That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

In a village. My mother actually suffered a great deal from her “roots” and I am glad that at least I could cut them off and leave this place :smiley:


Same. Two dogs trailing behind me.

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Sometimes it is the better option for sure.


Hey, I’m not a mother or something but if I were one I would gladly share some vino out of sight from the kids on the playground with you :smiley:


That moment when…the stupidity burns.


Tmw I wish we had an age limit on here


Tmw you have been feeding flys to the spiders, to help with a freezer jar I will be working on


I believe it was 18+ only when I joined but there isn’t much a site can actually do to enforce that.


Excellent. I am inspired to experiment with the concepts you’ve mentioned … beyond my basic attempts

Tmw i kept pulling tangled hair to the point I pulled about a hand size of it

TMW inexplicable anxiety and loneliness
Like coming down from a massive high. Without the use of drugs herbs or mushrooms. … must be like how gods feel being human? Very strange feeling after the experience the wee hours of this morning.

TMW the one and only time I tried weed 20 +
Years ago… I was the only one who did NOT get high in fact absolutely Nothing happened in my body’s brain chemistry. Zilch. Weurd thing others were high as fuck.

Nah the reason being that some younger incarnated god/desses are advanced and highly focused spirits.
And fully mature adults who are white-washed into human chained mindsets and worse act like pre-human monkeys. That being said age is not as vlear when it comes to spiritual maturity. The rise of spirit levels up a person intellectual and behavioral maturity. That being stated there us the factors of personality and the coming to terms with ones powers.
Age or Sex are not an indication of suitability


TMW you venture into the dark wilderness with Azazel

There The Black Ebon Satyr stands in the darkness on the outer rim of the circle, awaiting the words of Kavon.


Stalk’em back. :grin:

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TMW you Feel like you suck. At witchy-ness and psychic-inaccuracies or just plain suck of being human your over it.
Time to evolve

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TMW After cleaning up your phones spaces etc. Your device is now more of a bitch then e ever. … and you know that you must replace it and so time to redo the money spell

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I’ve been throwing up blood, I’m in a lot of pain, & weak. If anyone has cursed me, I’m sorry if I did anything to hurt or piss you off. If you would please stop, now, I’d really appreciate it. Ugh.


Fuck, thats horrible! The last time I was vomiting blood I had a gastric ulcer going on :frowning: I really hope you can go to a doc or something, I know that this is not always an option for some people here :pensive:


Please get better soon!


Are you going to the hospital? ? Siunds akin to hepatitis or ulcers ask Mabras to hepl speed your recovery :heart: