That Moment When 3

TMW I am having erotic porno thoughts


That moment when you discover there was a country called Tartaria. Located in Europe but nearly eradicated from the history that we are told about.
There are tablets with writting and symbols that are older than Sumerian writtings.

Look into it. You will be surprised.

That moment when i am now a f*cking regular!

Lolā€¦ Took a while.


Aye I was reciting belials enn and there is a scorpion in that

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TMW valley girl sees a scorpion

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TMW a street magician tries to show you card magic, and you have to resist the urge to show your tattoos, and demonstrate what sigils do.


Same :persevere:. Iā€™m looking for something like this and still undecided on color though Iā€™m leaning toward red. But I have shoes almost identical to those pictured so I should do green. It has to be perfect :tipping_hand_woman:t2:



Green is a wonderful colour :heart:
I like the contrast you created there :slight_smile:
Iā€™ll just go for this one:

Itā€™s formal enough, I will just throw a bunch of golden accessoires in, so itā€™s not tooooo plain.

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@A_Pariah I love the neck on that one and the split thigh! Gold will make it pop and be gorgeous :heart_eyes:

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TMW ā€¦Have you and @A_Pariah tried hitting the second hand shops for antique dresses yet?? You should. :slight_smile:

Liking your tastes in dresses too, btw. :wink:


I love antique dresses but Iā€™m afraid that the occasion would not do justice to such a lovely dress :slight_smile: My designated ritual dress is a vintage piece from a second hand shop on etsy, though :smiley:

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Oh, very nice!! Etsy has so many nice vintage selections to choose from! :joy:

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Oh most definately! I LOVE refashioning into retro pinup glam dresses the things I find! And if I have an idea in my head and canā€™t quite find it, I just get the fabrics and make it! :heart:ļø

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TMW Dreams feel real, so memories are replayed in them then, and it is just a chaotic mess when I wake up from them abruptly?! Ugh. I tried writing them down but later on they make less sense than when I first awoke! UGH. :roll_eyes::thinking::unamused:

TMW I wonder about the wisdom of wanting all neg messages from the aethyers blocked is a good or wise idea?? I get enough negs from family but still, if it were a matter of life or death or something equally poor outcome Iā€™d want to be prepared for that. :thinking::thinking::fearful:Better sad/afraid than sorry you didnā€™t want to hear it. :woman_shrugging:

TMW I think I missed the transition from clothes to dreams and confusionā€¦

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I moved on. No transition needed. I donā€™t segue like that. :joy: :joy::joy::joy::roll_eyes:

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That moment when you are thinking about building an Altar for myself.
Making it out of wood boards, i already have the idea on paper. Just need to get the materials and cut everything and then pocket hole it all. After that its just a matter of putting it together with screws and then staining it and all that jazz.

I think it would be worth it.


DIY is always the best idea! :+1: sounds nice, love wood tables homemade. Your energy will be encapsulated inside the boards, always a good thing too.

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