The Christianity god

I believe that the muslim, jewish abramhamic god does exist but i dont think his afterlife is the best choice nor do i think it is a benificial religion to the world, as its seemingly caused a giant war since the beginning of time to now. I do not want to communicate with a god so simple minded that it beg for so much attention. However i dont mind other peoples beliefs and its best to treat everyone as you would like to be treated. All the religions have decent moral values.

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Well lets go to beginning. Sometimes around 1355 BC Amenhotep IV changed his name in Akhenaton and those started a new era for Egypt. An era of splendor but also the era when all the gods were combined under one name, Aten. After his death, Egypt becomes once more polytheistic…but this idea of monotheism traveled that far in ancient times that reached the pinnacle in Persia where Zarathustra decided to build an religion called Zoroastrianism. From there decades later Yahweh the thunder storm and God war, who was also praised under the name Baal, was depicted as the “ultimate lord” . Those kind of things happened very often in history, I talked in this forum about the so called “devil” - not the one from the bible, but the one that was in the time of Elephant Levy That - was a combination between Esus, Pan and Cernunnos.


I do not care for the Christian god at all. I can rant on it for hours, but I’d rather not.

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I think he didn’t exist as he’s described in the gospels. But he does exist like any other God or spirit or deity. He’s not any more or less real than Hecate or Satan or Anubis. The interesting thing about him for me, is that he represents a spiritual evolution…

All three Abrahamic religions are based on Paganism and tried to take it a step forward. Christianity as it’s originally made, was never a religion. It’s a relationship. Father-Son and Holy Spirit. That’s Christianity. It was supposed to turn slaves who used to “worship” pagan deities into sons and daughter. This principle or relationship doesn’t only apply to the Jewish God. But all Gods and Goddesses.

So if you’re worshipping ISIS for example, it would be Mother - Son/Daughter and Holy Spirit ! The holy trinity of ISIS… Sounds crazy but try it first. It works perfectly. Just take away all Christian dogma from it and keep the essence of the relationship, the spiritual aspect of it. You could be a Christ worshipping any God or Goddess, not a slave or servant but a Son or Daughter.

As he’s mentioned in the gospels, I think he’s not worth any respect as a character. And his teachings reflect absolute ignorance but … you can sense a hidden, almost-evil, vibe in him sometimes! That allowed me to study him for a while but then I finally couldn’t take it anymore - too much love and light for my stomach - so I eventually decided to forget about him !

One thing still interesting for me when it comes to Christianity. The so called “miracles” that happen from time to time. I studied that, trying to find out the core principles behind this type of witchcraft… because it really produces amazing results, especially when it comes to healing and sometimes raising the dead. Yes I believe it happens and could happen if you know the craft work behind it.


the christian god doesn´t exist, you can search academic papers about how the israelites became a monotheistic society and how judaism came to be


What was those one or two interactions?

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I find this discussion very interesting. I was raised a Lutheran by a family that volunteered at church/community groups/PTA etc. but behind closed doors we treated each other with disrespect and cruelty.The public vs private version of my family is what turned me away from Christianity. That said, years of indoctrination made it difficult to shake the guilt and shame mantle when I behaved in a way that pleased me but didn’t please the Christian God so I spent years asking for mercy, forgiveness and spent decades in a marriage that was unhappy because divorce is not acceptable in my family. After a series of tragic events, I decided that God didn’t exist. When I made that decision, I felt free for the first time in my life. I was no longer afraid of anyone or anything and felt completely in control of my destiny and my life. This is also when I returned to the study of magick. SO NOW…here’s my question and it’s one I’ve been asked by Christian friends. For the most part, we acknowledge the existence of the Christian God and the angels (maybe even the saints) so have any of you summoned the Christian God or angels? If so, what was the result.


Question - “How do you think the gods are created?”

Imagine in your mind the first priest of Jehovah or Yahwey or yahveyhivahay… What were his perspectives on the spiritworld and magick?

I have two main perspectives on the matter: a Christian one and my Lhp vision.

A very intense and broad tree of magick deals with interacting with entities. There’s two main perspectives on the matter of interacting with other entities: that they persist independent of us entirely as individuals OR that entities are manifestations of our own ability to create.

In my magickal paradigm, I consider that entities are manifestations of our own power to create. When the first priest of Jehovah had his spiritual encounter with the apparent divine, he obviously treated the experience as though it had origin outside himself. Had the first priest of Jehovah treated his experience as a creation of his own will, the judeo-christian paradigm would have grown into an entirely alternate paradigm. New testament writtings seem to lean more to the concept that we create these realities but still lean on the concept of a nonself transcendent fatherly archetype God.

I myself have the ability to reawaken my own primal mind and rediscover the origins of various paradigms within my own self. I’ve cultivated a variety of perspectives on these matters. From a broader perspective beyond individual religious ideology, I see two fundamental branches from which all paradigm grow: Universalist paradigms and paradigms based on the individual’s independent consideration. I myself find the Universalist paradigm and subsequent protocols abhorant.

I myself am an individualist. You’ll often find Universalists creating fantastic links between deities from wildly different cultures.
I personally respect the individual forms as they were first formed. However, the Universalist mind has been with human thought since humankind first used their powers of consideration and has woven themselves into many ideologies overtime. On a fundamental level we all respond to either a group mind or our own individual impulses. All paradigms come forth from this.

