Success with Mushroom spirit

Recently around 2 weeks ago I summoned the mushroom guru, I knew the consciousness of the mushroom was very universal when I first took it and it was such a trippy substance and that it was macrocosmic and microcosmic at the same time, that I could tap into it simply by invoking it

When I summoned the mushroom spirit I asked it to bring me a good amount of mushrooms and during the summoning I felt so many colors and I left that summoning as though I was already high

Today the mushroom spirit delivered after 2 weeks or so, and I’ll note note, I live in a country where these things are highly prohibited and mushrooms are really hard to come by, so I would like to give the spirit an offering of public praise for coming to me in tangible form so graciously

I’ve also done the same thing wjth DMT before, If you are looking for substances to help you with your path you may simply call to them to come into your life

The way I do it is, I use an invoking pentagram and call to the spirit or energy, this is how I summon all spirits and it works all the time

Hail mushroom guru :man_mage:t4::mushroom:


This is so cool!! Congrats, man.

You know I found this post, because a caught another post of yours just surfing the forum, and was super impressed.

May I ask for an example of how you did this? I looked up invoking pentagrams, but see there’s one for each element. Then there’s probably words I don’t even know to say.

I’m also wondering what you used for the sigil of the mushroom guru.

See, I used to do natural mind magick as a kid, but only really got into ritual magic the past couple years with the “baby books” from authors such as Damon Brand and Ars Aurora. The modern “baby school of magick” lol

But heck, I’d love to try this!

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I simply trace an invoking earth pentagram, I usually trace this one all the time for all summonings, like when I’m laying down on my bed and I think of something, I just quickly trace it and summon the spirit, and sometimes I just converse legit while I’m laying down or chilling

But this time I was just sitting and I traced the pentagram, and I called out that universal consciousness of the mushroom, its a little difficult to describe but as I was calling to it I was also connecting to its consciousness and as I did that I literally got high, like I became super clairvoyant visual, and my room became more vibrant, that’s when I knew the spirit was with me, I asked it to come into my life so that I can commune with the mushroom spirit and upgrade myself, it possessed me in a way it was super instantaneous but after a week or so I asked a friend and he found someone for me

It’s a strange spirit because it’s so universal, it actually worked through me to make it happen too and this happens all the time when I summon it, I always end up with mushrooms and when I don’t I have hard time even finding connections for it, so I feel like the genius of the mushrooms consciousness makes it happen, mind of over matter

As for the sigil, there are no sigils, in fact I don’t really use sigils much at all, I only use them for petitions and evocations but I don’t even really use sigils for evocations unless it’s petition evocation mix but I’ve evoked spirits without sigils before, it’s very simple, the tricky part is understanding how easy it is to summon spirits, because if you think you need so many preparations and rituals, you’re automatically blocking your consciousness from connecting with it


Ok, I think I understand! Thanks so much for being so clear.

A few detail questions…

So do you trace the invoking earth pentagram on paper or in the air?

Is there a certain colour such as purple or blue that works better?

When you say “call out” do you literally just talk to it the same way as if you were calling out to a human friend, or at least to a human friend telepathically?

Ha, I like your attitude! You know, I think you’re probably right.

The funny thing is, before I did rituals the past couple years, I’d call spirits occasionally just to ask questions about the world… but since getting into rituals with these modern magick books, I think I’ve gotten a bit uptight about getting things right.

Hmm. Something to consider. I should probably relax a bit more


Color doesn’t matter but white is probably ideal because it has all seven colors or rays

I trace it in the air, definitely not on papers, the point is to release as many physical objects as possible, I like it when my magick is purely focused from my energy and mind, I do evocations for fun or to generate more power through ceremonial workings


Yea like a prayer or invocation, but I also like to visualize what I’m saying to the entity there’s quick telepathic exercise for ya

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Wow! I like your methods.

Mind magick used to really work for me when I was a little kid. I miss it.

It faded as I learned more about science and became socialized by western thought.

Then I got back into natural mind magick as my “other world” awareness become fierce for a bit when I went on a weird diet for a few months (raw vegan). Then all this faded again once I learned ritual, and have been focusing on that for more than a year now. Now it seems like I’ve become almost obsessed at finding just the right rituals or ritual working methods.

