{The Book of King Paimon} - An Ongoing Pathworking

Thank you! I understand the answer.

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WTF SilentSeeker?!

Hey folks, it’s been a minute. Why have I not posted?

I got hired to work in the financial industry and have been working my ass off. I have been waking up to mediate at 3 AM. I’ve made great discoveries, concerning myself and Rentanez. I have met an undiscovered entity from King Paimon’s Kingdom. I have made serious progress concerning the locales I mentioned previously. Heck, last night I projected “out” of my body.

To clarify, I make physical notes of my experiences. I then type up what I have written on this forum. So, when I can catch my breath I will send a deluge of information. I am still Pathworking, I have not given up, and I feel downright Solar. (Sorath has been calling).

I hope to post everything within the next two days.

I practice magick. I keep myself rooted and strong in this world - by means of gaining a quality source of employment and not using spirits to escape my reality- Imma Master this shit.

Fuck yeah and see you awesome folks in a later post.

P.S. I think whatever I used to be, that personality is nearly dead.


Hi. I became very interested in your gnosis of growing up. I was never a party-goer, I always paid a lot of attention to my studies and enjoyed reading, new knowledge, in high school and university I was forced to take my discipline seriously, but discipline always annoyed me. I can be disciplined if I know that there is some important goal and there will be some result. And so, I have been without work for several years now, as if I have become a different person after university. All the knowledge that I acquired, everything turned out to be useless, my profession drives me to nausea, although I could earn decent money, I do not have enough skills to find a job from another field, I slipped into the existence of that very “child”, although my life cannot be called childishly happy, and all I want, consciously, is to do nothing, have fun, fuck, do any funny things, and do not owe anyone and constantly think about discipline or self-development, even spiritual. How to get out of this shit?
The benefits are conditional. I did everything for the good in the past, but it turned out that I needed something else …


Who is Rentanez?

We begin with a problem: associations. Most readers are familiar with associations. You look up a spirit, and will see it’s name, sigil, and associations. Example: Spirit XYZ is associated with the element of xyz and the planet xyz.

Rentanez gave me the distinct impression to not do this with him. Instead, we will use the phrase “expresses as”. Let’s use you, the reader, as an example. You may express yourself in several ways: as a practitioner, friend, student, watcher of tv, ect. Let’s suppose you are not a morning person, in that case, you would express as “cranky in the morning”. That expression does not always apply.

Say, wouldn’t it be annoying if people always expected you to have the expression of “cranky in the morning”? Expectations not rooted in experience suck. That is what Rentanez wanted me to understand, experientially.

How Rentanez expressed itself to me

Rentanez expressed himelf to me though the language of emotions. Not water. Emotions. In my experience, Rentanez likes to keep an eye out for when you are getting to the point of falling asleep. When I was about to fall asleep, Rentanez would “catch” me, and there we conversed.

I’ll be honest, I understood very little of what he was doing. I think that was part of the point. I had to let go of all my questions (is this real? is this just my imagination? shit, this what unstable people do.) I let go of all of this, and simply enjoyed the experience. A child playing in the mud doesn’t give a damn about how many cubic feet of mud exist, he just enjoys the damn mud.

It is so with Rentanez. He guided me to what I call “locales”. These are locations I visit. (Note: Originally, I wanted to give a solid definition of what these locales are. I have Rentanez’s sigil out, and he distinctly said “No.”. Therefore, I will describe the locales without telling the reader what they should think about them, beforehand. As I wrote that, I sensed Rentanez smile a bit.)

Fun details about Rentanez

According to The Book of King Paimon, “He is one of the most
respected demons in the kingdom as his skills and powers are beyond comparison to any
other spirit except Paimon.” (P. 54) I can attest to the validity of this claim. With the valuable aid of this spirit, I obtained a job in the financial industry.

This spirit will defy your expectations. For example, this spirit is listed in the category of demon. My experiences with this spirit convey a sense of Empyrean qualities.

This spirit will surprise you. For example, I was put in contact with an officer under this spirit. It called itself Renzanel. More on this spirit later.