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The True God of the Christian faith is the provider of great power. While a lot of folk on her will talk down to the man made god they hate, the fact is, to know we are the children of the Lord is the know we are divine ourselves.

When a believer accepts the Holy spirit, he is not allowing possession, but allowing himself to be broken of mortal ideas and to know he is of divine linage.

Christ taught us how to become more then what we seem. if you read the scriptures, and I mean actually read them, it’s written all over

We are divine beings, and the son of the Lord. I like it that even EA koetting has mentioned this in his works


With who/what? Me?

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Ya No. It is true for your reality but Not mine so please don’t assume for me.
Also please show me links of where EA has said we are all children of the Christian God yahwah.

Azathoth is as close as ill ever get to the idea of a creator force in the universe.


So the question that emerges is, Who among men can lay claim to knowing the absolute truth? Is there a supreme creator? Logic would indicate that there must have been a first source and center of all things.
Even the magic circle is based on the center from which all was made manifest and will be made manifest. The point of origin from which the universes continually expand, come into being. Interesting is the fact that I do not know of any written record by any God/Spirit/ whatever, as in they wrote the record themselves. Even Christ never left any written record. Why was that? So all accounts are supposedly inspired writings, written by men and subject to revisions that meet the needs or desires of those who put much effort in controlling the masses.
Is there a first source and center, I think so. Is it the God of the Hebrews, perhaps yes, perhaps no.
I cannot speak of an absolute truth. Can any here lay claim to the truth?
Like we all understand, the gods of the conquered are now stereotyped into the demons of all religious schools of thought.
There are those who bash another’s God, assuming they have the absolute truth.
One person sharpens another.


It is speculated The Dead Sea Scrolls where written by the man who Christ came from but the church rejects it (no surprise).
As for a source sure but giving it a name or having any man made religion hold claim is non-productive in my eyes.

At the end of the day does it give us any advantage in our personal progression to speculate about a source that clearly has no connection to us?
Some would say bragging rights I guess but what else do we achieve? No one will ever fully except one source definition over another’s even if it’s scientifically proven.


I thought it was Well established that Jesus was a buddhist monk and hence the entire christianity is a big missunderstanding in inturptreting the buddhist way and only used as a means of power(;

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Interesting, haven’t heard that one. Perhaps. It’s thought he had brothers and a wife too.


There is a bbc documentary where that theory is explored, along with the theory that Jesus never does on the cross and lived to hes 80’s

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I do believe that the basics of the Bible are true for the most part and I do accept the existence of a deity named Yahweh and a man named Jesus who was baptized by John the Baptist, died on a Cross, and rose again to life and after forty days ascended into Heaven, I also believe that his Mother, Mary, also ascended to Heaven.

Does anyone know about the story of the St. Thomas Christians in India? They were a Church founded by St. Thomas the Apostle, and after a few centuries they lost contact with the rest of the Christian world. In the Mid 16th century, when Portuguese Catholics came to India on Mission to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ were surprised to find an entirely autocephalous Church existing in India the entire time. They practiced all the same Sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Confession, Annointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Holy Matrimony). Their liturgies had a very similar structure. And they had more or less the same theology. It’s things like that which make me really believe that Jesus was real and his impact measurable.

Early Christians were the first to ever practice any form of social welfare. Emperor Julian the Apostate (as history remembers him) was the last Pagan Emperor of Rome. He tried to revivify the Pagan traditions and in a letter to Arsacius, a High Priest, he wrote:

For it is disgraceful when no Jew is a beggar and the [Christians] support our poor in addition to their own;

I don’t think that was a rhetoric device, I think that Emperor Julian was being very literal. In Rome, at the time, it was acceptable, if the father didn’t want another child he could have his children placed out in the wilderness. We know from the letters of Augustine, Bishop of Hippo that consecrated virgins would search the countryside and would bring any infants they find exposed to the elements. Some they nurse back to health and the Church raised them, and some were too gone and all they could do was bury them as the hundreds of children’s graves in the catacombs attest to.

Jesus was a different kind of voice in a world where status meant everything. Jesus changed the world.

But, about Yahweh specifically, I do believe that he is a Tulpa of massive influence, as I do with most non-physical entities. That isn’t to say that he isn’t real. He is very real. But, his genesis is in the minds of Man. Including the Man, Jesus Christ, until his apotheosis.

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I don’t care whether the Christianity god exists or not. I would still hate the fact that he ordered man to commit genocide when he could just use his angels to do it and he did that, but on another event.

What’s the point with man killing each other? That motherfucker called Jesus even said “love your enemies”. Is genocide is what you’re referring to, Jesus?


It’s ironic that in the Apocalypse of St. John, commonly known as Revelation (which wasn’t even accepted as valid by all the early leaders of the Church), that Jesus returns he very much does not love his enemies. Also, the Apocalypse is the only book of the entire Bible that teaches that hell never ends. I think that it’s very likely that Jesus taught a universalist Gospel, that all mankind would be saved. There is a carving in the catacombs of a shepherd carrying a goat.