Teras390 Ascension through the smoke from the ashes of creation; the path of smoke (Journal)

Evocation of the Divs and the Druj of Counter Creation


List of names & Terms used in this post;

Ahunavar: you can interpret it to be a form of prayer and solidification of righteousness in one self along with purity of the body in mind promotes happiness which is the highest truth a man can receive in his lifetime. All of which is to do meritorious deeds and is recited to keep away wicked thoughts.

Div/daeva = Div means demon Daeva is used also to descrive the Divs but Daeva has more in common with the indian Daevas. The word Div is usually used to describe male demons wirhin this current.

Druj: Demoness or rather leader of a host of female spirits.

Illusory Veil of Limitation: from book by Kurtis, it denotes the limits of the five commonly understood senses.

Khordeh Avesta: The sacred scripture of Zorastrianism.

Sigil: the link to the spirit; their mark/signature. I like to think of it as their stamp of their house. Like the old noblemen had their own house insignias sort of like this:


Aigash: Div/Druj (can’t be said for certain) of the Evil eye.

Allfather: a title of Odhin/Wotan.

Sovar: Div of Evil Speech and a leader entity.

Today was the day I decided to evoke the Div Aigash. Aigash wields the power of the evil eye. The sigil in the video is not his though; it belongs to Sovar which is someone else. Aigash/Aghash - of the evil eye (Wikipedia, u.å). Aigash is the Druj of the malignant [evil] eye, that kills man with it (Hinduwebsite, u.å). Druj means leader of usually a host of female spirits known as Druji (anomalien, 2020). As for the actual abilities of the entity it includes the power of bestowing his evil eye onto the Zanda. Aigash is the Druj to call upon when you want to enhance your spiritual faculties along with the power to wielding the evil eye. As wielding the eye is an alchemical process in of itself to learn to control your emotional state; you can and will otherwise slowly destroy innocent people with a simple glare; once this power has been awakened (Joseph, 2017). You can also learn remote viewing and improve your spiritual sight and overall clairvoyant abilities (Joseph, 2017).

As for the actual Evocation process I’ll have to be a bit tight-lipped since it’s in the book and is fairly strict in terms of approach. However, to begin you recite the Rawanuah which is more or less an inversion of Ahunavar which is found in the Khordeh Avesta:

“Yathā Ahū Vairyō
athā ratush ashāt
chīt hachā,Vanghēush dazdā
mananghō shyaothananãm anghēush Mazdāi,
Khshathremchā Ahurāi
ā yimdregubyō
dadat vāstārem” (p. 18) seven times.

You give another very lengthy litany for about seven pages which takes a while to recite, however once done you can almost feel a certain static electricity in the air as a result. It really puts you in a trance state quite effectively. I prepared the sigil of the Div/druj I wanted to evoke beforehand. I repeat not the sigil that was shown in the video above; I can’t show that sigil of Aigash due to copyright, sorry. However, before I stepped into the circle as I was sitting in a chair as I recited the Litany as standing still with your knees locked can become quite painful, but I stood up at the moment after reciting the litany was done. This is because as per the words of the Allfather in my Old Norse/Runemagick journal: “You greet the gods by standing up.”

The Mandala on the floor

Or in its propper setting;

Since I walk the path of Sorcery the blackened fire of Zohakh is not lit all the time.

Began spinning. At first, I didn’t quite feel it. Then it was invisible astral winds was felt at my hands and face near the edge of the broken circle. I then stepped inside with the sigil of Aigash at hand. It didn’t take long for me to be sent into a trance. And while in there I visualized that the ritual area was engulfed by a whirling torrent of blackened flames that burned up the perceived ritual area leaving me in the void with the sigil I could still feel inside the palm of my hand. I opened my eyes and gazed at the sigil and in mere moments it started to flash, and I recited the English part of the evocation section which bids the Div/Druj to come. Eventually they did, with each repetition of [name of the Div] Come Forth! [Name of Div] Come!" (Kurtis, 2017. p. 213).

It was like being ensnared by a spiraling constriction blanket if that makes sense? Or rather how I imagine having the life squeezed out of me by a king boa. The pressure started at my feet and quickly moved up to my chest and head. It didn’t take long before the spiritual mass had gathered in such a way (you barely can breathe) that you know it is there.

Aigash appeared a hunched over torn robe with a hollow dark core for a body and hands. With an indigo evenly pulsating aura. I guess this image help convey the message:


But the robe was more beige in terms of color and frayed or rather rugged in its appearence. Esepcially at the hands. The hands were shaped like long sharp talons in the same color as the body.

The conversation that ensued went as follows:

Me: “Hello Aigash. I welcome you to my temple. I have questions regarding the awakening of the evil mind and backwards understanding”

! - [wrong div I know for Evil mind you speak with Akhoman/Akomano. However, Aigash revealed interesting things regarding the perception and learning how to see things from the perspective of the evil eye. As the former can in turn likely help develop backwards understanding of the evil eye & the evil mind]. Despite the obvious mistake in terms of his specialty, he gave a very detailed answer:

Me: Aigash how can one develop the power of the Evil eye and Evil mind?

Aigash: "Evil mind is understood as a limitation for the uninitiated. Look at anything you perceive & look beyond its apparent feature & question; why is it there? When your minds fills in the vacuum [that occurs, then keep asking yourself why is it there] until it cannot. Then look at the polar extreme of the thing that’s presented. Once it is second nature [all the former] you will have unlocked backwards understanding.

Me: How can one begin developing backwards understanding?

Aigash: “It cannot be learned. It can only become apparent once you look beyond the scope of what is directly perceived by your five senses [the illusory veil of limitation]. Then the reason of its origins & its place in what you perceive to be its limits will come forth. But all starts with viewing something beyond what it appears as.”

How can I develop the power of the evil eye more as well as seeing beyond the illusory veil of limitation more clearly?

Aigash: “You already have. Work more on viewing something from its inverse angle; from down [bottom] to [the] top; right to left; round to straight. & you will see the world crumble before you.”

Note in the list references it says u.å - that means without a year: translated from Swedish; my first language. I don’t know the proper English equivalent, so I decided to go with what I know in terms of using references. This (the u.å) part is because some websites do not always show at which time the info on there was published or sometimes not even by whom. Therefore, since I don’t know (at times) when or by whom it was published, we mark it in this reference as being without a year to account for that.

Hope it was an interesting read. It certainly helped me and I hope will either inspire/help you along in your own journey of counter creation. To quote a lyric from Kai from Heilung - Hamrer Hippiyer: “Alu Is Urki.” - May it be of help.

List of References

Anomalien. (2020). Demons of Desert: Evil Spirits in Zoroastrianism . Cited: 2021-03-27 From : https://anomalien.com/demons-of-desert-evil-spirits-in-zoroastrianism/

Ervad Kavasji Edulji Kanga. (2013). KHORDEH AVESTA. Cited: 2021-03-27 From: http://www.avesta.org/kanga/ka_english_kanga_epub.pdf

Jayaram V. Hinduwebsite. (u.å). Zoroastrianism - Cosmogony Or Theories of Creation. Cited: 2021-03-27 From: https://www.hinduwebsite.com/zoroastrianism/cosmogony.asp

Kurtis, J. (2017). The Black Magick of Ahriman: The Ancient Rites, Spells & Demons of Persia. Become A Living God: USA

Wikipedia. (u.å). Zorastrianism. Cited: 2020-03-27 From: Zoroastrianism - Wikipedia

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