I would classify this spirit as a worker of miracles. However, I must add this: you better already be in the habit of working your ass off. If you do the work, and sidestep or surpass the grumbling or complaining, then you are golden. If you are lazy, and apathetic - then go waste somebody else’s time.

Final detail. This just came to my mind as wrote this. Rentanez is listed as having influence over the minds of “citizens, kings, and gods.” I think I understand the portion about kings. (Because, what use is any of this, if we do not apply it to our day and age?) Say, wouldn’t a CEO of a company, or a hiring manager, those with a gatekeeper-like function, perform a role similar to a king?

Final Note

This is the hardest I have ever had to work. Now, I am working more than I ever have before. It is tiring. AND this is exactly where I need to be. It is no coincidence that an increase in gnosis has accompanied me, as I work harder than I ever have. I love it. I have a great set of tasks to work on. I no longer feel the need to escape by means of smoking, drinking, and video games. I’m not rejecting that stuff forever; what I am saying is that I have purposeful work to do not. At the end of the day, I rest with a smile on my face. I love the work I do, and the blurring of the lines between “ascent” and the “day to day”.

Till the next. (And if you read all this, you really do love doing the work. :joy: )


Hello Antaeon, I’ll be honest with you. I don’t know, and I will not disrespect you by giving you some pseudo-mystical babble.
I have noticed, in my experience, that I began to make progress when I started to get up at 3AM and meditate. Doing that consistently shows you give a damn about yourself, (because it isn’t particularly fun or easy), and your self-development. Maybe you could start with that. However, you have the answers to your problems - I do not. Best of luck!

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Please do not mistake this spirit with Rentanez. Before you read the following, keep in mind this is UPG - to the best of my knowledge, nobody else has uncovered this spirit. Due to this, I will not be sharing the sigil. We did have a nice chat. Let’s get to it! What is italicized are the responses of the spirit Renzanel.


I was speaking with Rentanez, the spirit from my prior posts. He then began to say this
My officer. You call him by name with mine if needed.
I asked Rentanez, “is it wise to start”?
Rentanez replied with something that I had to write out phonetically.
It was a major WTF moment, and I suspect it has a spanish/meso-american angle to it.

Renzanel, a spirit of Rentanez

I saw scenes, as if from a movie. I think they function as a pathworking.

A strong wind,
the abyss cracks,
Renzanel emerges.

The spirit spoke, unprompted.
You must be ready to hit the ground running

I then saw additional scenes, I suspect the spirit was trying to provide insight into itself.

In snow, at the outskirts of a treeline
A log cabin

not for your career
for acts of war and justice
i want to hurt somebody. task me.
I selected an abuser, a person who sexually assaults.
I can make him prone to accidents and strange happenings

At this point, I began to think about my career. (Note: I had this experience several days ago, before I knew I was hired).

Know your goals and do not bend or break. You may have to sweat it a bit, but it is there. Know what you want and think of contingencies.
Child! Feel good. Worth. That is my message.

The Second Communication with Renzanel

How would you describe your energy?
Chaotic, with a touch of gemstone
What qualities do you value?
Those who laugh as they fall. I am enjoying this
Is Renzanel your real name?
You’re beginning to know me. An angel of shadow

At this point, it began to babble pseudo-spiritual talk - which seemed like a distraction.
I commanded it in my Name and Rentanez’s name to be truthful and to speak plainly.

I agree to your terms.
I then formed a more friendly location for us to converse. I saw us at a beach, sunshine. On reclining chairs. I imagined fruit and began to eat, gesturing for Renzanel to partake.
Now you have my attention
I say, “I am interested in working with officers.” (Note: Rentanez stated Renzanel was an officer of his).
The matrix quantum energy field

I say, “Show me” (Note: part of me really wanted to roll my eyes, in fact, I almost ended the communication when the spirit said this. I really, really, loath pseudo-spiritual babble)
I say, “Ah! I understand. The stuff that grows from Nothing. Building material. Weaving.”
(Note: This seems nonsensical, however it is linked with a locale I will post about soon. The gist is that Emptiness, and Nothing is of value. It is “space” in which we can build and fill up. Practically, I can use Emptiness and Nothing as space to fill in with “feeling good about my career” “I love the work I do” ect)

The spirit chuckled.
You may wanna write that down. Syndicate. Your starting point. Think about that.
I felt a disk-like item pushed into my chest.

