Do any of you have a NEW success story about working with demons? I’m not trying to be rude or disrespectful in any way when saying this, I know that you can search for stuff and I have. I’ve seen people writing ”the search button works” or ”just search for it”. I just wanted to say that I have and I want new stuff to read not something I’ve already read twice.
I love reading success stories because it gives me more confidence to do things like that myself and because it gives me hope that I can turn things around for once in my life.
i assume you found my thread already. If you’ve already browsed through all the 200 stories there, you wont find much else on your own. Pretty much every success story, old and recent, can be found there
I understand, but, bear in mind a post that takes 2 - 3 minutes to read, at most, may represent MONTHS of research, evocations, divinations conducted beforehand, as well as considerable immersion, practice and planning on the part of the magician… this is not a game (obviously) so people can’t just share stuff like it’s casual.
The amount of work that preceded this “simple” post (as it appears in posted form) was… considerable! Evocation Of My Personal Daemon.
Much as some people would love to believe there’s an element of fiction or wishful thinking, we’re posting real experiences… sometimes, ones that come at a high price.
And edit to add, not everything we do or succeed with will benefit from being put on the internet, obviously. 4th power, etc.
Hey I’m sorry if I sounded rude or anything, it just gets frustrating when I search for different things but end up reading the same thing over again. So of course if you guys have any links to stories that I might have not read I would be happy to read it. Thank you so much for your comment😊
I once beheld a league of spirits which I met upon the threads of thought, heart, and time. I didn’t at first know who the spirits were but reading up on members of the Egyptian pantheon soon led me to realize I had interacted with a variety of ancient beings. I saw mind itself like oceans which influenced humanity, flowing through the minds and hearts of all living things. The greatest of these minds was that of the will of life.
The will of life moved across the earth compelling humans to form civilizations and also build cities. The will of life moved through people as though it posessed them as humanity procreated at a phenomenal rate. Eventually the cities overgrew. These centers rich in human mass became prime nodes of the will of life itself. The will of life produces structures which thrive from need. Supply and demand becomes regulated by industries which root themselves near the cities. All this creates a massive mechanism fueled by human mass. So over time the cities grew larger in excess, consuming and requiring the consumption of the masses.
But other minds also existed such as the celetium of individual minds. Though independent, the individual minds are great in number and clash with even the will of life as life dimishes the root of individuality. This led to a great division within the dimensions of dilemma, thought, emotions, and perception.
So the Universalist Continuum was created to gather a great census of all living things. Engines and agents of the Continuum went forth asserting their forms and cultures upon all life. But the will of life moved with the Universalist Continuum. And so the Continuum was emporwed by the universe against the individualist celestium.
But champions of individuality has ascended to battle the all assimilating Continuum. The Continuum heralds a single human form and culture for all the earth. But the individualists often struggle to produce form. Oftens times the pure true will is all the individualist has but that will shall carry him or her through all toil to triumph against all those who seek to absorb us into a grander organism than our own self.