That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

TMW you whine and cry about your life that it is hard and tough and you didn’t chose it or push yourself to born, and after death they ask you: “So, how did go this survival holiday you have planed”?

TMW your mini humans do mother’s day your way :smiley: oh and you find out why your dude was printing money off.

and you swallow a piece of fucking Lego :joy:


I was gonna ask if those were real :rofl::rofl: is the thought that counts lol

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Question is, are you a good which or a bad which?


I reckon both in his eyes, in my daughters eyes then bad all the way :joy:

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It sure is with him and you know it :joy:

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Tmw your mom gives you $125 in grocery money for tomorrow due to the casino winnings…and you won $0

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Sighs. This app @dagar -dip me in shit and roll me in bread dough.

Pretty sure I should delete this app.


So i keep saying that I will hex my ex stepdad…and as of what happened today that might be case as of now…today like usual he showed up while my mom was working and went to the neighbors…i texted my mom and she proceeded to text him, pretending that she doesn’t he’s at the neighbor and ask how Zoey his cat is doing and he basically lied to her through text saying he was at the apartment which was a big lie.

Then moments later after awhile he texted that he was at the house…at this point I would love to hex away but I need advice before I do it to hasty or his lie coming back to bite him hard to happen before I do it…my mom loves him but at this point it’s like does he love her for her or just for finance and security

I made a case for my Night Sun tarot deck, since the box was completely clapped.

Ducktape and magnets man, ducktape and magnets.


Oooh i wanna see the deck


Same! Same!

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It’s a neat deck. Blends the Smith-Waite style deck with the Thoth style deck, with a gothic/eastern aesthetic.


Wooah! That’s cool man!

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How do i introduce a muslim to magic? :thinking:
~She is cute, i wanna fuck her and love that confused woman…but still MUSLIMA. …

I dont want her be like this:

(looking at my dick) “is this haram?”
(looking at my human-bone relic) “is this haram?”
(looking at bloody sigils) “is this haram?”

Muslims are well aware of magick, but it is against the tenets of their religion to engage in it, however. They are told they must depend on Allah alone for protection. though their history is rife with the use of talismans and belief in Jinn is still fairly widespread in many Muslim countries.

If you care for her, be very careful in trying to manipulate the girl into going against her religion. Depending on how devout she is, it could damage her psychologically (there is also the potential for physical danger as well, as there are stiff penalties for transgressions) since religion occupies a large part of life for a Muslim.


hahahah…like when i left my cult. great…just…great.

hmmmmm she did seem interested when i gave her some superficial info on “the black path” :thinking:

idk. maybe i should just call up shaytan and see if he wants to help me with that.

You could always just ask her :man_shrugging:


she is currently with her family still…nah, also i did ask…its complicated