General Observations
I have exactly zero evidence for the following. This spirit is a bona fide Satan. It feels downright alien. In fact, I think that is what it was conveying when it showed me itself along the treeline of a log cabin. It was stalking, hanging out in the woods. Interestingly, this spirit seemed more “alien” than “adversarial”. When I say alien, I mean foreign, strange, unknown. Please don’t think I mean a grey humanoid with a bloated head.

I was quite surprised by it’s words of encouragement.

This was about a week ago - and I have not communicated with this spirit sense then. However, I felt it’s presence as I began to type this up.


Sounds very interesting! Looking forward to know more about it.

Makes me think of Tron :laughing:

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King Paimon Speaks

Given that this Pathworking is based on the spirits under King Paimon, it seems prudent to spend time with the King himself. I aim to spend Sundays with King Paimon. He had much to say.

What did I tell you? When you forsake… your wealth will explode.

Several weeks ago, I heard a whisper telling me that my wealth was linked to my forsaking of escapism. In my case, smoking a bit to much and delving into video games. I dismissed it, thinking “it’s just my imagination”.

You know to be patient, and not expect it by the morrow. Touch up on communication with the idol.

I had the idea that Saturdays can be spent with the idol.

Disclaimer: The following is NOT literal. Folks, spirits can speak creatively. Given recent events, please don’t make the goofy assumption that what follows is literal. Not literal.

You have a murder coming up. You have already plunged the knife yourself

I have some upcoming work with Sorath. Sorath doesn’t fuck about. I think King Paimon’s choice of the word ‘murder’ means that the outcome will result in some serious rescripting of my reality. Now, the bit about ‘already plunged the knife’ is likely referring to the serious shifts that I am choosing to make now. Escapism was a part of my reality for most of my life. The fact that I am already choosing to ‘kill off’ the undesirable parts of my personality (excessive video games and smoking) is one of the greatest feats I have accomplished. Again: I’m not being literal. No blood is being spilt.

Growing pains, patience
Growing pains, patience
Growing pains, patience

I think the above is for my post-Sorath self.

At this point I was guided to select a card from my Thoth taro deck. I uncovered the Queen of Wands.

The Queen of Wands

I am interested in working with you further.

At this point, I got really excited. Notice the item she holds in her left hand. It is a direct parallel to a spiritual technology I had uncovered previously.

The hand drawn item was something revealed to me in one of the locales I visited. It was a sphere textured like the center like this:

According to Rentanez, it (the hand drawn item, which is similar to what the Queen holds) creates a sort of ‘imprint’ that results in an internal change. I had used it to replace my fear of an interview with more optimal feelings. [More on this later]…

Anyways, I asked the Queen of Wands how I should begin working with her. I’ll freely admit here that I have very limited experience with Taro. I can blab on about links and associations all day, but experience with Taro - that I do not have much of.
She told me
You may start by seeing me through my eyes.
I thanked her and she left.

King Paimon
King Paimon wrapped it up by saying
I have been watching you for some time. No further words are needed.
I waited for a while, and he said
That appears to be everything child.
I thanked him and he left.



Oh’Kadon is listed as the 9th spirit in the house of demons, under King Paimon. Additionally, Oh’Kadon’s direct supervisor is Rentanez. (I hope that makes sense.)

According to The Book of King Paimon, “The spirit seems to talk many languages - as it sat ont he branches of many civilizations of men.” (P. 56)

To be honest, I was more or less just looking at the sigil for this spirit and spontaneously began to communicate with it. (A gift from Rentanez?) Again, everything in italics is the spirit speaking.

