Tmw guys ‘n gals, as the previous thread starts to reach critical mass I though I’ d take responsibility and start 5th already so feel free. The stage is yours.
Its too early for this
No it’s not. There’s only like 700 posts to go before it will be locked automatically. It will reach over night if people are active enough.
Very well
Also thanks for randomly introducing me into Luciferian philosophy and magick
Tmw you want to put a curse on your rp site your on cause of a rule that shouldnt be in effect if it allowed under 18 users
My pleasure.
This name should stick
Farewell TMW 4. Hello TMW 5…Braver, Bolder, Bouncier!
Lol that funny
Ah regulars can edit the title. Good. I wasn’t sure about that.
Tmw when you make an offering to different spirit and a while after that you start to chant enn of Vine without clear reason why.
@Lady_Eva’s golden rule applies again. When you enter a strange world strange shite happens…
I think those tits are the real thing.
Good news…i found a new rp site
Don’t you hate it when that happens?
Define real? @Lady_Eva
Kinda rolls off the tongue doesn’t it?
Tmw when Middle Pillar Ritual has changed completely when doing it…
Tell me more.
Well, completely is maybe exaggerated said but as my clairsentience is really opening a lot I feel the energy of it, sometimes so much I drop on my knees for a moment. And then get up again and continue.