That Moment When 4: Goodnight Sweet TMW!

Wait… there’s traces of DMT in dragon’s blood? That would explain it. I almost saw visions… but more like my pareidolia got maxxed out. I stared at the lovely castles in the air the smoke was making for hours. :smile:


Not high enough to make you trip by itself without extraction but definitely enough to cause some head change. Also the lack of oxygen would also cause some issues. We’re not exactly supposed to smoke to begin with xD

You can get full effect from draceana with combo of a MAOI. Extraction process is illegal in most countries though so I wont explain the DMT content in the plant and such. It’s easy to google though. Just look up “draceana cinnabari dmt”. It should take you to a very specific site all Ima say lol.


I think I know which site. I might’ve been on Prozac & Lithium at the time. Or Prozac, Lithium, & Klonopin. I don’t think any of those are MAOIs, but I bet it played into it.


The sexiest thing I’ve ever heard a woman say was, “I got a heavy foot.” while watching her slam on the breaks.

I’d smoke or drink Mugwort before using cannabis for ritual purposes. Weed is like trying to catch an anvil sometimes.


Well Prozac makes you trip to begin with. So if it was Prozac you definitely had a good time guaranteed. Prozac and lithium in combo with it would definitely cause a visual perception change but I don’t think you’d experience a DMT breakthrough… More fancy auras and light reflections that make no sense to the physical self.

Klonopin I’m not sure though. I’ve never used it.


I know that feeling well. :laughing:

I’m not a fan of the paranoia with it, either. I remember once I was so paranoid, I took a shower & stayed in there a long time. I was like, “The cops won’t pull me naked out of a shower, right? RIGHT?!” Because they “obviously” were psychic like the guards in Oblivion & were coming to get me any second. :laughing:


I remember smoking up once and feeling an enhanced appreciation for everything. There was a peppermint on my desk. I ate it. It was the best mint on the whole goddamn planet. I decided to take that feeling to my ritual space in adoration of the dark powers.


Mint and cannabis are an AMAZING combo.
Just saying.
Pretty much anything that over-stimulates physical sensations is good for cannabis.


Y’all junkies wtf. :joy:


I mean, I’ve been called worse lol.


I remember hitting the blunt hard in one of my dreams. It actually influenced me the whole day after


I need to get into a groove. If I haven’t smoked a while my first few times might be uncomfortable.

That’s when you know you’re hitting some good shit. I’ve felt that way being surrounded by plants after a good toke. Real therapeutic.


OMG, I just remembered the ridiculousness of the first time I got high. :rofl: Anyone want to hear an embarrassing & ridiculous story?


Bring it on :slight_smile:


It hits different when the % say’s 20+

I just dont smoke as hard as I used to, I remember smoking for like 15 hours straight one day all because I wanted to see how messed up I’d get with 3000mg Vitamin C in my system. Not one of my best choices in life but it was definitely fun.

Ill tell you mine if you tell me yours xD


Only 111 posts left. Then the thread locks!


That moment when…you try out the visionary magick from the book “Raziel’s Paths of Power” and it has you in an altered state in less than two minutes just by visualizing certain images :flushed:


You’re wild. :joy:

Nuttiest thing I’ve done was tap into a cypher like I wasn’t going to class. We had four blunts in rotation (exotic and diesel split).

I don’t know how I made it to school. I just stared at the computer for the first hour of class.


Ok, so you know how sometimes people don’t get high the first time they smoke? Well, my best friend didn’t want that to happen to me, so she gave me a whole blunt to myself… of creeper. :laughing: First mistake, she hands it to me & I bite the end off & spit it out the car window & she’s like, “WTF ARE YOU DOING?!” :joy::joy::joy: And I’m like, “What? That’s what my grandpa does to his cigars.” After getting bitched at for awhile, I’m smoking & basically eating this blunt at the same time. :rofl:

Fast forward to my patio at night. My other best friend showed up & I’m still not feeling much, surprisingly. I stand up & as I do, I knock over a water bottle that was on the table & it spills on me & then it all hits like a ton of bricks. I fall down on the patio & just keep repeating, “I’m melting! I’m melting!!!” Like the Wicked Witch off the West. :rofl: They bring me inside & I’m like, “No, I think that’s a bad idea.” I’m talking to my mom & it’s like I don’t even know this person.

We get in the basement & I was sitting in a chair that could spin 360 degrees, so they both spin my ass super fast until I’m sick. Then I got cotton-mouth & thought I was dying. :laughing:


Heh…and here I am with the wildest story about myself talking to a bottle of ketchup,sitting in front of an opened fridge for over one hour…:heart: