That Moment When 5: It's dead Jim

Is fine, I have a few guesses as to what it is.

I haven’t bound Belial yet so I can’t order him to tell me what it is, but in a few weeks I will have him bound to my will.

It was something that ran across a million years ago on what was probably a discordian website.



Good luck with him you will definitely need it


I don’t need luck, I have authority and skill…

I will still be careful though.

I’ve already called and bound 48 of the Goetic spirits, so it’s not like I’m wading into unfamiliar waters.


Tmw you experience a “eureka” moment in magick.


Cool, thanks for letting me know,

Good to see you. :slight_smile:



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Omg, I remember that place.





I know there’s that rule about politics, and I hope this doesn’t turn into that, but this was just too funny :joy:

Wonder what he’d think if he knew that was being advertised on BALG?


Tmw damn it fallout 4…i have a mod to make sanctuary hills completely empty with no freaking roads or houses and the dumbass thing glitched and now the houses are reappearing in my game

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It’s not but I had to edit the title back lest anyone come on and comment on it all. :+1:

The way the ads break the rules like crazy is pretty funny, reminder though:


Thank you for linking that adsense thread, I hadn’t seen it yet. They don’t bother me too much, I think it’s funny to see the type of things it wants to recommend to me, but I’m sure a lot of people will want to block them :slight_smile:


TMW your second is dream thus: theres you & big strong friend were cought in a religious building trapped in by steel doors and we bend the steel to escape only to be back and help another 2 escape but one last time and we kill the fucking hobo-priest man smash his skull in half
Wake up smiling what an awsome dream.
TMW the first dream you are given new styled lipstick & colours but shy then repeat and you choose and own the colour -deep dark black-bloody-red

There is two bunnies outside, one chasing the other. Plus i had two bizarre dreams one involving being pregnant with the father being an incubus and being terrified of holding the newborn when they were born cause i wasnt sure what to do including holding them in my arm and seeing the incubus…he had light gray skin, black horns, strong jaw, glowing green eyes kinda like what a male version of maleficent would look like…he was built and the way he looked at me sent shivers to me

TMW upon contacting Beelzebub you feel once again a mild sensation, but which also has a steadiness to it, and ultimately you sense the actual power “behind”.

-snort- what the heck lol


Tmw there’s a red-ringed pheasant that follows you while you feed the crows.

Feed the birds…tuppence a bag…sorry had to lol

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:poop: + :rainbow: = :moneybag::moneybag::moneybag:



This colorful poop is genius.

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