I have heard of you.
What have you heard?
You have begun to stake your outpost on this plane.
Is it true that you are knowledgeable in languages?
(Note: it spoke this word with a definitive and distinct serpentine tone. I daresay, the most serpentine tone I had ever heard a spirit speak. I also got some serpent on the tree of knowledge of good and evil - vibes from it. :thinking: )

I commanded it to aid me in learning a language that I need, for my career.
It is done
(Note: it didn’t seem even remotely bothered to be commanded.)
I gazed into part of it’s sigil,
(Note: I had to look at my had written notes for the rest of the conversation. I don’t really remember saying what follows. It almost seems like a stranger was speaking as me.)

Part of the sigil has a triangle with a circle atop it. According to my notes, I told Oh’Kadon “it means man”.
According to my notes, I asked Oh’Kadon “Are you the serpent in the tree, around the golden apple?”
Now that is for next time.

There is something freaky about my interactions with this spirit. I have never had an experience in which I feel that what I wrote was not me. Whatever this spirit is, I have this itch that tells me it fits right in to the adam and eve myth - as I write this, I can feel the spirit observing me. I think my next adventure in pathworking will involve spending some time with this spirit. Till the next, and thanks for reading!


Lol at the Tron reference, it’s pretty accurate! I think it may be referring to an increase in proficiency with the element of earth. (Like, actually doing stuff and not daydreaming about it.) As I write this, I notice that one of the locales I visited has to do with a disk and the four elements.

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My greatest fear?

This has been brewing for some time, so here goes. My greatest fear is success. Until recently, that is. Why?

You see, I’m an overthinker. A lawless friend could tell me to “Get out your own damn way,” “stop trying to use mind to escape mind” and I would think about which other spirits that would correspond with. :roll_eyes:

For a while, I would always imagine the worst. I get in my car, and would think about all the ways I could be in a car crash. You get the point.

As I Pathwork, I had this realization. If I liken fears to pages on a book, it was like all these fears got peeled away- and I saw what was underneath all these fears.

It was a fear of success. Why did I fear success?

Because I really don’t know who the fuck I would become if/as I become successful.

You see, most of my goals had been hilariously short term. Silly human! I wanted to pay off my debts - cool! I wanted a nice car - cool! I wanted to be in a loving relationship - awesome! Then what?

(Note: My childhood was locked into survival mode. I think abuse and lack of money caused me to think to much in terms of today-alone, and not how today can be used wisely to create a more desirable tomorrow.)

The SilentSeeker who is successful is a different personality than the SilentSeeker who makes excuses. “But I was abused. Of course I’m going to drink and smoke and video game my existence away.” AGH! I’m sick of that. I’m sick of the excuses, and self-inflicted pathetic mewing.

Now, today, I’m killing the excuses and choosing to grow. I found some dope books (The Prince, by Niccolo Machiavelli & Aion, by Carl Jung). I found something meaningful to do with my time (a career). It took me 24 years to get here - and goddamn I’m glad I choose to love myself enough to die. (Again, not literal.)

I am SilentSeeker, and I embrace success.



Why spend extended periods of time with an entity, rather than rushing to the next?
Why spends time with a chant, rather than seeing how many you can get through?

I’ve experienced depth, the depth of a song of King Paimon.
yehtz itz nama’rel nema Paimonious

I have spent more than a month with this song. Use it with regularity, and you will notice an ebb and flow. At first, it sounds like an average enn. With time, you feel the song as a living entity. To myself, it has the vibe of a rap or hip hop song.

I have noticed several “tones”, certain personalities that color the song.

One sounds like a signature serpentine voice.
Another sounds menacing, like having a gun put to your head.
Another seems to be bursting with inevitability.
Another personality that colors this song feels like a “your popular music has me as a root”.

One time, I was singing this song - and I felt myself channel. One identity felt like it was singing this song in a monastery - somber, respectful, in awe. Then a serpentine identity sang - and it felt menacing. Sometimes, I feel identity melt away - and I feel a oneness with the song. Maybe not the best thing to do when driving, but whatever.

