Ok guys. Pretty powerful encounter with a being I had for me personally.
It’s a little bit of a long story that stretches over the span of a couple months and an evocation of another being I had just done prior, but for the sake of the post I will keep it to a minimum of the bare encounter I had.
After the first being I had evoked had left I sat meditating and projecting myself just right in front of my body.
As a result of something the first spirit had told me, I began to feel like my sternum had unfolded itself, and oceans were pouring in through my crown and out of my body. Visions of planets and stars and galaxies began to flash before my eyes. I was projecting inside my room, but it was as if the fabric of time and space had been pulled to where all the hosts of the sky sat before me, and a portal looking thing with odd writing surrounding it.
I began to feel different… I felt very old. After a short time I became aware of strings, or threads, that were connecting all things. Each thread connected from one item, to another: intersecting and crisscrossing. It seemed almost impossible to discern where to begin, until I noticed that they were also connected to me, and I to every other item in existence.
After becoming aware of this truth, a very, very, large being made himself known to me. All that was visible was his one large eye about the size of a car looming above me. It seemed a bit reptilian. The rest of his body seemed to blend in with all of creation. Sort of like those kinds of pictures that say “how many faces do you see?” Although the original artwork on the surface is not a painting of faces at all. You just have to train your mind into seeing them. That’s what this being was like.
Without words, he began to give me the knowledge of how to use these threads of existence. He started with simple manifestation and “speaking” things into existence. He told me that the entire universe works with vibration whether physical or spiritual. And when you speak certain things… you vibrate those strings, and it manipulates reality.
He went on to say that there in that realm, you can simply grab the strings, and manipulate them.
I became concerned that if I did, it might upset the order of things. The amount of threads crossing over one another already looked like a tangled mess.
He started to get quite passionate about the idea I had of “messing things up.” What he said to me next was not in words, and quite honestly a little hard to fathom, much less translate, but I will do my best.
He started saying things like “You think the universe is perfect? It is not. The universe is subject to change from second to second. Nothing is solid. Why do you think people are so unhappy with their lives? The entire universe is based off of entropy and chaos.” Now mind you. None of that could possibly even come close to the way this being communicated, so it doesn’t quite hit home compared to the way he said it.
I took a minute to reflect on the things in my life I would like to change. So I grabbed the threads connecting to those things. The feeling of it just seemed to come so natural it was like I knew what to do. So I began to sew together what I had liked to see changed. While I was doing this, moon phases flashed by above me, repeating the moon phase cycle over and over again. Which made me realize that these strings connected things not only over space, but also over time. As I sewed into these threads, entire months seemed to flash by.
I will update you as to how I see things change.
After I changed what I wanted, for some reason tons of other beings were standing in my room watching me. I thought they were going to stop me from messing with the threads or something, but they just stood there and watched. Like I had an audience. After a while I started to realize they were all giving me an immense amount of energy. It all seemed like some kind of ceremony.
When I asked the being who he was this was the sigil he gave me. Does anybody recognize it?
I’ve tried several times to sleep since but keep waking up gasping.