Stumbling thru (Journal)

October 23th, 2021 Pt.2

Small Addendum to my previous post.

My tarot cards have been calling to me, so I decided to divine for a little bit. This time I asked King Vine for his insight. I wanted some clarity, or perhaps, some advice going forward on what I might be missing, habits I should develop, or anything really. Here’s the response:

King of Wands (Rx), Death, 6 of Cups (Rx)

I just can’t win, can I? LMAO

The King of Wands Rx was a little surprising, given I don’t think I’ve been reaching too high for anything. Setting unrealistic goals… Maybe? I don’t feel like I’ve been trying to pursue anything out of my reach, or maybe it is a warning when an event does eventually come. Perhaps this requires some reflection.

Death, well, I hate to see it. Slightly better than the Tower, I guess. I’ve been warned of change coming my way and I’m not sure if I want any right now (who does, right). At least, nothing that doesn’t produce some benefit to me. However, unhealthy attachments and habits, most definitely need to be rid of. This will require some reflection as well.

VI of Cups Rx. Yeah.

Haha. Not much else to say there. Perhaps I do need to take some time and give myself proper care. Meet my own needs, whatever they are.

Anyways, that’s all for now.

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October 24th, 2021

Tonight, I performed an evocation with Lucifuge.

Not sure what changed. The only reason I continued to fail was that sitting out in complete darkness and seeing something before me had spooked me (many failed attempts with LVTN, lol). Though, there was no fear at all, even when reality started to shift before me.

No real guide or method. I had his sigil at the foot of his candle, then the incense behind it. I sat on the floor and chanted his enn to get myself into a slight trance. I called him forth then chanting some more while I stared past everything to the wall behind. I had some bags/purses hanging off the doorknob and they started to “melt” into the floor. Everything began shifting around until the room became so dense and thick.

I knew he was there when the smoke on the incense “slowed” (the plume visually showed down, idk how to explain it) and it was cold for a second. This was followed by a vocal “I am here”. I asked for his signature and saw what looked like an “L F” in the smoke.

After confirmation, I went through my questions and requests. I hesitated on one and was asked “I feel like you wish to say something else.” Foolishly, I didn’t write down all I had wanted to ask, so lessons for the future. I managed to remember this time, but it was of no service to be indisposed and trying to recall, lol.

After all my requests were noted, he requested to sit in the silence for a moment. This didn’t last all too long because the pressure and blurry vision were becoming a little much for me. It was welcomed, either way. It was a nice to sit in a moment with an complete absence of thought before I had dismissed him and cleansed my room.

My head feels like a balloon still. I feel like I could turn over and sleep for 30 years now. But, it was well worth the time and energy.

Have a nice night, everyone.

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October 25th, 2021

After last night’s evocation with Lucifuge, I felt oddly motivated today. The slight annoyances that typically bother me, didn’t bother me hardly at all. I was impervious to anything that would have costed me productivity or discipline today. Even cut down mindless social media scrolling when I got home and focused on more interactive hobbies.

Needless to say, I’m impressed with the change and I can only hope to maintain it going forward.

Along with well needed adjusts, tonight it was me and Leviathan. I started with journaling with his candle lit, I sense he wanted some time with me outside of the pathworking and within the mundane world. I was journaling in my “rant” journal, but instead of pointed rants/self-wallowing, it oddly became a long list of affirmations on the page of before me. Unraveling the natural unease bestowed on me naturally flowed into long chains of assurance to myself and my subconscious. It was odd, but not unwelcomed.

One manic journaling session later, I got this feeling that Leviathan wanted me to take up automatic writing since I was getting into the flow of it. I found myself with my “grimoire” notebook on the floor next to his candle. I went to put on my usual ambience, but I had chosen a playlist with Mozart’s Lacrimosa and a tiny pinch on my shoulder requested Mozart’s Requiem in D Minor.

Leviathan, in my experience, always enjoyed concertos, musicals, operas. I remember when he had “sat” with me through the Dracula musical. I miss those simple moments, sometimes.

It took a while to get into the motion of automatic writing. It had been so long that the possession took a little bit longer. Looking back on it, I cannot read half of this, so some of the words are lost with time, lol. I will try my best while it’s semi-fresh in my brain.

