That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights


Last night I seemed to have a stray vampiric spirit around.

Wonder if it’s the current run of books/talks on balg…


Due to new stuff being put on my job duties, i gotten overwhelmed today and bought cigs so i could smoke…along with a coke float

Made this thing from The hocus pocus spellbook and a couple hundred blank pages bound together for a halloween decoration. Wondering if I should paint the long snek bronze to match the actual bronze figurines


Tmw you decide to replace a (likely glass) “moonstone” on one of your favorite rings with a decent quality sapphire. The ring I found in the woods (I think) and its like 10 euros new. The sapphire cost me about 40 euros, when I was collecting jewels 15 years ago…

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Tmw, in an unexpected twist I think I’m being called to do some angelic work. Possibly on behalf of relatives, cuz they too out the loop and clueless to do anything of the sort.

The angels don’t bother me, but I don’t feel entirely compelled to benefit my relatives…:expressionless::face_exhaling::unamused:

:angel:🫡 :face_exhaling:


If you feel reluctant, you could always see it as some kind of earning experience points with angelic magic :slight_smile: Whenever I feel “called” to help someone out that I don’t exactly vibe with, I am treating it as another notch in my belt.


Pretty much how I’m going to approach it :relaxed:

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Tmw today seems suspiciously pleasant. Set up a wealth altar yesterday and so far today I got a net gain of 300€ in free or severely discounted stuff. Included are a very large key, black skull candles, and several items of clothing, one of which (listed at a bit over 200€) I got for free as a gift due to one of the items I previously ordered being out of stock. The actual replacement item I chose was also listed as 50 € more expensive than the original item. I find myself in a strange state of actually smiling :sweat_smile:


Tmw you tried to light palo wood blocks and they wont stay lit long enough to release there scents

Tmw, youre perusing kingdoms of flame this morning and come across…

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tmw your friend reintroduces you to magick but you’re too sick to do anything

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Tmw, not sure if the jackass I burned a petition against decided to fuck right off or Dantalion worked SUPER fast…

I’ll give it a bit more time. So far so good though…

:pray: :blush: :smiling_imp:


My boss has moved more stuff around the kitchen and thrown expired stuff out also

She was surprised that i could sing

The moment when the majority of your fingers on one hand all have little Knicks out of then and they hurt a little

Tmw a coworker annoys you to no end in one moment…and needs to leave you in another moment because they suffer a very sudden streak of strong diarrhea. Evil eye still on point :relieved:


Tmw, this made me think of @Angelb1083


I need her! She is so cute and perfect for a kitchen witch’s kitchen!

Tmw you charge an item with a spirits energy and now you can’t sleep.

[whispers] you can find her on Etsy…you can pick the colors…and there’s a version with a little black cat curled up in the spoon…

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I need the one with the cat! Can you DM me the link please??

I truly need to write a witchy cookbook. It has been on my heart and mind for years.