That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

My mom car broke at her job…dont know how it broke

why was 3rd eye drops banned?

Simply being here for the sole purpose of causing drama, talking massive shit about respected members of the community, and calling @Lady_Eva and several other people some very unkind things in blatant violation of the rules, despite many warnings.

He deserved it.


i see

He also called my GF a ‘bucktoothed tranny’.

That right there almost set me off enough to sling some really nasty baneful shit his way. I would have done it too if my dear didn’t tell me it wasn’t worth the effort.


the reason i asked is because i didnt see any of this, but thanks for explaining

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TWM some voice tells you that Izanagi wants you to be his wife…(and you are a guy) :flushed:

… im gonna call him up just to be sure…that it was just a eggregore messing with me…right?

The penalty is still death in many places

I’m craving bbq…brisket :drooling_face::drooling_face::drooling_face:


i was reading bbc … :flushed: …THE BROADCAST STATION…yes


You usually interpret things you read based on what’s on your mind at the time, so I’m not sure what that says about you… maybe lay off the pornhub for a while.


shit hit the fan quickly huh?

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Well doesnt the bbc broadcast the baking show?

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:3 … yes

I only like the bbc cause of Sherlock and doctor who…both I can’t watch cause I don’t really have cable or a way to stream it on laptop


It actually stands for “Bourgeois Bureaucratic Cunts”. True story.


And the Autistic comment he made almost made me get myself banned. I stepped away because MY CHILD IS AUTISTIC has more respect and extremely smart.

Then dissing those who are really great I nearly blew my lid.

On HAPPY NOTE things slowly starting to work and turn out


Given the other types of people who get called “autistic” online (usually those focusing intensely on things, which the people involved hoped to keep concealed, and noticing patterns in events) I totally took it as a compliment.

Unrelated, I found this and felt like someone on here might need to be reminded of the sheer deception of most imagery on social media:


True Black Tarot becomes available again for purchase tomorrow night :clap: but I also want the children of litha deck :thinking:

or the nameless deck but it’s not out yet so that one doesn’t quite matter much.