The Christianity god

What are you’re views on the Christian god? do you think he exists or not? Also, how do you think gods are created?

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Meh, I care not for proving existence. Especially, considering millions upon millions believe in Yahweh, makes him real.

I don’t care for him much


Wow, dude, according to your profile, you joined in November 2017 and still have not bothered to introduce yourself as per the rules of this forum. You should take care of that:

Heads up, @Lady_Eva this one slipped through the net :stuck_out_tongue:


He exists.

He is a Douchebag.

They are here so I really don’t care how they got here or how humans got here either.

But best idea is we all sprung into existence and shape each other simultaneously


He/it exists, though I’ve mostly avoided contact. Seems like an asshole. His supposed teachings have a bad tendency to produce more assholes if you pay them too much attention beyond a few good tenets.


Eh. Make of that what you will. I don’t care as long as it is not pushed on others.

Personally? He’s at best simply a false idea and at worst a stagnation. But I don’t dwell on it too much.

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The idea of the Omni-model I certainly agree.

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ok i just introduced myself.


Yeah, he exists running his little religious monopoly.
How were the gods created? The same way you and I were.


Don’t get me fucking started! Crowley described Xtianity as, “A vile superstition” and that’s spot on! Obey! Pay! Pray! How sick would you need to be to believe in a god who sent himself, to sacrifice himself to himself, in order to save humans from himself? That’s incredibly god-centred and really fucked up! Why didn’t he do all of that on the dark side of the moon, save everyone and just silently piss off?

And Old Numb-Nuts! I just can’t get me enough cold, boiled Jesus! Can you imagine eternity with that creep? No escape! And his robotic, crippled followers getting off on the beautific vision – forever!

Mind you, if god had wanted to communicate with humanity there are heaps better ways he could have done so than his altar boys’ wet-dream son and some absurd, garbled scribblings full of murder, genocide, rape, incest and arrant filth!

Then there’s the horror of media mega-star, evangelism whores. There’s no need to mention names, but the late (grotesquely absurd) Tammy Faye Bakker still has a special place in what passes for my heart.



I don’t think He exists in the way people think He does. People tend to be divided on whether or not he’s good or actually evil; everything about him tends to come from human belief.

My UPG is that God does exist, but He’s not good or evil. He’s simply “the Source” of all Creation. He creates, and then lets His creation choose how they live. He doesn’t govern, nor does He demand to be worshiped. Hell, I think he’s only interacted with humanity about once or twice in the entirety of our existence. Every other recorded interaction has been from various spirits that were mistaken for God. All He wants is to create things because that is His function. Outside of that, I don’t think we humans are fully capable of fully understanding Him.

Again, this is a UPG, feel free to take it with a grain of salt.


And old Numb Nuts didn’t die, he only died - at most - for a long weekend, then he was back again. Kenneth Copeland is the only preacher of whom I’m aware that preachers Christ sodomised. Ain’t that grand – Christ sodomised! Copeland should establish a Christ Sodomised jewellery and clothing line that commemorates his own baseless and insane imaginings. ‘And remember children; Jesus Christ suffered brutal sodomy, anal rape at the hands of debased Roman soldiers who were hard of cock and strong of jowl…the perspiration running down upon their blood engorged pectoral muscles and dripping like diamonds in the sunlight from their nipples…’



Odin though :person_shrugging:


Odhinn sacrificed himself to himself for knowledge, not so that he didn’t have to destroy his own creation because they’d broken his own sick rules.



Eh I’m just saying that when it comes down to it there isn’t much that’s unique about the Christian deity. Incarnating as a human, sacrificing yourself, sacrifice to “wash anew” , being a jackass. When it comes down to it I don’t think there is anything particularly special about this dude. He’s just one more dbag in the Spirit realm. He just happens to have way too many fucking groupies :roll_eyes:


William S. Burroughs planned to write a novel about the life of Christ. Too bad it never happened. You can’t help imagining the execution scene. Probably the cross would’ve gone up Jesus’s ass with lingering description of drooling rectal mucus while teenage mutant scorpion-boys fucked each other at his feet. God I just want to write the whole scene now…

I’m sure Kenny tipped the hand when he told that story. Horus was raped by Set, ergo Jesus was raped by Satan. Have to be consistent.

For more amusement, here’s a forum where a bunch of Christians argue over whether or not Jesus was raped…

I talked about this on another thread a long time ago, but if you read the part in the Bible where there are all the elaborate instructions for the sacrifices to be made to Jehovah… what kind of incense, what kind of wood, what kind of animals… then read the chapter in the Key of Solomon where it talks about what kind of sacrifices to make to different kinds of planetary spirits… You can pretty much work out that this was a daimonic form created by the priests that they had control over, which is probably how western religions actually work.

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Azathoth XD

OP, as for how they’re created, I’d guess the same way we become God’s ourselves. Otherwise I’ve never cared much. I mean it’s fun ideas to think on but I wouldn’t take too much of my time on it.


I had a very close relationship with the Christianity God. Christianity has gone through a lot of changes over the years, but it’s not fully light-and-free new agey cause it’s still held back by atrocious messages that are still made legitimate when people say “The New Testament completed the Old one, not replaced”. So you have the anti-gay, ‘wives should obey their husbands’ stuff mixed with the ‘God is all loving and hates sin not people’.

I remember telling him I wanted to be with another boy and he said ‘fine’ but was really burdened by that in his answer, so I ended up changing my mind… I’d say all egregores are real in their egregorey way.


‘…and although this is the battery operated model of Christ Sodomised, Xtianity Today said in their review that this glow in the dark bedside table reminder had brutally real pelvic thrusting. Then there’s the the Crucifix Clock where two miniature Romans running on rails appear every hour and bang in the nails.

‘Get in early. Do it now. Neither of these will last. Plus, but only for the next ten callers, the free set of Anal-Christ bumper-stickers.’



Respect . But I respect to all belief. I don’t follow all, sure :slight_smile:

I would recommend you if you permit me, the PBS documentary about Secrets of Noah Ark - 2015, you may find it via google and may take 45 min only easier then a book there you will see how Judeans when expelled to Babylon created Hebrew Bible via Babylonian and Sumerian stories. You would see the entrance of famous Babylon in Pergamon museum in Berlin

Also you may see that the world never experienced a big flood on a world scale nor even middle east wide, only some local floods but at different times. You may verify scientific data by contacting the professors if you want.

Anyway a newtonian apporach ( @Prophet mentioned here above) or Brahnmanical in a way esoteric approach suits me well but " Christian God" yes I respect due to my inner respect for the ones who cares for him.