I’ve had Belial let me be sneaky bc I think he wanted something and the next time he made sure I couldn’t get away with it.
ritual finished and you feel pure success from it already.
and Sytri tells you his message and both three tell you their message,Sitry says that Lucifer talks about me and their are more than happy to aid me.
Tmw you wake up and start panicking about your alarm not being set, only to find that it was.
TMW your healing reshaping spell seems to be working faster than expected.
TMW time to reset my mind for Belial snd enough lazing about
Tmw you’ve been called into work and wonder why there’s no traffic. Only to realize it’s Saturday.
Tmw you make the fried chicken offering to Anubis, only to have your eyes pulled to the statues of Isis and Bast as if they were waiting. Fried chicken for everyone!
Tmw said deities are hovering over you after the offering, as if they are making sure you are actually eating all of it like very stern grandparents with skinny children.
You unknowingly bought a rare book by Somnus Dreadwood with a signed signature of his…
FROM him directly under a different pen name
It’s the same guy that wrote Liber Hirudo, Book of The Leech
Which is fuckin awesome btw
And it released just over a week ago
TMW you realize that in order to get the best results to fix your work place is to do a banishment/destruction spell to clear out the bad apples and warring chiefs before any sort of blessing. Time to clear house a bit and got a very interesting method relating to Abbadon, locusts and a Saturn Magic Square.
Midsommar looks scary as shit
I like how they expose the Dark Side of Norse Magic
I mean we know they did the sacrifices and shit, but to actually see it in cinema is another experience altogether. The whole process
That movie is Balls deep with meaning
Tmw an explosion happened in Florida and in the comments someone spitting out its the end times
Tmw you look up the horoscopes and realize that you relate more to anything that isn’t your horoscope.
The Solar Eclipse Magic is working
TMW this is how you receive your shadow working tasks
haha yeah…
I read that title in the voice of this Leprechaun.
YouTube comments are the cesspit of the internet…
Some are interesting…like with food videos or pets