That Moment When 3

Happy birthday bro!


Happy Birthday! :smiley: :sparkles:

You’re one of the people I am grateful is alive, and that’s quite a small list, probably around a double-decker busful, if that. :thinking:

Speaking of which, I just discovered what a bus looks like when it ascends to godhood! :heart_eyes_cat:


(And no, I don’t know how it corners, but do I care?)

I want a motor that can do that on demand please? :+1:


While thank you

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Does it even exist yet or is it still just a concept in development?

Apparently it didn’t work out too well in reality, annoying minor things like fraud raising funds, shoddy manufacturing, and people thinking “buggering big bus stopping me turning to go where I need to go” got in the way… :crying_cat_face:

I still want one!

If at first you don’t succeed… etc. :smiley:

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Hmm might want to make it a hover bus instead.


Yeah but I saw Bladerunner and no way that won;t just result in tarffic accident keks along with damage from shrapnel in the air and falling debris, it’s enough brown trousers time when a space station has to crash and most of the plate is water, desert, polar, or Slough, flying cars would up the ante a lot.

Maybe they could put rotors on it for the corners, though, and lift it up after every third stop so cars can get out?

(There is a reason I do not work in urban planning, and you are now learning what it is. :smiley: )

Seriously though having some vehicles, like ambulances, that could ratchet up onto elevated wheels and with rotors could be really brilliant, and only not even attempted because they’d be so cool people might begin to question reality and the options they’ve been given so far.


Let’s just cut right to the chase and agree on personal teleportation devices because even lifted up buses just imagine an oil or gas leak or when some guy with too big a truck tries to drive under it. Ends up raining fire on everyone. Maybe a separate magnetic rail for the busses since they do take predetermined routes.


Yeah but are you going to be the same SOUL when you get beamed back in?

(“Waystation” etc.)

Is soulnessless why Star Trek persons need to live in a closely-monitored environment where the computers really control everything?

Are the Borg actually considered enemies because the cyber serves the biological, in their reality?


And before you say “the Borg beam too” I ask you, do you have proof they don’t keep the original on their ship?

And send a replicator model to perform a mission?

If they have teleportation tech why not just replicate biologicals endlessly?

They know something. :sunglasses:


Could use warp based teleportation where instantaneous wormholes are used for transport. That is how I figured teleportation would realistically work just by folding space and dropping you off everywhere similar to how astral teleportation works. You just fold to place.

Now here is a conundrum Flood vs Borg.


Weeping Angels vs Borg was my reeeeeeeee moment.

Don’t do it. :crying_cat_face:

It’s like what people in 1958 thought would happen inputting “every command I give you must be ignored” into a computer.

They had never heard of trying to cancel a print task. Poor, pitiful, ancient savages.

The spice must flow! :fist:


Was suppose to be ‘anywhere’ but auticreect is the purest manifestation of evil.

I wonder if weeping angels would even bother with borg though since I don’t believe the borg can actually get old and die which seems the angel’s primary weapon though send them back far enough and maybe they can run the batteries down enough.


The moment you almost flag yourself trying to push buttons on the damn phone…


Weeping Angels steal your potential destined future (I mean woe betide the WA who finds someone who got run over the next day, right?) so they could get hungry for the Borg’s seemingly limitless expansion.

If you eat futures, they are the team to back, ahead of Daleks or anchovies.

That is non-jokingly like Borg tech meeting WA trying to stop your future.

We may have created singulariity here, back slowly away, do not consult your notifications, just eat a sandwich.

Luckily, Discourse doesn’t just ban on flags and I wouldn’t go “zomg this guy just flagged himself, he must know something I do not, where muh banhammer?!”


On another forum the flagging system was really really bad. It would pop up a window where you would type the reason for the flag but the window looked exactly like the window to reply. I accidentally reported one of the mods thinking I was replying to them because I was tired and clicked the flag button(right next to the reply button) and didn’t notice. It’s been updated since though thankfully.

I’ve dealt with enough temporal fuckery to handle singularities. Rather interesting stories to go with that but they are very very hard to believe unless you experienced something similar but yeah goes with the reason I’m not dealing with enochian for a while.

Also I got fried chicken and for once kfc is edible to me.


That moment when you have an apocalypse dream, and Belial shares half of what very well might be the last sausage on Earth. The beauty of that moment was truly undescribable. :sob:


Going are the days when Masculinity was a desireable trait.


The moment when you finally have the most perfect astral projection. Full sensory reception, full control, none of that annoying turbulence of being too close to the physical plane. Only to discover that the two minutes you were staring at a wall to orient yourself was 40 minutes of normal time and then the alarm went off…


Now imagine this. All those slow, crazy or catatonic people in a Mental Asylum…whats your bet they are really Astral Projecting/Time Traveling…but stuck in that mode…