Its fucked up they do it for boys but it is freaking HORRIFIC they do that with young girls.
If i could get my hands on the pieces of shit that do that to a woman… man…
So many things I wanna say but I think I better keep my mouth shut and respect the forum rules.
Tmw this communism ad that keeps showing up is really ironic and irritating btw.
In my med class it was wise to help due to over production of smegma and also if the skin is to tight on the head making it hard for erection and peeing and you can’t pull the foreskin back.
Plus if my history is correct, maybe not but in ancient Egypt it was practice for young boys to be circumcised to be able to be a man.
It was theorised by some to copy the “gods” who were born with no foreskin.
Other theory us it was just a common practice or a Choice.
Think all theories all related bs though
Those are medical reasons. The smegma bs… if you teach your children proper personal hygeine, it’s not an issue at all.
Yea plus guys flaunt if there cut or uncut…idk what that means though
The really unlucky ones were the Israelite sons who had to be circumcised twice: the Egyptian way (where only part of the foreskin was removed) and then the Jewish way after leaving Egypt (where the rest was removed).
The after leaving Egypt reminds me of a Robin Williams joke…I forgot how it went
TMW an Entity sets a task, and you try to cheat and he’s like “nuh uh, bitch!”
So do you guys have stories about an odd injury…I have one
I know, right? How do they always know? I mean not even I know for sure before I do so
Exactly! If I reach the end goal, what does it matter how I did it!
Tmw your wife suggested giving Anubis fried chicken last night and you brush it off, only to have Anubis ask where it was in a joking manner during the ritual and then have a dream about a jackal asking the same question. I guess he likes fried chicken
You better get that fried chicken I remember a spirit demanding my chinese takeout leftovers and I thought “Ah, I wanted to eat that tomorrow…”
So California had two earthquake day back to back
Yeah, right by Death Valley right?
Right lol although I think he was more or less trying to address my hesitation giving an African deity fried chicken as a white guy. Normally, I look passed things like that but I hesitated due to the goal of making amends during ritual. I guess he was reminding me that spirits don’t care about that and Ithat I should know better
@Dralukmun well I’ll be. Of course they seem to manipulate our causes sure enough