That Moment When 8: Strange days stranger nights

TMW your kind tries to type ‘Gohan’ but it autocorrects to gnomes and you spam her until she crashes with gnome gifs and memes :joy:


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Tmw you once again had a dream about your old crush…again…and him wanting to be with you and leaving his married wife…ergh for fuck sakes I gotten over him years ago and moved on why the hell am I dreaming of you all of a sudden

Tmw you can’t go to sleep​:sob::sob:

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Time for asleep over :joy:

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Tmw your pissed because you were happy and satisfied and now you’re wanting more from life again😡

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Tmw you woke up and see that Abby your brother dog left a fking mess

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tmw storm and rain outside, the perfect cozy day to take care of yourself (= getting something out of your way)


Those soaps look great!

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It’s so hard to wait, but they need to rest for 6 weeks. If you try them earlier your skin won’t like it. :rofl:

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I wouldn’t have that amount of self control :sweat_smile:

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Yeah the first time I didn’t make it either. But you do that once and then you know it’s better to wait. :rofl:

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Are they “All in one”-soaps? Or do they differ for hair and skin?

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The Nofretete soap is definitely all in one, the herb soap too, but I don’t know yet if my sensitive skin will like it.
As for the red clay soap, I don’t know. I just poured the red clay powder in the soap, no idea if it was too much and I accidentally made a peeling soap. :woman_shrugging:
I’m still experimenting. :rofl:
Today I’ll make a Monoi de Tahiti soap, one of my favourite scents.

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I had a Monoi oil for my hair and skin (from Yves Rocher) for quite some time and the smell was just great :relieved:

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Yes, exactly that one! :heart_eyes: Your soaps will smell amazing!

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I hope so, I will either use too little of that oil or too much. :woman_shrugging:

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Tmw why the fuck did I have a huge wasp in my house at this time of year :rage: :rage: :rage:


TMW your little dude brings this to you, the youngling is learning quickly :joy:


From the looks of the remains (24 kg kettlebell dropped on it doesnt leave much) it was likely a queen hibernating in my firewood…Good riddance


It’s actually quite common they become so disorientated that they do it quite often, I have a beehive in my wall and they come in randomly through winter.