That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights


Donā€™t worry I have my aqua net by the gallon :joy:


Well my seasonal job is going okay, Iā€™ll be working 3 days next week during Thanksgiving breakā€¦and I might get a holiday bonus soā€¦i also got my hair cut yesterday as it was too long to deal with it

TMW your nephew gets off the school bus with a handful of money. I asked him, where did you get all that money?

And he says, I sell snacks at school :joy:

He made 38 dollars today !

:joy::joy: hes 11!


Going places.

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TMW you get shivers out of trying to remember your dreams once awake.

Iā€™m afraid she passed a couple of months ago. Aggressive mouth cancer. By the time I asked for help it was already going to take a miracle, and it improved a little but was worsening faster than I could heal it.
She was 22, she had a good run. :slight_smile:

On the bright side, I worked with Samael and Ebuhuel to provide safe passage out of the reincarnation zone and watched her transform. She informed me her name was actually Solari, or something like that, and she was gone, gone. Unlike other cats Iā€™ve not seen any astral remnants or her ghost either.


They may have crushed and broken a lot of things, but these cheap ass, dirty, eye lights made itā€¦


Ooooh creepy. Eyelights. I like em :+1:


The bushes grew so fast in Hawaii that they overthrew the other two strands and we couldnā€™t save them. Got them at Walmart, iirc.

Waitā€¦so sheā€™s not going to reincarnate?

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If she wants to, and not if she doesnā€™t, and who knows if that will be on Earth? :slight_smile:


Ahhh I understand :slight_smile:

When you find out you have all this coming week to do nothing but magick! :star_struck:

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I just found out that when my little dog runs off from my house sheā€™s going to the assisted living home and plays with the elderly people. :dog: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:. I ainā€™t even mad, she brightens someone elseā€™s day!


We had to have 4 oaks removed this year. 3 were dead and the other was a danger to the house foundation. I grabbed four sprouting acorns and planted them in pots, with the intent of planting the ones that made it in a few years.

When I came back from our Thanksgiving trip to Atlanta, I noticed one of the pots had tipped over. I set it upright and went about my business. Tonight, I saw this.

The squirrels are stealing my acorns! You can see where one of them sat and ate the damn thing.

Gonna have to have a little talk with themā€¦


I told you to keep them in doors.

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Didnā€™t have a way to water them while I was gone.

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Be kind to my squirrel army!


TMW youā€™re hella tired and spent40 minutes resting in the car with the dog listening to jazz rather than walking. Came back home and now going to indulge in my morning coffee.


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