I had ask if he had anything to say (transcribing from notes):

Plenty. Where do I start?

[Unintelligible writing]

The world is vast and the [usage] of mere words cannot encompass the brevity of my single thought. To translate through you barely considers the nuance necessary to capture my message.

[Unintelligible writing]

"Look out to the abyss. The make and shift of the world. Plant your feet into the ground and experience the networks of flesh and blood. Feel the person fused with the Earth.

Pay attention to the weight of your body and the strength of your spine. Raise your cadence. Expand your chest and relish in the gift of air.

Only when you understand the purge(?) of elements within you, will you find harmony in body and soul.

Pay close attention [unintelligible writing] (I think he was calling me one of his many names for me)

The world will change, but your chemistry won’t. Seek comfort in that familiarity."

I had underlined this last part, I guess for it’s importance to me.
With this session included a tarot pull from him:

Ace of Wands, 10 of Cups Rx, Page of Wands Rx.

This has worn me out, so I’m calling it quits. Have a nice night, everyone.

October 30th, 2021

Not much for tonight. I am mostly gathering the materials that I’ll be using for tomorrow night’s ritual. For now, I think I’ll post some little things happening within the mundane.

When lighting Leviathan’s candle, I’ve been feeling a soft brush against the back/crown of my head. It feels a little like petting, more like the brush of someone walking behind me and their clothes grazing my hair. It’s a nice feeling at least, whether it be my body reacting to his presence or him actually “touching” me.

I was at a loved one’s house, looking for some show to watch on Funimation. I couldn’t find Devil’s Line (yes, I know), but ended up watching this other Devil show, Devils and Realist. Immediately found myself laughing as the plot was over Solomon’s descendant and a bunch of goetic demons. Silly little plot aside, it got me thinking about all the Goetic demons and reminded me that I needed to find a proper Ars Goetia book for my library.

I’ve been thinking some about cameras and the concept of them capturing a person’s “soul” (essence, maybe a better word). I was toying with that the the idea of necromancy as well. Capturing a spirit within a photo and diving from that. Haven’t put that much thought into it, but as someone with quite a bit of photography supplies, it makes me wonder if I could put it towards practices like that.

I’m taking some time to refine my craft and see what I want to sink my hands into next. I want to build my grimoire a little be more. I am not sure which direction I want to go, but I figured I should start writing some more solid pieces and maybe detail my usual spells/rituals a little better. Maybe make them more dynamic. Will expand on this eventually.

I can barely keep my eyes open, so I will call this a night.

Have a wonderful evening, everyone.

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November 20th, 2021

It’s been a while and I can’t save I’ve been doing all too much. For this time, I felt myself truly reflecting on Lucifuge’s words to me:

On loop, I kept hearing that exact phrase, in light of good and/or bad things. With that, I’ve been experiencing pretty steady motivation and drive. I felt impervious to day-to-day exhaustion and the idea of attaining goals didn’t seem all that far-fetched to me.

In terms of actual practice, there really hasn’t been any. I’ve mostly focused on practicing yoga and breathwork, which in essence doesn’t really pertain to “my” practice since it is for my health rather than study of the occult, but it is still energy work.

I took some time to invoke Lucifuge and pathwork into his domain. Being out of practice, it was a little hazy holding focus of the layout. It felt like a scene out of a new-age Dracula movie; dark and dreary forest with a castle atop a cliffside with the moon posted behind it.

Lucifuge, as always, walking up behind me. I felt something push back my bangs and reveal a third-eye on my head.

“You’ve been maintaining your focus. That’s good.”

It felt odd being praised since I felt like I really haven’t done much to deserve it and It felt odd having it come from an entity. I didn’t say anything before he continued.

“Once you’ve mastered your conscious, this will allow you to have mastery over your subconscious. From there, you can do anything you want.”

The rest is jumbled in my mind because, at this point, his voice broke out into layers of voices all around me. The rest of his lesson basically summed up to “Discipline is freedom”. Then I remember my body being slightly transparent a fire burning in my chest followed with another message of me managing this flame.

