That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

I like the idea really much. I am not sure if its rather a problem of “Demand and supply”, tho (aka lots of OPs demanding magick oriented advice only = a load of micromanaging with spiritual approaches as solution) and how much grown up people should be able to discern when to call a doc because their guts are falling out.


TMW your kind couldn’t take it anymore :cry:

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Well it’s like you said, that kind of advice isn’t special enough. They’re here for a quick fix but I think awareness of this topic would go a long way if the regulars decided what was appropriate to say when these situations do come up.

I don’t like the idea of what we’re doing being used as medical advice. It gives us a bad name and makes us no different from the hardcore christians who think everything is god’s will.

There was this poster a while back who was showing clear signs of psychosis with psychotic features. She said she was possessed and couldn’t stop cutting herself. In the beginning nobody would tell her to go to a doctor. Everyone was telling her to do XYZ to fix her problems. And she was getting worse.

She ended up getting banned but it’s like what if she ended up killing herself because she took the wrong advice. That’s my problem with it.

I know I come off as someone who cares less most of the time but I grew up with a sibling who had schizophrenia and they couldn’t get any help from a doctor because my family had strict christian beliefs and believed everything was in gods hands. My sibling ended up killing themselves because of this.

So I take this shit seriously. And it fucking pisses me off when I see people tell others that evocation will fix their medical problems.


I had a kindergarten and school friend who dropped dead in the middle of a soccer match by the age of 12 because his parents refused to treat his heart condition out of religious beliefs (long story.).

I had success with non-mundane approaches for medical issues but the main amount of work is in MY hands alone (aka doing my share of research, choosing the right professionals, going to appointments, taking medicine and setting a foundation for everything) and I would never suggest a “one size fits all” solution when it comes to life threatening conditions.

I am not even sure how much of “You could ask spirit XY to ASSIST you with your problem” is given as advice compared to “Evoke XY to SOLVE your problem”, since I am not here 24/7 and I am not looking into each and every thread. Out of my personal experience I would say that a lot of Regulars tend to stay on the “This spirit will cover your basic needs for now but you’ll have to do your homework and its better for you to reach out to a pro” side, which is totally appropriate for a platform like this :thinking:


Did you flag it? I don’t recall what happened there. :thinking:


So I took a nap…and had a dream of being fucked by a demon…it skin was blue and uh I am a little confused cause that being felt familiar

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Agree. But also agree with the ladies. We tried to give mundane advices and to seek the help of a professional, but when the OP begins with “I don’t want to hear that I should take meds/visit a doctor cause of XYZ reason”, there’s no much you can do anymore. Tbh “magical solutions” should be forbidden as an advice for most of these cases, it’s like telling to a drug addict to get more drugs.


I’m not a fan of hitting the flag button but I told them to seek immediate medical attention. I can’t remember who locked the thread but I remembered they got banned or suspended. Either way they never came back.

I just remembered something from when I had the flu a few days ago lol.

I remember I was going in and out of sleep and this floating blood red and wispy black smoke was over me asking me to make a deal with it to heal me and I was like “no deal boi” and it kept trying to persuade me lol.

First time I had that kind of sickness hallucination before it was funny but lowkey I hope I wasn’t talking out loud with my family around lol

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If you think people are giving bad advice that is a real reason to flag, because I have a lot of copy-pasteable stuff to drop in, also I can usually steer replies away from a problem more easily. I don’t know exactly which former member you mean, so I can’t lookip what happened, I usually see people going straight to sensible advice though.

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I swear I am not crying.

I’m not here to snitch on anyone. If they want to act like fools then that’s their own business. I understand and respect the fact that you have a job to do but it’s not in my nature to ask for help.

It was a while ago. I can’t remember their name either. I admit some people do give sensible advice in these situations but for every person who does there’s three or four who don’t.

Honestly, it’s none of my business anyways. I just pointed something out and we ended up here. I’m going to drop this because it shouldn’t be any of my concern anyways.


Ugh I’m stupid, why would I file taxes for someone else who can’t even pretend to act nice to me unless they want something.


Not snitching at all, no-one’s going to “get in trouble” but it alerts me to something which needs attention.

This forum relies on members being part of moderation. not stood outside looking in, at a tiny group of mods with infinite powahs. No “bystander effect” round here! :smiley:


You do realize cults have the same mentality? I’m not a kool-aid drinker. :rofl:

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Yes, we’re a dangerous cult of banning trolls, and keeping spam and abuse off the forum. :roll_eyes:

Seriously… :laughing:


Look, @A_Pariah.

I used the double amount of scent than I used in the Nofretete soap, but so far I only smell the cocoa butter. I guess I’ll have to wait and see.


Maybe the carrier oil from the manufacturer is too much compared to the flower extract they’ve used :thinking:


Maybe, yes. 6 weeks in the future I’ll know.


Tmw when you start your first real step on your magickal journey. Taking on Robert Bruce’s NEW system. It’s Taking a few rereads to understand just the first couple points but I already know more than before so that’s fun

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