Summon jinn without tools

Hi, I hope you are well.
I want to invoke the jinns and particularly Iblis or my qaren but the problem is I don’t have the necessary tools like candles and incense and I still live with my parents.
So I wonder what to do? can I summon them without tools?

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Well, I don’t know a way to summon them without tools. I have heard about some rituals where they even use some skins from rare animals. But, I don’t know the ritual completely. If I encounter a jinn summoning without tools in the future, I will post it here. Currently none. :confused:

Corwin Hargrove — Practical Jinn Magicka

Baal Kadmon — Jinn Magick

David Thompson — High Magick Asmodeus

Shurai Ashan – The Ritual of the Djinns

Some of them only will require candle, a sigil (in the book of Asmodeus and The Ritual of the Djinns) and a lancet. If you can’t afford any of this items that are basic to the occult practioner don’t do Djinn magick, start with Goetia and Angels that don’t require item at all (Goetia Pathworking and Raziel Path of Power volume 1 and 2).

Edit: Well I found a book to contact Iblis if you want, for what I’ve read (I don’t read all of it) you can contact him via Pathworking. The name of the book is “The Book os Smokeless Fire II: Into The Crucible” from S. Bon Qayin. I don’t know if he’s a good starter for begginers but here it is your response

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You don’t need any tools all you really need is too be able to channel. Also have a name helps a lot

Well, that depends… If it’s just to have a supernatural experience, he can certainly do it with just the name of the entity and dedication. The problem is twofold: how will he know if it’s really the Djinn he’s contacting and not an astral larvae? And maybe he can contact the real Iblis, if he has some facility because in case he has an Islamic ancestry, but the problem is that Djinns are not as friendly to newcomers to the occult as the goetic spirits, they are very fiery beings in nature and can cause harm to unprepared people. That’s why I recommended those books that have a guarantee of contact and the right security.


I maybe not correct but I think that’s why they use some special ingredients in the rituals related to jinn summoning. Like some materials can give you help in controlling them. In some rituals they connect with jinns through a vessel which was made from the special ingredients and they continuously practice with it. I read your reply. You look like you are familiar with demons. It maybe out of topic but I wanted to ask. I came across a bunch of information about summoning demons. In those summonings they only use sigils and some other symbols which should be drawn on hand (protective measure). Then the demon will talk when it feels safe. I haven’t tried demon magic that much. So, I am a little bit scared to do. What is the purpose of those protective measure? What will happen if the protective measure didn’t work or correct?

Can you tell me something about Goetia demons? Why are they considered safe? Some examples of Goetia demons?

Pretty much the testimony all over this forum of people having great experiences and results with them.

Check out the gratitude threads like this one:

This dies depend on you. It seem, or I notice, that those that approach any being from a place of feat doesn’t get the greatest experience. If you have any fear about then I’d say hold off and read around until you can stand toe to toe with them in all confidence.

There’s only 72 of them, they are called “Goetic” because that’s the grimoire they are in: the Ars Goetia. I like Corwin Hargrove’s book “Goetia Pathworking” as a very accessible way to contact them, and it lists all with what the author has experience of them providing for him, which I have found works out to be verified.


Oh. Cool. Thanks.