It’s cool how you’ve combined elements from ceremonial magick with mind workings… like drawing the earth pentagram with your mind.

“the point is to release as many physical objects as possible”

Wow, I love that. That’s brilliant!

You still find ceremonial ritual to raise more power, though, eh?

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Oh so you basically talk to them but also make subtitles?

Wow, that’s cool. You’re developing cool stuff!

I’ll try all of this. Thank you for sharing :pray:

Did you post your petition and evocation methods anymore on the forum? I was reading your 72 thread. It’s fascinating! I like how you constantly refine your processes.

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I draw it with my mind and hand at the same time like the LBRP but invoking with only one pentagram

As for this, there are workings where you draw on really powerful energies, but these are usually kept secret because they can severely damage the body or psyche, I know a guy that was in one of these rituals where his nose started bleeding from the sheer power and he passed out for 48 hours lol

I’ve had similar experiences as well where I became quantum and my head became the entire planet, which sucked the energy out of my kidneys like dry fruit

So focusing more on energy work and meditation let’s the spirits know you’re ready for more

Most of the time magicians remain at a very mundane level of magick because they don’t even know more is out there

My number one advice is getting that foundation work perfected like astral senses, astral projection, evocation, meditation etc. magick can literally do anything the things I mentioned above can be compared to an infant learning to walk, and I don’t say that to disrespect anyone’s achievements I’m not at that level yet either even though I’ve unlocked very cool feats, it’s not for everyone consider we still have to earn a living though it’s still possible for everyone but nevertheless challenging


I agree on that i habe also done some really cool feats and am continuing to do so yet i am failing at astral projection my astral senses are really good by now and they are improving through the 18 flames of initiation yet i am still unable to astral project. Any recommendation?

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There is a difference between astral projection and astral travel, astral projection is more like clairvoyance but astral travel is Out of body

Lucifer is a great spirit to work with in regards to this because he can give you what’s best suited for you, that’s what he did with me but it’s a continuous process like a muscle you have to focus on it daily


I mean obe and lucifer can help with that? Should i just try the invoking pentagram or do you have a ritual

I use the invoking pentagram for pretty much every spirit I summon but sometimes I like to do ritual evocation for fun

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Hey, so, what you posted here works!

Well, I think it works lol.

After doing a meditation and talk with my memory of the mushroom spirit, I found this rather large bag of mushrooms cleaning out the house. I didn’t know it was there.

If this was due to your tips (and I suspect it was!), then THANK YOU


May I kindly ask you… since you have results in the spirit world that I long to achieve… how many grams would you recommend for ritual work? Or maybe just mental magick work?

I’m more comfortable with just mental work or “direct magic”, similar to what you talk about (although you’re more advanced than me). Feeling and asking my way through the spirit world. I did that as a little kid, and I’m sure on mushrooms I’d return to it naturally.

Mostly I want to telepathically connect with my family with 100% certainty. What I used to like about psychedelics is that they bring me this certainty. I don’t just “think” or mildly feel that X, Y or Z is happening — I KNOW IT for sure. I’ll even see it visually sometimes.

On psychedelics, navigating the unseen world is often as real as taking a shower, reading a book or using a computer. I love that.

My goal is to work out whatever happened, and be reunited with them. (My long time life partner has bipolar disorder, and a few personalities (DID) from severe abuse as a child… and she took off with my kids during a harsh manic episode)

Because I’m at that age where my family is my primary motivation in life, I’ll go as deep/risk losing my mind as much as necessary to achieve this result. If you think it’s 5 or 7g, so be it. Although I sort of hope 2.5g to 4g will do, as I’ll be doing this alone.

I haven’t ingested anything like this in a loooong time. Don’t even know the last time I used them.

Thank you for any guidance, dear one :pray: I truly feel blessed when reading your posts.

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Well there are many factors, I’ve noticed a vegetarian diet and fasting increases the benefits of the trip.

