That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

What’s wrong

This is why I work with animals when I can… though I did like my 6 years retail it was all kids and babies the only humans I like.


So I wonder if that’s a sign I need it? :woman_shrugging:t2::thinking::joy:

No clue. I just found it ironic. You may run into extra cash soon or it is a good time to manifest money.


Ohshiza, totall forgot about that horny bitch. Life’s been sucking me dry lately with da shit to do.

Kinda drunk rn, will get back to you en la manana. Or the next day. Or the next day. Muahaha.

Seriously, though, I said challenge fucking accepted. I’m doing this bitch.


Tmw you’re tipsy AF, but to a point it’s easy for you to pretend to be sober BECAUSE YOU’RE NORMALLY JUST THAT WEIRD!


Oh I am liking this I might do that… I have a money spell I want to try.


Tmw you learn a valuable lesson from a spider that respun her web within a day after the rain messed it up.


TMW you write your beelzebub grimoire.


maybe you needed a better quality? like a different angle?

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TMW you realise that you write bomb ass knowladge in your grimoire but its nothing compared in what i have in mind and what is coming next.


The last 30 sec of E.A’s latest video strongly reminds me of this scene :laughing:


What do you mean?

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TMW your king paimon Grimoire/book is almost finished.


i mean how well the video was,if it can be heard or blurry you get the idea.

but aslo chech you email becuase thats where the Balg help desk awnsers.


Ah, now it clicks. I have explored that actually. It was taught as Óðr to me by a mentor when I was learning Ásátrú and Icelandic Staves.


Tmw you actually had to download the Icelandic Keyboard just to type Óðr

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TMW when you wanna make someone a cadaver and hide the body but it’s illegal :frowning:

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Lol. I know that’s was the response.
Ill ve discussing this with Azazel i have already let him know Clauneck check - not that I had to they re already know. Still .
The recording was fine clear though dome vocal sounds were unintelligible and dome were SD o fast buy there is no speed dial …
I have to find Someone who can teeth through it.

Congrats btw :wink:.

Tmw going to sleep earlier than usual so I can mediate on Azazel’s and Belial’s sigils to ask for some help with organization and prioritizing tasks at work as that has been my key weakness with the new position. My boss breathes over my neck, not seeing that having the pack of training for operators has made my workload beyond reasonable, and puts all my tasks as critical instead of giving a flow I can work with. So I will just have to create my own and come up with a routine that works, regardless of the horns I may have to cross. Success does not always come from being nice after all.