Subliminal use for male enhancement


So basically you have listened to a sub that speaks to your subsconsiouss mind and tells it 100.000 positive affirmations about your dick and that it grows larger and larger?


That & hormone frequencies imbedded in it. Like testosterone or hgh to put your brainwaves on that frequency.



So do you still have those 2 subs?

Why aren’t you using them anymore? Even if the company got shut down, you can still use those subs right?

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Why you just don’t write one by yourself? It is easy:

If you show a message for several milliseconds and hide it. You can write all you want.
Even you can try to charge sigils directly in that way. I can help you with that.
For example sigil with his purpose will be embedded directly in your subconscious mind.
You will just need to open a url (a plunker for example): and to watch it some time. You will need just to relax and watch.
Of course you need to made sigil of the wish/idea/entity first.

Edit: I can create a simple tool for this purpose. You will need just to enter the subliminal message in a textarea and click on “Play” button. The link to the plunker can be here.


Yes I still have them, but I was going to wait until I release all my blockages to start back up again. One thing I’m iffy about is if I share it would it still work? Because this company would strictly put in their YouTube description that they have anti piracy affirmations embedded in it, so no downloading from YouTube. Which I thought was also shady, if you’re really for the ppl why do you care if they download it, SMH. But here’s another good one you should try by subliminal warlock frequencies, you should start getting sensations In your dick In a few days of listening. Plus there’s loads of comments on it. Sorry this forum wouldn’t let me post a reply, it said that I had to wait 9 hours since Its my 1st day joining.

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No not at all😂 it looks nice and my semen volume increased A LOT.

Here is the subliminal on YouTube.

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33 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion About Spirit Marriage


Too bad the other ones have anti pirate code embedded. So will this new vid also work as good as your first subs?

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If I had to guess, then the reason why it stopped working after a bit and why most people got only 0.5-2" of growth was because they were not generally fully erect to begin with. Rather than adding new growth it would likely be that they were achieving their maximum potential length.

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This is also a reason why I advocate for doing kegels, by doing kegel you’re pushing blood into the penis. If you train regularly, you can train your penis to hold more blood. This turns into a firmer erections, more stamina and slightly more length and girth. You will reach your maximum potential length and girth because you’re filling it up until it cannot hold anymore blood.

When you reach your maximum potential penis size with kegels or these subliminal programs, growth will stagnate and you have to start doing jelqing / stretching exercises in order to grow more…


Can relate to that for sure :expressionless:. Don’t ask the story behind it. !

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I’m not entirely sure if it will work, but it was giving me strong growing pains everyday, hard erections and a boosted sex drive. Another weird thing was that I was lasting alot longer during sex and that’s not even mentioned as an affirmation in there. But I will WARN you that this sub since it’s on YouTube & it’s made by a warlock, that it might have negative or demonic affirmations in it. It’s not garunteed safe. Try listening to a sub that blocks negative affirmations before you listen to it each time & let me know if it rejects the entire sub or not. But 1st try listening to the warlock sub alone for a few days and let me know if you’re getting strong sensations, then listen add in the blocker after the 5 day mark and see if the sensations stop or weaken. If they do chances are that it’s a fake, and he put some evil shit in there😂

No I made real growth as I had new skin grow on the base of my penis. On top of that I know how to measure and I stretched my penis out to measure each time. So I measured erect & stretched. Stretched is the best way to measure because erections size always changes due to how much blood pumping in.


You can try this here:

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Is that as effective as listening to subs or more effective?

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I am not sure. You can research or/and try. :slight_smile: Similar techniques were used in advertisements.

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Well i’m not trusting that developer then. Lol
I’m already testing out a program from Indigo Mind Labs. Their technology requires that I only listen to that program and I can’t listen to other because that will cause severe headaches, turbulence in my head and I don’t want to get fucked up.

I will ask the developer if he’s in for a new 6G penis enlargement sub when the time is right. That will take a few years I think, until then I just keep training.

Also, if you manage to train your pelvic floor muscles to an advanced state, try doing weighted kegels,

Building up slowly, a small hand towel, then a wet hand towel

This will get you extremely hard erections and girls will love you for it. You will have insane stamina and when you perform a kegel you can actually hold back your semen, allowing to have multiple male orgasms back to bAck to back.

This will drive them mad. They aren’t used to that kind of power / stamina / erection hardness.

You can fuck them for hours on end until their pussy becomes sore and they will beg you to stop.

That is maybe more important than penis size itself in my opinion.

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Friendly request people please keep subsequent replies on-topic to discussing subliminals for male enhancement, especially persons without penises of their own. Cheers! :+1: