That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Someone tells you you don’t have the heart to run with the big dogs (Mafia) yet you consider that they are scared of sacrificing a mere turtle to the Devil :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

Let alone summoning Demons :thinking::thinking::thinking::thinking:

But somehow I don’t have the heart to run with felons, ex convicts, etc


Tmw you were suddenly drained while preparing for ritual, have it last for about eight hours and suddenly feel fine and a bit lighter. I factored out nutritional imbalance, blood sugar levels, hydration, exposure to temperature, and sleep throughout the day before assuming it was a spiritual issue. Get the feeling Anubis was involved.

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I read the first sentence and heard “Anubis”. Before i saw his name later
Interesting :thinking:

My senses are on point :grin:


That moment when…you wonder…does anyone know the astrological significance of the solar and lunar eclipses in this month? Would they negatively affect an abundance working with Jupiter? :thinking:

I don’t usually put much stock in astrological stuff, but I’m at the point where I have to tweak every nuance I can.

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Awesome! I actually am having a good feeling about this ritual, although I think the dispute between him and I was settled long ago. But the gesture seems likely to be appericated


That is a good question.

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So game update…I am finally getting completely done with Jamaica plains…I rebuilt the red house, tore and built a wooden place where that broken house was by it…I have a mod to extended the settlement borders and i rebuilt the house on the side where drumlin diner and built a three store of boxcar housing and put a roof and new flooring on one house for the good store

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Tmw you finish you Friday meditation & blood offering with belial on time & not to late


yea indeed .
In somalia it is perfectly legal too to give circumsition to a woman which is just horrific.
like the fucking legal system has the right to decide over the body of living creatures…


How do they even sleep at night? Literally, cats will happily run around the house at midnight.

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Doomsday talk it’s not bad or good it’s dark bc of self reflections. Loosing something or what have you generally indicates you have “something” borrowing.
Other times its your cleansing time
There is about to be a shift in reality. … again

Totally agree circumcision for either sex human or animal it’s like someone convinced other pple it’s hygiene in older times it was for fucking religion.
And pple ask me why I hate religions…


Just a bit of my Ever Burning desires came out of me and i wanted to express it,But i will rise my empire.


Not only in Somalia. Coptic christians practice this too. Sick fucks! It brings something out of me… I scare myself.


Exactly. It’s a blood sacrifice.

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Good for you @Xag_darklight

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Yes it is getting the sleeping ones to obey your will and you are both sacrificing their spirit and the blood

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Same here brother

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Fucking subhuman scum


Yes. I never understood why in the US it is common practice to circumcise, here it’s only done by jews, muslims or for medical reasons. But the numbers for mutilating little baby boys are declining so that’s good.