Taking Down Pedogate - Operation Hera

I always thought that something was strange in theses series


Is it me, or can anyone else smell it when people are just… well, evil? I almost took a job with this guy, but when I was in physical proximity to the buildings, I could smell weird monsters with bad thoughts in mind. Not really sure how to describe it.


It is not easy unless you have some inbuilt mechanism in other words sensitive to environment and other people.


Dan you mean?

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Yeah, it’s hard to describe, I couldn’t get anything until I was on-site but when I was it was almost like smelling piss-laden chemicals, maybe sewage and paint thinner? It was the first time I found a ‘sentient smell’, it felt perverted and conniving like a skeevy mass-brain in super industrial clothing.


Thanks to your guardián Ángel And your high sensitive sense to protect you

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I do! She’s the man. :slight_smile:

That’s not what actually happened (at least in the lead up to and now, after, this working) so just want to clarify that, since it gives the wrong impression (no offence).

Not at all what happened. :slight_smile:

I have a friend who has severe trauma (not sexual abuse, other very horrific things) of which I’ve seen plenty of evidence, and this is the only way she can relay the information without falling apart.

So that part of it actually makes me more convinced, if she was acting I see more likelihood of carefully chosen tears and voice wobbles, “looking brave” instead of coming across as rather odd, like she does. :thinking:

What struck me most is, this stuff obviously looks very bad for both the Deep State and (especially) the Clintons (and neocons equally, no “former” side of politics comes out of this well), and yet nothing about this girl was styled to appeal to an “average” Trump voter, she actually looks like she could happily be in antifa, she’s not doing the long curls and wholesome clothing, the good girl turned wrong… I also think the details are a bit too extreme for this to be a political thing, as some people have suggested (when I researched the video). They truly are bordering on unbelievable.

Her extreme haircut is something people sometimes do after traumatic events, especially sexual/romantic in nature (not saying all people with very short hair, etc…) as well.

So I think she believes it, and I can’t think of a reason she would admit to the things she was part of, it’s not like anyone’s going to shower her with job offers after some of the things she states she took part in, and was photographed and filmed doing.

And… I have seen some stuff directly off this area that was stunning even to me, part of why I haven’t been posting much recently (apart from family things and other commitments) is my work has currently become about 80% or more focusing on the… stuff.

So there’s also that. :man_shrugging:


It’s her eyes that make me question things, you see. They don’t flick to recall memories, they’re dead on the camera - like you would if you were recalling lines. Her shoulders don’t carry the burden.

I know I’m a silent voice here so it doesn’t really matter when I say: hey, I’ve been around the block a lot more times than I should have; mostly due to my own stupidity of not getting out of the car. I look at her and my feelings are based on my gut, which has a lot of experience hard won from being so gullible for most of my life.

I’ve seen people make large claims for the attention without thinking of how it may affect their future life opportunities. In fact it was a couple coming forward to claim the Twin Towers had been destroyed by sound weaponry, to which they were getting quite a few minutes of fame with the fringe radio/podcasts, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back for me in regards to whistleblowers. Yeah I’m a 9/11 truther, but that was just plain disrespectful.

Y’know there was this guy who had some experienced folks convinced he was a space alien immigrant - had apparently come here as a child - but refused to allow his face photographed because NASA was supposedly after him, right. Had folks fooled. Why? Because his fingers and toes are extraordinarily long. Like, creepily long. So this radio show host, whom I respect BTW, went to meet him in person, saw the appendages, and was convinced. And from there others were convinced.

This is where being educated on facts and other inconvenient things come handy. It so happened that learning why people were convinced made me realize why he was a white sheet to me. Extra long fingers and toes is a genetic disease: Arachnodactyly - Wikipedia and I just happened to know about it.

But you couldn’t tell folks this of course, because they will believe what they want to believe.

(sighs, rubs forehead) There’s something not quite right with her story. It’s there, I can’t explain how I see it, but it’s the same way I felt when I first saw Obama make a speech. It’s just a “no no, this is not what it appears” feeling. It’s a white sheet.

But it doesn’t mean she’s lying. It just means something is off and I can’t put my finger on it.

I tried to see if anyone else had come forward speaking of the same place. I got nothing, but then again my internet search skills are pretty darn weak. I search for black cats with hats and get panthers. You’ll get black cats with hats.

Also, Pizzagate was supposedly debunked I learned about 2 months ago. Personally I have trouble believing that as well, but that’s a whole 'nother debate. Having grown up with stuff, well, I believe Pizzagate.

I think I shall sending healing her way today. And if I think of other good things, then that as well.

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Something about paedophilia in the Roman Catholic Church. Listen up! I don’t think Leo Zagami is making up all that stuff (and countless scandals were confirmed and are still being uncovered—it’s all over the news). (The video below can be viewed on Internet Explorer if other browsers fail to play it.)

  1. As a Theistic Satanist, I do not believe Satan would ever condone sexually abusing, raping, torturing and murdering children in order to praise HIM.

  2. Pedophiles have nothing to do with the LGBT community (even though some of them want to infiltrate it/may have already infiltrated it, which is detrimental to LGBTs as a whole).


I think we can generally agree that these creeps will infiltrate ANYTHING - Satanism, Catholicism, any and all political groups, charities and aid organisations, and any other institution that will harbour them, and then begin to set up conditions of indoctrination or outright blackmail, to prevent themselves being exposed and prosecuted.

They take things people aspire to, in order to better the world, and use them, like parasitic wasps that infect another critter with an egg, as hosts, before consuming them and propagating their sickness elsewhere.

But the magickal supply they were relying on got shut off and now the nest is swarming, starving and frantic.


Paedophiles are infiltrating every where … I hope there will be new blanket laws keeping people under strict scrutiny who have access to large number of kids from babies to teens… there should be no exceptions… no religious, no holy, no kind NGOs, no UN activists… every one should be under radar.

But the fucked ironic thing is lawmakers themselves are paedophiles in most cases.


If this true is anyone surprised?


I am locking this topic as the working is long complete, and nothing useful will come of bumping it again. Thank you. :+1:


‘Mystics swim in the same waters that psychopaths drown in’ - Joseph Campbell. Hope you had a good dark moon.


You’re welcome. :wink:

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