"Targeted Individuals"

Can you explain in context? Not trusting google on this one.

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To an outsider, it’s obviously paranoid delusion. Access to social media allows these people to group up and validate one another’s insanity and draw in recruits.

Then again, that’s what most people say about us. You never know what reality looks like in another person’s position.

There could be psychological and spiritual cures depending on the subject, but talking down to them probably wouldn’t work out. Calling crazy people crazy gets you nowhere. Better to step into their shoes and work from there.

The only route to peace is victory.


Well shit. That sounds like me :sweat_smile:

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I think like many things it does happen, however most of the people who claim its happening to them are full of shit.


In the context you suggest, it is a real thing. Scientologists are notorious for doing this, amongst other cults.

It could be a very real, physical effort to cause discord in the individual’s life. It could potentially be a result of paranoia, or just a random string of bad luck. It does happen. Physically, what you can do is break off all contact in any way from said individuals or group, and cover your tracks. These types are psychopathic; the only remedy short of murder is to have no contact. This includes social media. Delete accounts, and don’t use your real name.

Spiritually, sometimes people do get targeted by a group on purpose, but it can also be unintentional. If you lump enough negative encounters together that are directed towards you, it could result in trouble. Even on an individual level, it is possible to accidentally curse someone without ritual intent. I have a problem with this myself. The other issue is that the afflicted person could be unwittingly drawing negativity to them and causing their own situation. A good solution would be a 7 or 13 day uncrossing, coupled with some spiritual housekeeping. Then take a really good personal inventory, complete with your outlook on life. Put it on paper if it helps. This is yet another reason why journal keeping is so important. It gives you a personal point of reference to troubleshoot things like this with.


Yes. We have a thread on it here: MK Ultra

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Couple of ideas

  1. Protect yourself: use protection spells and even better make a pact with a strong entity for their protection
  2. Routine Divinition
  3. Harness your senses

Solution as a whole: idk try not to piss people mby? you cannot stop this kind of stalking as it won’t be the last, so long term solution seems fruitless
Short term wise you can try to cast a peace spell to help preventing stalking, but you need to keep doing it over and over again


Well in the context you put it a group created thoughtform to draw negativity to an individual is not that hard to do or even creating one alone. Drug cartels are known to use magick and there is no reason common street gangs might not do the same even if under a different name or unknowingly through a concentrated hive mind like mentality.
The target’s paranoia can also create unconscious negative thoughtforms that feed into what is being experienced as well. Best method to ward it off is regular intensive cleaning of your energy.


Have experience with being targeted. It’s called also community policing, and they are generally giving people directions such as people who got out of prison, people in the TI’s community at townhall meetings that by targeting such and such they can get a $100 gift card, section 8 , shit like that. Have noticed it always follows a pattern. I’m a hypersensitive so many subtleties and patterns others miss I pick up consciously. Certain words and triggers are repeated…

What I suspect is simple. Have u had any experience that could be highly strange when growing up to suggest either abduction or visitation by very human looking shadows which are solid? Any extradimensional visits from entities when growing up prior to the introduction to magick? Is there military in your family or background? I suspect it’s tied to covert operations of MIlabs or Military Labs which suggests some form of experimentation and monitoring…

You’ll with time stop even paying the stalkers attention.It wont stop them from sitting near u and looking at u while texting ur activities to who knows who? But in the very least it will show them your too strong to be made to believe that ur a paranoid or have a mental illness and u don’t give a fuck what they know about u. Much of what is on youtube on the subject is misleading. The truth is MK Ultra was never discontinued, they merely changed it’s name, the experimentation on people with implants, nano technology, psychotronics continues to this day. The skeptic could look for patents on mind control and psychotronics and can find at least 12 if not more patents related to the subject. The experiments by Delgado should be researched, Allan Dulas who ran the whole project under the CIA back then are 2 names that stood out.

Now given what we know the government has done in secret such as work on remote viewing as stated by Russell Targ who worked on the project, and theres a hidden Ted talks on that, do you think they don’t have interests in things occult, fringe or high strangeness? For all we know, that we practice magick, sorcery and the occult would make us more interesting , don’t you think? We are for the most part tapping into a real power less than 5 % of the American population probably care to know about when working with entities that are inter dimensional and whatnot…if not interfacing directly with the collective unconscioness’ capacity to manifest things on a macrocosmic scale in feats of lower magick or sorcery…I couldn’t imagine a military General in the very least not taking an interest in such matters due to exactly what one can pull off resulting from serious occult practice and pursuit…


A lot of folks think they are being targeted by the government or some other large entity or corporations, some truth there, imho, and chem trails being a so called part of all that, but I feel corruption could cause people to become targets, howbeit unlikely as a normal thing for most, unless again, they become targeted somehow. I was drawn into that way of thought for some time, but that is partly based on truth and the rest just a state of mind at the time, as anything like that is unusual and can make you feel bloody paranoid. Not something you’d talk about openly and joining some help group makes it even worse, inho. Been there. Not there now. :no_mouth::relieved:

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Learn to wield the universe like a sword and when their lives start to get ruined by unexplainable coincidences and their attempts at fucking with you are continuously disrupted by strange coincidences that happen to be painful…they back off pretty fucking quick.