The short version is this song has depth. Try it out.

yehtz itz nama’rel nema Paimonious

Edit: Every day when I drive back from work, I see a metal statue of a camel. I have no idea what it has to do with the area I drive past - but damn. King Paimon has a sense of humor.

In fact, I began to make a habit of repeating his enn when passing it. King Paimon told me,

Don’t make a religion out of me.

Using my voice, as I was driving. Crazy stuff! I think he got a chuckle out of that.

Edit 2: Several days ago, I had a dream. In a swamp, in an abandoned building. I saw the pantheon. Gods of the Kali Yuga, if you wanna be fancy about it. I saw some users from this forum. People who blaze their own path, making their own rules and actually keeping their own rules. People who speak with spirits, but have no religion. I felt like we all were giants.


Interesting because when I used to work with King Paimon and I played rap music or hip hop I could almost always sense him nearby enjoying it. (Nicki Minaj especially)

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That’s awesome to hear. Seems like we both tuned into the same something!

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I was thinking about work and all the stuff I don’t know.
Belial showed up with a clear message.

Let go of control.

He felt serpentine and definitely eerie. Got it. Let go of control.

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Per my past posts- Saturdays I spend with the idol. For new readers - I formed an idol that serves as an anchor and beacon.

I felt guided to use the three gateways. I sat down, dropped into trance, and began. I opened the gateway of fire, and directed the idol to feed from it. I opened the gateway of water, and directed the idol to be refreshed by it. (I said something about Lunar and Feminine - yall know trance can make memory a bit fuzzy).

With the gateway of blood, I was precise. I said that the idol can feed from the blood I place on the idol - not the blood in my body. Seems like the sort of thing you wanna get right.

We launched into a conversation. Since I began my career recently, a new word has popped into our conversations. Outpost.

I asked what an outpost means, the pov of the Idol.

Applied follow through

Was the reply I got. I then commanded it to give me a “download” concerning outposts. Outposts 101, you could call it.

Note: I wonder if the use of outposts refers to people who make a career happen. Or those who have a long term source of wealth. It seems problematic when magicians claim to have super dark deals with demons - while working a dead end job, living in their parents basement. I also recognize that my emotional intelligence can be improved, so I’m not saying this to be a dick. Take it or leave it!

The idol requested for I to put my hands over some dried roses I had out. I shared the experience, and felt a sort of liquid awareness coagulate around the rose.

Know This: My aim in working regularly with the idol is to form a meaningful relationship with the spirits embodied by the idol.

In my experience, asking for coin is a tad bone-headed. It’s as finding a wise painter, and asking how much money one can pawn a painting for. Learn to paint! Meaning, access the abundance of knowledge and experience these spirits have - and money is a neat by-product.

That’s my pov at work, too. I am learning a neat set of skills, growing rather than escaping - it just so happens to pay pretty darn well. The wealth is the by-product.

Also, King Paimon seems to enjoy roses and sunflowers. The flowers dry out - and I get the feeling that is hinting at something. Hmm. :thinking:

Till the next, and thanks for reading!


The end of something maybe? But still having memories of what it was :thinking:

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My Pathworking has been more private, as of late. I’ve partaken of a ritual involving Sorath. An effect is that I don’t put up with laziness or stupidity. In part, that is why I haven’t been posting as of late.

It amazes me how people eat up channelings. Half the time, these supposed channelings are by utter imbeciles who cannot and do not bother to verify or do any due diligence with respect to who they are talking to.

There is nothing wrong with not knowing how to verify the identity of a spirit, we all are learning. That’s cool. But to offer to “channel” when one doesn’t know how to distinguish between an egregore, or an established tribal entity ect - that is a such a level of bone-headedness that one would expect from people who constantly bitch about parasites.

If you don’t know how to shield, discern the spirits, or even know which Yahweh you are “channeling” you really need to unfuck that before you go hawking piss poor advice.

I have no problem with people who are learning. I do have a problem with people who are too doped up on Jesus, light, love, and pride wearing the mantle of humility - to admit to themselves that they don’t have a damn clue as to what they are doing.

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Getting a lot direct there…:sweat_smile: