That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

Huskies and shepherds get along well. I just wouldnt get any small animal companions that could be seen as prey to either one of them lol. My Huskie loves to hunt prey in my yard.

Aww she’s adorable! I think a german shepherd puppy would make a good companion for Oreo. Protective, good energy levels, intelligent just like him.

Too cute! My mom has 2 shepards and they are very well behaved. I’d take the little one in a heartbeat if it weren’t for me already having 4 pets :sweat_smile: I’m maxed out on pets and kids at this point

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I think I might call about her. Then see if my puppy and her get along. He is half Husky half Shepherd. My kid loves German Shepherd so much.he also loves huskies that’s why our puppy now was perfect.


She made me go hide in a room for a few so no patients would see if they came. Im Almost positive now that it’s my blood pressure. I think they need to lower dose. The symptoms I’ve got are either blood pressure bottoming out or sugar.

I have a half husky half lab, it took her 2 days too learn her strength versus a pup, but my half husky is 7 and the puppy was a 9 week old basset hound. They’re cool now, especially since the humping went down after getting him neutered. Huskies are good dogs, I imagine yours would adjust just as well!

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Watching my childhood movie that was a bit scary…an american tail

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Yes I love him and the puppy snug I can think of is those ears! Their ears are so big until they grow into them :two_hearts:

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Tmw still having the same feeling of being in the void as I did during ritual from this morning. Not a bad feeling, just something new.

Also, upon some research into the mantra (for the lack of a better word), I found that the words are a combination of old Russian and Old French, which are languages I am not familiar with in detail. A rough translation would be “The name of the Emperor of mushroom/decay”


I had some kind of awakening today. Everything just all makes sense and is so clear now.

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Love the roses :rose:

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I got an ear piercing gun. I got a feeling things might get out of hand.


I made it home safe. Now to not fall into anymore walls :laughing:


That moment when your sweet Southern sassy as fire side comes out to play. I’m going to hell.

“Hold my hand bag, suga!”


I’d open a can of worms, but I won’t.

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Uhg. The day seems to never end.

Why did you delete this the video was amazing.

I agree with this.

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Tmw this song is giving me the feels for some reason. Not that it is a new song and is a fan made song based on a video game, just hitting a cord for some reason. Something I will have to explore

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I dunno. I undeleted it.

I just feel weird. Like all of my light is being pulled into the dark. It’s like this really dark dragon is wanting to come out to play and she’s more vilolent than Malificent.

It’s not a nice dragon, it’s an evil demon dragon that wants to bite someone.


That moment you think you can do this:

But realize you’re still at toddler stage of the game:

And you just feel certain people are laughing at you, because you think you can scare the inhabitants of hell. When in fact, I just want to shave my legs and wear heels.

I wannnnaaaaa go out. But instead, I look like this:

(Not really me?)

But noooooooooooooo, I’m still stuck at home in isolation due to being told to stay home and not get into the bullshit of things.

Wow, tangent.

Maybe I’ll just shave my legs. I should probably schedule a wax too. Swimsuit season. Lakes are open. I can go to a lake by myself or with a friend local to me. Owwieeee, I’m gonna hurt for a few days. Which one should I get? Both are from Torrid.

Oh wow, sorry, that was a tangent.

But still, now I see this type of dragon.

:rabbit2: I went down the rabbit hole. Sorry.

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