That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

Bees I’m cool with (unless they approach my cats) but wasps and hornets should burn in hellfire


Protect cats at all cost…


wasps are more likely to sting though, bees are very docile during the winter months.


More docile in general, I think. Bees will sting if they feel their lives are threatened, wasps will sting if you look at them wrong…Hornets will sting because fuck you.
Bumblebees are pretty docile too


I guess your lucky this time then :joy:


Tmw your guides compliment me on my recent initiation and transition. It was difficult but they tell me many have fallen on the same path.

Tmw I log on and all of the posts listed as new are about jacking off and fucking waifus.



Don’t worry, this is actually being addressed. I think there may be a solution this month or whatever.


I’m not asking anyone to do anything about it. :joy:


I am :upside_down_face:


There’s a lot of issues that need to be addressed if you’re gonna go that route. For example, about once or twice a week someone posts about having issues with mental health and instead of telling them they should seek help from a licensed therapist everyone feeds into their delusion by telling them they should evoke X to solve their problems.

Isn’t that a liability thing?

Also if it’s about quality it would be nice to hear answers other than just evoke X to solve your problems. I understand that evocation is one of the 3 god-like powers discussed on this forum but it would be nice to hear people explain why evoking X would benefit someone. Nobody really shares any understandings anymore. It’s just an advice giving forum.


I didn’t mean that I am going to solve it; just that I want it solved.

I agree with this.

Some journals are filled with gems, but most of those journals are in the private section of the forum, I think we should have more of that in the public forum, but I don’t think I’ll be moving mine. Maybe I would, even if it is to incentivate others to do so.


This place feels like volunteering for xbox support.

Hurr durr did you restart your console? Did you check your internet connection? Try unplugging your xbox and plugging it back in.


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Did you restart your… candle?! Well, go and do that, damn it


I think the underlying issue here is that most of the OP in question are shrugging off “mundane” advice and they are great with finding excuses why no mundane approach will ever work and they’ve asked for a magickal solution anyway, you fucking armchair normie.

And because thats how things are going most of the time a lot of people don’t even bother to hand out mundane advice; I guess normal solutions aren’t “special” enough.


Tmw, my scrying mirror got the red ring of death.


I tried to offer real practical solutions or another point of view often times, but then someone says “evoke Lucifer” and they go all “what kind of candle do I need”.
I stopped bothering. :woman_shrugging:


No shit dipshit. I know it makes you feel special when you tell someone whose weaker than you that king belial will solve all of their problems. It’s whatever gets you off man.

Regardless, mundane solutions should be provided for those who claim to be mentally ill. Saying otherwise is pure stupidity.


Sometimes this shit is even connected to extensive research and with the consideration of the OPs location because my local advice won’t apply to another ones problem. And most of the time it gets ignored anyway, until someone else comes around with “You should totally evoke XY, a book told me that it will work!”

They should also be provided for other medical issues. Yet the amount of “Sending you my healing energy!” for even serious issues is overwhelming because thats what the OP is trusting more than any other source of expertise.


This here too.
I do healing work, yet I never go “I’ll send you my healing ray~~~” because while that can work, it depends on so much, doing this to a stranger whose problem you don’t really know is most probably wasted effort and they will receive no real help. They’ll feel better for half an hour at best.


I completely agree. I think this is extremely toxic behavior. It’s on the level of tealswan telling people to kill themselves if they don’t like their life because suicide is a reset button since we get reincarnated.

I think toxic spirituality should be addressed here. It can be extremely harmful to people in need of serious medical help.