As a word of caution (without reading all replies yet) - I read about this a while ago and started researching it with an open mind, that afternoon I noticed 2 people acting VERY oddly when I was walking the dogs, like almost a comedy TV show of bad spies doing surveillance, and then when I went to pick up some milk later I also noticed the checkout person was very weird, like suspcious of me and just totally not like usual life in that shop.

I do not, repeat DO NOT believe there was a concrete causal link, as in “they” were watching my internet traffic and decided to start this - I DO think there is some kind of heavy current here going on that means anyone who touches on it can under some circs start finding it manifests, very much like the “tall lady with pink shoes” from Prometheus Rising, or any other “what the thinker thinks, the prover proves” thing.

So take basic hygeine precautions if looking into this, I don’t know why it manifested so fast and so strongly for me, maybe because I was truly open-minded and therefore not blocking it with doubt or wanting proof or anything.

This is serious though and it was a weird day, I cleansed and did a few mental tricks and it stopped happenng.

Y’all be careful out there, :+1:


My first main and truest experiment, in what some would call “magick” [and others, “applied psychology”], was designed to obtain knowledge about the True Nature of Reality, and it’s relation to the Mind. No entities involved, “just pure conversations with my own mind”, is the best way I could describe it.
I can understand, how you felt. That’s the kind of thing, I felt after the ritual.
People being very weird, like very odd.

My conclusion is, many things we feel are normal, are not really normal, at all.
Many times in the day, we just fill-in the gaps, like how we fill missing letters.

As for my second main experiment, it was even more intense, where I was detached, and observing how abnormal humans were.

My opinion about what happened to you, is you opened yourself to a new paradigm, and new paradigm changes observation, vastly. Some observation can blow away minds, like it did to mine.

I hope, I was clear in my explanation.


Please, don’t ever worry about sounding weird here. Speak your truth and let us face the challenge of understanding.

I feel oddly moved to act on your behalf. I’ve had a rough night. There has been a lot of fighting and negative energy around me. The darkness in my bedroom seems like it wants to solidify. It’s time to do something dark.

Keep your hands clean if you like. Bad things are going to happen to your oppressors.
Death to the shitters in 2018


Thank you :blush:. And may it be so.


The best you can do is try to pick up and leave the said community altogether only if it is financially feasible, an area where u can find other practicing and self empowered people. You can cast spells to harm them too, does throw them off. In my case it’s not economically feasible so by using vampiric magick or writing a spell to suck the energy out of anyone and everyone who stares at me in person…i suppose one can only gain from it. Your case is unique in that its tied to the cultish community your in. Much of it may be tied to your father’s whistle blowing as well. My case it won’t go away, it was pulled to me, specifically when i was 15…so i can use it. Take all the energy i can from it for my own operations. I suppose u may be able to try something similar where u take all the energy from community members who harass u .


Well dang I really feel for you, strongly in fact. I’ve faced similar problems although not quite as bad as yours and my kids are grown so less to worry about there.
Anywho, have you thought about becoming invisible? I mean if they are so quick to turn over every stone you pick up, so to speak, would that work for you? Or if becoming like a ninja is too much then just try to visit drvirtual7 videos, his list for this type problem is effective. I don’t know what else to suggest currently.
Stay safe!


In this case, I might recommend a women’s refuge or battered women’s shelter, they should have counselors that can advise you as well, and sometimes pro bono lawyers that aren’t corrupt.

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I definitely think there is. I can walk around my town (full of drug users and gangsters and just plain bad people) and not a single one will look my way. Sometimes even turning around entirely and walking in a different direction like I have the plague. I even work night shift at a fuel center and have to walk around at midnight in the dark. But nobody bothers me.


There are a couple of ways to try to become invisible or go into a stealth mode deal.

  1. If you prefer spells I found one using Bael in video explanation and demo. (never tried this one)
  1. Subliminal Stealth using another video to help you change thoughts into reality, in a way. (I have used this and it seems to help, although won’t make you invisible physically but aids you in removing yourself from any radar you may be seen on).

and this

if you like something more real… try real training from a ninja master! lol some of the tips may actually help, like staring at the flame, pretty simple to learn to do and costs nothing more than a candle. :smiling_imp:

And Finally, some actual Prep ideas for becoming more aware, which I’m actually watching atm. :grin: