The Big Chillout Thread

Well I have my kids this weekend, but I’m sure to be chilling out with this practicing before I get into working with the boom I purchased it for. I was using a Kalfu pendant, and well I’ve only found pendulums semi reliable to date, ontop of I’ve broken my Kalfu pendant so many times that I should toss it.

I am reading a book by Baal Kadmon that talks about how to essentially cleanse yourself before playing with the pendulum and he claims his simple technique of drinking water charged for cleansing the subconscious and using brainwave audios, caused his pendulum accuracy to go from 50%~80%.

I figure it’s a good time to try it, since I needed the pendulum for the next book I’m working through anyways.


Please do let us know how the charged water works! I’m interested in that one.

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Yeah I’m interested too. The studies on how water can be effected by emotions and energy, incline me to think it’s plausible.

But I’ve also not tested those theories, I’ve read about them many times, and just haven’t been arsed to freeze water to see if the shapes change with the intentions pushed into it. :woman_shrugging:

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Lol I don’t have a microscope even if I wanted to freeze it :blush:. Do you remember which book of Baal Kadmon the water info is in?

PS hope you had a nice 15th.

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It’s in his book called The Path of the Pendulum, an Unconventional Approach.

It was mostly just another day :slight_smile: I slept most of it, cuz I tend to do 36-48 hours awake, then sleep 14-16 hours. :woman_shrugging: But thank you :slight_smile:

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Wow I wish I could sleep that long! Thank you for the name of the book. :blush::blush::blush:

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Lol I usually wish I could sleep nightly, but it doesn’t bother me like it did when it first started occurring. I’d be all like, I just want to go to dreamland… and nothing would help.

I’ve always been a person that a single Benadryl would knock me out, then suddenly I could take 2 and not get the least bit sleepy. Seems my bodies adjusted to the schedule that works best for me. :woman_shrugging:

No problem, all of his books are in kindle unlimited. Some I like, others I don’t. I usually think he takes more of a ceremonial approach than I like though, is why I don’t care for many of his works. I kinda like to wing it instead. He gets really into the history of things, and his ability to read the older languages combined with his untraditional interpretations, make most of them interesting, even if I’ll never work with his processes.

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Ive heard of this, but shockingly, ive never considered charging my plant water. Imma be infusing it now with all kinds of love and nurturing goodness!!


I have actually been thinking about doing that too…

I’ve not done it, since I only have one poor little house plant that I’ve been trying to save since I got it, (small apartment) but every time I water it I think hmm, I wonder if that would help the poor little thing. It’s surviving, but not thriving.

It’s just a spider plant, but breaks my heart. When we get in the bigger apartment, I’ll have a balcony and several large windows, so I have plans to get back to the plants I love. Slowly cuz money, but I can’t wait.


Excited for you!! :black_heart::black_heart::black_heart: I have an indoor garden with so many plants at least one needs a water daily, which I find works best for me. I love caring for them but dont wanna kill any with too much attention, so the high volume allows me to indulge my need. Ive a couple that suck up the water in a matter of a couple days (my house brugmansias and walleriana). I do know I need taller ceilings, so hope to move when my lease is up or some of my house trees will outgrow my ceiling. I could control with pruning, but I want them to be as tall as possible before snipping the top growth. I think itd be neat with cathedral ceilings to have trees looming over. Specifically brugmansia. I want it to droop its flowers from a canopy in my future bright tall ceiling living room. Im also excited to experiment with how the fragrance impacts dreams, since ive been testing different dream botanicals. Brugmansia is related to datura(formerly tree datura), so consuming isn’t advisable, but just the fragrance of the flowers is supposed to give horrific vivid dreams, and I want to see. Horror to the mundane may just be an opportunity to the mage.


Ha! I’m the exact opposite and even Ambien no longer works. THC edibles are legal in my state and I take those to sleep. They work beautifully.

I already borrowed that book via Kindle Unl. Thanks again for the read. :blush::blush:

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No problem! I slept like a baby when I lived where weed was legal lmao. Also sleep more regular when I’m around someone else, and want to go to bed with them, but being alone most of the time for the moment, Idk. Just different lmao.

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I like to bake to chill out.


Those are exquisite! I was just starting to master sourdough until I was diagnosed as a Celiac. It’s great fun to bake! You made the Macarons yourself as well? Great job.


Thank you! Yes, I made all of things myself.

I just threw out my third attempt at a sourdough starter last night. If you have any resources that you found helpful, maybe you could share them? My starter would get a little bubbly and smell pleasantly sour, but it would never rise after feeding.

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I had great luck with starter and I was going to ask YOU about a non wheat based starter haha!

I started with the King Arthur starter and it worked beautifully. You order it online and feed it when it arrives. I never had problems but I keep my kitchen around 75 as well.

You can use dried fruit to make your own starter initially. You can even buy very old San Francisco starter on eBay. I never went as far as I wanted to with it. But you seem to be naturally good at baking based on your post.

Miss Keteriya was talking about changing the water molecules in a previous post and that was actually something I thought about a lot when it came to my starter. I wonder if you can change the water molecules to something of a more positive ilk, if they would result in better bread?

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Have you thought about making a starter with rye and then mixing in a GF flour for feedings? You might need to boost it with store bought yeast if you do that. I am just spitballing here, I’ve never done any GF baking.

I actually got the starter recipe from the KAF website. I use KAF products when I can. I did create another starter this morning. I am using a glass container this time. I know the KAF recipe said food grade plastic is ok, but I look around at various websites and everyone is using glass. I am also going to keep the starter somewhere warmer.

I always charge my first cup of coffee in the AM, but I have never thought about doing it for starter water. I’ll give it a whirl tomorrow.


Those look really good. Im shit with making bread. I can never get the yeast to activate.


Don’t use hot or cold water. :laughing: Just slightly warm.


Im normally a pretty good cook, just bread eludes me. Ive tried so many times and it just never rises.