I usually like to evoke spirits before I take the mushrooms so they can teach me while I’m on the shrooms

If I were you I’d just ask the mushroom what want, but be careful because it will also make you face your pain before teaching you anything it has a strange way healing

It depends on the strain too, some of my mushroom trips have been very intense while others not to the same degree

I wouldn’t do ritual work on mushrooms though, you’ll get more out of it just by walking or meditating among other things, especially if you’re meditating, try sitting with the feeling ask how you can become that level of consciousness daily, and it will teach you magick and how you can achieve those states of being


Thank you. Fasting or vegetarian sounds perfect. Thank you for the tip. (I used to love the raw vegan diet or just eating fresh fruit for spiritual purposes — the veil lowers a lot on these diets)

Ah, meditation type work will be fantastic. Calling spirits before hand I didn’t even think to do. I thought to call them afterwards. Hopefully the mushroom spirit itself can help, as you suggest. I’m OK learning hard lessons, as long as it doesn’t lead me to something extreme like suicide.

What sort of mushroom dose would you recommend for this? I’ve taken huge doses of LSD (as I knew a chemist once upon a time), but only small amounts of mushrooms.

To me, mushrooms always felt safer and gentler than LSD.

Do you think smaller doses are better at first, or just go high for ego death and cleansing?

My only real fear is that I’ll be alone doing this. I don’t want to do anything weird around neighbors.

I was thinking maybe 3g one day, then 5 to 7 g another day. Maybe soaking the mushrooms in honey for a few days.

Does this make sense?

Well dosage will very depending on the strain and tolerance it just depends on what you want from the trip

I like to take around 3 grams but I’ve noticed different levels of intensity varying from the strains, if you get a really strong mushroom then 3 grams will be one of the most important trips of your life probably

But if you were to get a weaker mushroom, on 3 grams it may be drastically less, that’s why it’s best to take them on a vegetarian diet and fasting so you can access more of its energy

You can’t really determine these things because there many factors especially if you’re looking for a certain outcome, the mushroom is gonna choose for you most of the time it has its own way of doing things because if your way worked you wouldn’t be taking it to fix yourself or some aspect of your life

It’s also good to take them when the moon is in your sun sign because then you can produce more of the chrism oil which is the 33rd degree principle of god consciousness, the milk and honey of Krishna in the brain. To prevent yourself from spoiling the oil, you should not eat meat, drink alcohol or engage in ejaculatory sex


They are psilocybin. That’s why I thought 5g+ would be “heroic”.

That’s what they call that dosage here. Although it seems you are from a place far different than the US and the US ways of thinking.

I’ve never heard of some of these factors, so thank you. I will try your advice. I will try to time it to the moon. Fasting is very powerful, so that’s a must try.

Do you think they combine well with anything? I have an almost euphoric green tea I love from Uva, Sri Lanka. It’s very different. Beautiful and elevatory. I brew at low temperatures. Also have quite a bit of Reishi (ling zhi). I love it’s Shen energy, and wonder if it’d synergise.

If I remember back to being a teenager I used to soak these in honey before ingesting. Is that still a good thing to do, or is there something better now?

Thank you

Well actually I’m from Florida and I’m half American, I just live abroad currently

I don’t know what you mean by US thinking, most mushroom facilitators I know on the West coast mention this stuff all the time, and it’s just common sense when you’ve sat with the mushroom enough

I’ve heard of things like mushroom honey which is basically psychedelic honey but soaking them, not sure what that does tbh

However I have heard that if you grind them and then put them in lemon juice for an hour and then drink it, it hits you way harder because it’s pre digested due to the acids of the lemon


Ah Florida. I lived there a little bit. Mostly in the south, although I explored all around.

In some of your posts, you seem to have such an intrinsic knowledge of these things, I thought you were from South America or something. Some of your posts don’t seem to align with some American forms of thinking.

Although you’re right… there’s good currents and knowledge here, too, on things like mushrooms… from the St Pete spiritual community to BM, COSM etc.

Ah yeah, an acid might break down the chitin, I suppose. Hmm. I may try that.

Have you ever combined psilocybin with anything else? I found quite a bit, probably at least a few “heroic” doses. However, I’d like to “extend” them as much as I can. If something like Reishi tea mixes well, that’d be rather exciting.

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