Taking Down Pedogate - Operation Hera

As if those three things were somehow separate institutions…:unamused:


I have a question.

I don’t know what that is? We went through a foreign adoption because the rules in our state are fraught with uncertainty for both the child and adoptive parents.

I am an adoptive mother. My husband and I went through the foreign adoption program and our Child is our pride and joy. We both love our child the same as if he was blood of our blood and flesh of our flesh. We love our child so much and both of us put our child’s needs and health first.

We went through a foreign adoption because the rules in our state are fraught with uncertainty for both the child and we felt that the state did not put what is best for the child first.

So I am interested in your point of view on this issue.


Ooopps I repeated myself in that post.

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Think about it like this, government institutions such as child protective services and adoption programs etc anything that has to do with orphans children given up for adoption or children taken from parents due to some sort of abuse accusations etc. At the end of the day there are state operated institutions that deal with children whom nobody takes claim to. So these kids end up in a limbo of sorts and all it takes if for clever pedophiles and child traffickers to either do one of the killer b’s and get some kids or straight up become employed by the institution as to have ready access to the kids. Predators go where the easy prey is and that happens to be in government institutions where kids are nothing but numbers and liabilities and if a few hundred go missing each year it’s no big deal they just say they ran away. The kids ran away that’s where they went. They just ran away they didn’t end up in pizza restaurants we assure you… Yeah fucking right!..


@AdamThoth explains very well. Not to say that there aren’t good parents as you are.


Thanks for the information and your perspective.

Thank you DragonPhoenix777.

You are very welcome. It’s a shame that we have to have this discussion.

I started thinking about this as in my country child abuse and trafficking cases kept cropping up in the last few months… I posted about one here.

I think many sexual abuse cases go unnoticed and almost all these are done by relatives and family friends. Only high profile cases and those involving big power comes to the media. To me it looks like there is something fundamentally wrong with human sexuality and I’m not supporting that paedophiles are victims to their sexual urges. The fact that kids get abused around the world means to me that humanity at large can’t be trusted with taking care of life itself.

@Lady_Eva @AdamThoth - You must have worked with lots of demons. Does any one have an answer why kids get abused?

Yes, but it’s not really something I want to get into, as it would almost amount to a tutorial, for a thing I… don’t care for.

Many other species have pretty destructive sex, male duscks will often drown the female during sex, others will wall the female up to gestate and die, then there are cuckoos and their basic replacement-genocide of the baby birds while pretending to be the real infant and getting fed by the parents.

Humans are the only species to find these things odious, and the only species where people who have urges can control them for moral reasons. And I’m not openoing the “virtuous (no-contact) pedophile” can of worms here at all, just saying there are likely to be more people who feel sexual attraction to kids than act on it, just as there are more of us who want to randomly murder annoying people than ever do so.


Trying my luck here, but could you please tell in a sentence or less at least? I’m deeply disturbed by so much of suffering kids go through.

That is a good way of putting it so morality is the problem then.

Closed groups who seek power by doing things they know would result in public hangings if they were exposed is the problem IMO, as covered-up by the Churches, and various other niche groups with power and reputation to protect.

And child-abuse makes a great blackmail tool, so there’s that element as well.

One reason is just basic sacrifice, but I’m REALLY not comfortable talking about this whole area, it’s being stamped out so seeding the idea it’s valid is anyway incorrect, NOW, and also, most people who abuse kids are not “in with” elite abusers and blackmailers, organ harvesters, etc., they just do so because they are both damaged and also, choosing to perpetuate that instead of healing themselves.

As described in the YouTube video @charles9 posted above, they make a great smokescreen and useful fall guys for those in positions of power. We were never meant to know about the Savile scandal, people went to considerable lengths to keep that hushed up.


Thank you very much and I’m sorry… I know it’s a very sensitive topic for most.

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To further the murk in the adoption/chid care/ “protective” services mire look up Medical Kidnap news. Their focus is primarily stories about parents who dealing with corruption in the child protective agencies. It’s called medical kidnapping because, usually, medical officials are pulled in in order to take a child - oft times without real cause in the stories. (This is not to say there aren’t real cases.)

As someone whose son was almost medically kidnapped (They couldn’t find abuse, they couldn’t find neglect, they actually told me children don’t lie, and finally tried to force me to institutionalize my own son rather than leave us alone. Kids lie. This is a fact of life. Putting a child in an insane asylum because they told a lie is plain abusive on the part of the state. But I digress.) I follow the situation from time to time, even when some of the stories piss me off.

Which btw mirrors some of the old German Nazi regime -> Take kids from undesirable families to be raised in the “right ones” for the good of the future and the state type deal.


More evidence about the Catholic Churches cover up regarding child molesters.


The late Senator Nancy Schaefer, spoke out about government adoption program and she and her husband were murdered. Below is her speech at the International Congress of Families. She outline how government take kids and basically sold them to families who sexually abuse them. The video is in the library of congress archives. It’s 13 mins long. Here’s a link


Whoa, I never knew. Holy shit, Thanks for the information. I live 1000 miles away from Georgia so I never heard about this her murder.

Hey there! While I’d like to point out that the forces OP mentions were playing both sides, I have a suggestion for people looking to protect their, or any, kids- use an adolescent or child-focused Deity to coordinate and kick the whole into action.

People like the Obsidian Butterflies, Artemis, Apollo, Mawu and Lisa, Dantor, and the spirits of the abused or empathically opportunistic come across as wanted additions.


If what was said in this video is true then by all the powers in the universe it needs to be stopped.


I’m not saying she’s a liar, but there’s a useful Youtuber group/person (with website) called the Body Language Ghost who I’d love to see analyze this. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7n8r27jRnjpYpfyEfBOLFw

There really is a factory entitled Uncle Sam’s Chocolate Factory and it’s been around a long, long time. I could see a snuff factory being dubbed something similar, not necessarily for camouflage.

Thing is for me, though, her delivery is a bit… scripted/over acted? Maybe it’s the fact that I act and the fact that her delivery lacks “luster”. But I can’t say she’s a liar, because if I were to approach any of the things that happened to me I’d also be talking calmly, which is why people don’t believe me. Even when I show a scar.

So what I’m saying, because this is a serious allegation, is an investigation and reaction - especially a magically one - should happen after a well informed decision born from thought and investigation.