That Moment When 3

I was thinking about this earlier, and I think alot of the potential negative effects of necromancy actually come from our human perspective on death. Might be worth starting up a separate thread on it.

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Insanity or death risk seem rather counter-intuitive to both evolution and survival. That is a Russian Roulette where you only get so many chances.
But if people dont use common sense and know the risks and do it anyway then its their own fault if they end up that way.


This very much applies to lovecraftian currents. Itā€™s peopleā€™s unwillingness to accept the changes that causes the insanity


There is also purely objective issues to consider. The physical body and the accompanying connections to the energy body and mind work only with certain energies which death energy is the very antithesis of. Older traditions especially Traditional Chinese medicine acknowledge and have centuries of work documenting these energies and their effects and a pretty open view on death and related energies and they just donā€™t work together without protection or means of repairing the damage. While many things are subject to belief and perception definitely other powers and energies at their core are not subject as such to their practical effects. So that immutable side of magick and the energies must be acknowledged as well.

However, I suppose as always the best test would be personal experience in such matters and how it compares to others that go just as far or deeper into such work.


Spot on with that last paragraph. I personally havenā€™t had any real side effects to immersing myself in necromancy, but I am approaching necromancy through another current. It could be that necromancy, when practised through another current that caster is suited to, removes the aspect that drives decay.
Mostly just conjecture, but I have noticed a difference between the energies found in limbo and the shades of the dead, and the energy connected to the concept of death.


What current are you working through? It might be entirely possible that if it utilizes a lot of patron spirits to do the work that they themselves are acting as protection so long as you remain in their favor, a sort of buffer zone between you and the brunt of the forces involved.


I work with it through a sigil. Itā€™s my sigil, in that current, and is heavily linked to necromancy. I made a post about it when I first divined it; Iā€™ll link to it. Could be just a personal thing, like how some systems can make some people sick while other systems mesh well with them.
Donā€™t tend to share my current. Itā€™s a defensive thing


Cool, I am interested in sigil magick and this would be a first in terms of necromancy.

Completely understandable


This is the sigil. Donā€™t mind sharing itā€¦ Even make offerings if you like lol


Thanks, although if sharing a sigil I always reference who gave it to me. I can use this with my skull.


Like your skull. Great energy

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Thank you.

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That moment whenā€¦you are having jerk chicken and lime and coriander rice for supper :yum:


Interesting. Well I will keep in mind for sure. Thanks.


I just ate Qdoba and now Iā€™m hungry again.

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Tmwā€¦ @DarkestKnight always posts about food, when I cant eat for several hours :thinking:



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Not at the moment, I just donā€™t eat after 8 pm if it isnā€™t a special occasion. Technically a
very very mild form of intermittent though :thinking:


Why is there a light bulb in your fridge if your not supposed to eat midnight snacks?


Just start living in a different time zone. Itā€™s only 6 PM in my neck of the woods :wink: