The Azazel Sigil Conundrum

You also had a word about this here.

I completely disagree.

I means the basic premise is incorrect imo, that people get railroaded unknowingly into calling only a version of Azazel that is “Saturnian” because you see, when doing magick it’s, it’s the intention that matters, so that happens only of they intended it. I don’t think most people do or even know.

So, yes, IF that is your intent (and it usually is but it’s still optional) then this will be the case, however, as noted many times on this forum and evidenced by multiple people’s experiences the sigil itself does nothing, it’s the intent of the practitioner that matters. Every time. The sigil is just ink on paper or pixels on a screen and is not inherently magickal until you make it so.

You can use completely the wrong sigil and still get the intended entity. This happened on cam with Jehannum and its happened to me.

Use the sigil of “Saturn” intending to get your conception of Azazel, you get Azazel. That’s literally how it works.

So it doesn’t really matter.

If you get your head in the right space someway, somehow and you’ll to to talk to who you want to talk to regardless, and that may or may not be related to the scribble on the paper before you.

Whether that’s an aspect, a being seen through the lens of “infernal”, as a Watcher, as an angel, as the Promethean, as a “Mask of Lucifer” (ref Asenath Mason’s books) or as your monster-cocked fucktoy as some have astoundingly, used him here, more than once.

To me (and probably this is only me) he’s my sire and I owe him my very existence, though I haven’t decided if that pleases me, and maybe it doesn’t. He’s very much more than an aspect of Saturn, so I agree completely there. In my UPG he’s existed not just before humans, or before JCI religions with their small minded categorisations and judgmental epithets, but before the solar system was formed including Saturn and the Earth. Imo he’s a high level power of creation. Anything we do to contact that must be lensed and limited or we couldn’t relate to it.

Quite a lot more than merely Saturnian, it’s more like Saturn and he share some resonating energy imo, but that doesn’t make them related.

You put the effort in you get to choose, you’re the magickal one, you’re the creator being,

A ridiculous exercise really, and one that shows people are taking symbolism way too literally. Seems to be a common problem in this age of “science” that everything has to be literal and left brained. That’s not how symbols are supposed to be used, though, they’re not science they’re art, speaking to and through the subconscious, and debating them is not a substitute doing the work.

Symbols are gateways to feelings and experience that cannot be described in words. That’s the point. But what that experience will be is guided not by the ink but by you and your mindful intention. This is why they work.

So I don’t see the need to give your power away to other people’s doodles based on their over-intellectualised posturing about them. Use them as a tool, great, but I think you’re giving it way too much credit.

“Officially” according you you… ok :smiley:

But why? What version of Azazel is this, what “aspects” have you been contacting of this vast being lensed through your energetic system, and why should anyone care to contact that one over the version they usually contact?

What does “incredible” results mean? Do you have any anecdotes?

I mean it’s a creative god that usually tells people to go work with it’s lessers that are more relatable to the human level, so I’m not surprised invoking it’s aspects works great… But again, if you have the mind to you could get results from a dot on paper, or not even, from pointing your finger in the air, intending to get this version of Azazel, so… yeah.

I’m not sure how helpful it is to perpetuate weakness in modern mages, encouraging them to rely not on themselves, but on the tools, here a sigil as if it were any more than a prop to help you think.