This is a True occult story for your entertainment and enjoyment simply a chronicle of my real life experiences and adventures. This is the first installment.
The Chronicles of Dr. Thoth
The Woman in Blue.
I was a teenager when I first was introduced to the occult. But even before that I had as far back as I remember having a fascination with the paranormal. I read about Bigfoot, Nessy, ghosts, UFOs and anything and everything I could get my hands on in the school library. Which of course was a total of about 4 books.
In highschool the school library had a few more things in there. I remember a book called The devil and all his works and the encyclopedia of witches and witchcraft. Between these two I gained some ideas and for some odd reason decided I wanted to do magick. I knew very little and at the time the occult was exactly that, it was that which is hidden. I was a highschool freshmen and in those days if you wanted to learn something you had to get the book. I took what little there was in the encyclopedias and other few books in the school library and started trying to figure out magick, what it was, how it works, how could I do it? How could I in some way change my environment? Could one learn to be telepathic or could one learn to communicate with spirits? Could one learn to perform the psychic phenomenon and become stronger through training? All my questions would soon be answered, but not completely, not for many years would it all come together into a basic understanding of the meta divine realm. I soon met a girl who helped me into the right direction. Her name was Molly and we met one day when I was hanging out with some of my stage crew friends. She had some of the same friends as I did and we all got to talking about religion for some reason. I remarked that I’m more about the elements and she looked at me and said hey me too and she high fives me. The very fact that after looking into magick and sort of studying on my own what little info there was I synchronistically meet this girl who suddenly is doing the same thing sort of. I absolutely thought that no one else was doing this and at least 5 to 10,000 miles away if at all. But I had assumed that there must be some people crazy enough to want to do this sort of thing, I just didn’t think I would run into them synchronistically. I didn’t even know what syncronicity was or that it existed and is a fundamental aspect of magick. The desire to learn more alone opened the door more information it seemed and this to me was definitely evidence that something magickal was indeed happening.
She and I stepped of to the side to have our own conversation. I asked her basically what she knew and she knew quite a bit and had learned a few things from a senior at our school. I set out to meet this man and he was aloof and did in no way do much for me as in advancing my magickal work. What he did do was give me the names of the exact occult authors and books I needed to find and read. That was actually the best thing he could have done for me and we actually became friends later in chess club.
Molly and I remained friends throughout high school but not so much after that. She did teach me magickal alphabets such as the Nordic runes and we would write each other letters to pass back and forth in class. The beauty was no one could even begin to know what we were talking about should we be detected event if they could translate the notes. It was a bunch of stuff pertaining to something that at the time was hard to know because the occult was a well kept secret. As time went on I met others who were interested in these sorts of things and Wicca was the latest rage apparently. I watched as many took interest and then fell out of it as a passing fad.
Moving in occult circles is an interesting way to meet people from all walks of life. It was like that then and I suppose in a sense is that way today however back then the internet was not the giant information super highway it is today.
I met at least a few people in each demographic interested in some aspect of the unknown from superstitious athletes to nerds playing dungeons and dragons. It seemed that most people were satisfied with the explanations that religion and science could cook up but it seemed that in almost every group there were a few that just weren’t buying it and needed to ask.
It was meeting others asking the same questions that fueled my quest for knowledge and what I saw as the “magickal evidence” what we now call synchronicity was the engine driving my passion. What I would later connect to synchronistic learning and random causality as the basis for the development of gaining an understanding of tychokenisis. I of course didn’t make these connections until later in life.
Although I had decided to delve into Wicca and then Celtic magick and then joining two different druid organizations I still maintained a sort of eclectic view on spirituality as if I wasn’t going to count anything out until I had tried it. I was studying Arthurian legend and Celtic mythology because my real first exposure to seeing a wizard doing magic was in the Disney cartoon film the Sword in the Stone and Merlin didn’t just teach magick he also taught Arthur science the nature of the universe and human nature as well as many other things. I didn’t know it at the time but this was the Thoth Murcury current with it’s hooks in me. I was caught in its current and going with the flow, the only time things didn’t work out for me was when I went against the flow but that’s another story.
This story is about my beginning how I came into the Thoth Murcury current and how I was empowered by it. I came into the current through the Arthurian legend and Celtic mythology at first. I saw myself as the young Arthur learning from that invisible force that synchronistic flow that was Merlin teaching me of the Dragon. I called it the dragon because in the film Excalibur 1981 I believe, the character of merlin teaches Arthur about the all encompassing force of the universe (which I also a star wars fan connected to that Force) and he called it the Dragon.
I read a book called the 21 lessons of Merlin by Douglas Monroe. In this book the reader is the young Arthur and goes through lessons about magick. After joining actual real druid organizations I soon learned that Douglas Monroe was writing fiction. But strangely the experience was not cheapened by this and I had grown from his fictional lesson book as much as I had grown from any other working I had gone through. This strange realization opened me up to the concepts in chaos magick as I started to explore more traditions and philosophy.
I wanted to know what else was out there and I knew that everything had to connect. I instinctively knew that there was more to magick then any particular tradition there were universal constants in the mechanics of the occult. I was well on my way to doing what I needed to to get where I was meant to be. Learning about the Meta Divine Realm.
My first experiences with the meta divine realm occured before I was old enough to remember it happening. According to my relatives I had a large enough vocabulary to carry on entire conversation at the age of 16 months.
According to my mother I would be in my room at night and she would hear me talking to someone. She would walk in and ask me who I was talking to and I would say " my friend". When I heard my mother tell me about this I had something of a flashback to a moment when I was about 5 years old and I saw a ghost standing at the foot of my bed. She was youthful and wearing a long flowing blue gown, long black hair and dark black eyes. I remember being terrified and hiding under the covers. This was the earliest experience I remember having so it must mean that at some point I had forgotten all about " my friend" that I had at the age of 2 or 3 and suddenly don’t know anymore at age 5. I didn’t know what to make of it. Could the woman in blue be " my friend" that I happen to have forgotten about and when she surprised me at age 5 I couldn’t handle it?
My mother had explained that a few times when she heard me talking she looked in and saw a woman wearing clothes from the 1800’s and she kept her hair in a bun and she was blond. This of course is contradictory to the woman in blue. And much closer to the description of a ghost known to occupy that road that our house was on and had been reported by neighbors going back over a hundred years.
This cancels out the theory for the woman in blue so who was she? What did she want? From my experience I remember she didn’t actually move or speak she just sort of looked at me. I didn’t know what else to do but hide under the covers away from that haunting gaze from those dark black eyes. Now I might have at some point forgotten about my friend because I don’t remember her and I must have forgotten her before I saw the woman in blue, and perhaps the woman in blue was just some sort of passing spirit who stopped in to check me out. Either way it is was me learning that there are many different kinds of entities out there. Of course there were several times I have had experiences since then but that was the first of my memory. The woman in blue.
Stay tuned for episode 2 The New House.