the subtle world your whole life but you don’t know how to recognize it.

It took me 19.5 years to begin truly developing this. And honestly I haven’t mastered it but I’ve made a great deal of progress.

If a magician doesn’t know how to train thier mind with proper methods ( ones that actually work) it will take years before this faculty opens on its own ( unless you’re really lucky or have past life experience I think).

This is a link to the chapter in my free ebook on the method I teach my students. This WORKS! It took one student two and a half months of training three times a week with my method but he has had great progress and big breakthroughs.

Im going to tell you straight up:. There is no substitute for hard work! You must be willing to practice this without the slightest of encouraging phenomenon for a good while before this starts to happen for you. But if you do the work you will see results.

There are plenty of other methods out there besides the one I teach and endorse and some of those methods are good too. Some are junk. Paraphrasing the words of famous occult author Ophiel…if a method or teaching is not producing results it doesn’t matter how fond of it we are, it needs to go in the trash where it belongs.

So I only go with what I know works for sure.

Now another facet of this is…“can I still evoke a spirit and get results without being able to hear or interact with it?”

Yes! Of course you can. It does feel silly though giving your charge or request to an invisible being that you aren’t quite sure is there, but if you’re confident and torpedo your own working with doubts then yes you can be successful at evocation without your clairs open or fully functional.

The reason I’m on this soap box today is because of the amount of inquiries I get related to clairaudience and obviously evocation.

I hope my readers understand what I’m saying. If anyone has questions or comments on this topic please post it here.


Im here if you need anything as well. You are surrounded by people who love you so don’t feel afraid :heart: you’re also incredible powerful on your own so I have faith in you. The best piece of advice that i can give Is that no matter how bad it feels it won’t last forever. Your brain will eventually normalize. Also I am Consistently able to help myself during tough times by remembering that whatever is in front of you is there for your benefit and to make you stronger. If there is something that is causing you pain or Strife there is always a way to use its better yourself in some way.

Like i said I am here for you if you need anything. You got this man!


That’s a good attitude bro, a winning attitude, I’ll remember that. Thank you for the kind words.


If there’s anything I can help you with, you know where to find me.


Thank you very much @Onion


I love your work .


Thank you @Stan_Andrei I appreciate your feedback. It makes my efforts here on Balg rewarding.


6-20-22 436 Am

Spirit of the day

The Duchess Gremory

This card appeared here last week. When a card comes up two or three times in close succession it usually means a spirit is watching me, interested in what I’m doing, wants to work with me or just wants to be talked about.

I’m thinking thats the case here.

I’m going to tell you. I don’t do alot of love related magickal workings. I was supremely successful ( a home run) with Duchess Gremory in the past for a friend but my results with other spirits such as Sallos and zepar have been lackluster at best. I don’t have a lot of confidence in my love magick abilities to be frank. I do have some great results with Amon too though.

I know that’s just in my head and I need to get over it, find what is going to work for me, a winning formula of low magick and spirit work presumably and then hurdle this obstacle.

I think for me Sitri, Furfur, and Duchess Gremory and Amon are my go to love spirits.

Ok today is a going to be a real humdinger of a day. I’ve got a channelling session scheduled for today. I’m not going to reveal the spirit or anything else about the operation because I consider my work confidential between client, spirit and myself. That is an inviolable principal in practice.

I’m ready, and I’m excited. I’ve had a good night’s sleep. The offerings are ready, the temple warm, inviting and immaculate. This is what I live for.

Reader, stop thinking about it and start doing it. Chase your passion, make it real. Live your dreams. Peace out, for now :v:


Dawn’s light
The Temple of Mike B