After I ended the invocation, I pulled some cards with Leviathan. Kind of wish I didn’t because it was a mess of Major Arcana:

Justice, Tower, Judgement; all reversed

All lot of inner critic and a lot of inner change. I tried to unpack this, but with how intense the meaning is, I really don’t understand where any of this is coming from. I will have to take time and reflect on that as well.

Have a nice day, everyone.

December 18th, 2021

I’ve been pretty stagnant the last month, not in terms of ability, but motivation.

I was in a transition period of sorting through my mind, so I didn’t have space to perform much high magick. Which is alright. I found some hymns to sing to Leviathan. It’s more of a comfort thing for me to find solace in my song.

I found an old devotional artpiece that I made for Dantalion. When inspecting it, I felt him brushing up to me with an intense presence. I do miss working with him sometimes and I’m hoping one day I could find time to spend with him again.

I’ve been reflecting on Lucifuge a lot and the fondness I’ve grown for him. While I did not deal with him a traditional pact, I’ve felt like I was able to experience his wisdom all the same. I’ve learn to find comfortable stability in self-discipline and I’ve come to enjoy see his subtle influence around me. I wasn’t very motivated in mundane goal-setting and self-improvement, but he’s nudged me along different avenues and made me realize I was holding on to an unhelpful definition of ambition.

In passing thoughts, I find myself turning to both Leviathan and Lucifuge for advice. I believe I can confidently include Lucifuge into a working Pantheon due to his reliability as a mentor and elemental force.

With the year settling down, I believe I’ll find myself to more magick-adjacent projects, if not experimenting more with divination and ritual Demonolatry.

In terms of vampirism, well, certainly been helping myself to that. I’ve focused pulling from the stars rather than the Earth and playing with the feeling, however replenished all the same. I enjoy the coldness that comes from stars and planets; is nearly grounding (ironically).

That’s all from me for now. Have a nice day.

December 27th, 2021

I have only written my last entry about 9 days ago, but it has felt much longer than that. I guess it has been a busy week or so for me.

Today was light work. I continued my Goetia series and will promptly write my entry for that and then settled down for a session with Lucifuge. I had an urge to work with Leviathan, but I will put that to the side for later as I want to put my full heart into an evocation for him.

I sat down and chanted Lucifuge’s enn for a bit. I felt a pressure on my third eye followed by a foreign coldness on my arms and hands. Odd because I was sitting right in front of the candle, so I had no doubt it was his doing.

Rather than being in a place, it was as if he came to me and took a seat, cross-legged, in front of me. His usual smirking applied and eyes hidden beneath his mask this time.

Look at you. It’s been a while.”

He has been pretty chatty today, or maybe I have been pretty focused today. Unsure why considering I was struggling with it at work today. I asked him what the next lesson was and he was quick to answer “setting goals for 2022”. This was a weird task and I had said “Why that? That seems trivial for someone like you.”

Well, yes, but this isn’t for me. It’s for you. Think of it less of the sensationalized concept and more about creating general goals.

“So, then, goal setting is something I should focus on, then.”

Right. Go ahead, make something up. It doesn’t matter how unattainable it is. The point is to find something to look forward to and perhaps your mundane life won’t seem so bad. Then once you get into the habit, you will continue this path of setting goals over-and-over until you die… And then you will set more goals after that.

I’m at the impression that this is a joke since he was chuckling, but he had a point. I suppose I made a face or gesture that seemed disapproving before I’m hit with a “You endeavor to seek happiness, that is what you told him [Leviathan]. What else to find happiness than to be proud of something you’ve achieved? I sense that about you. You have an issue with confidence and we need to fix that.

I didn’t really say anything after that. More of a nod before I got this feeling to pull out my tarot deck for a reading:

Hanged Man (Rx), Strength (Rx), Hermit

I’m interpreting a lot of inner reflection and seclusion again, but with more action this time? I’m not really sure where this pull is going, but I guess I will find out.

Have a nice night.

March 7th, 2022

I took an involuntary step back from my practice. Not because of anything important or major. Mentally, my body and soul took a backseat probably feeling at its limit. The exhaustion of everything else creeped in and I had a major blockage on my motivation.

It wasn’t really a desirable situation. I would catch myself staring at my altar, wanting to talk to Lucifuge or Leviathan, but I couldn’t bring myself to do so. I blamed it on depression, but really I don’t know what it was. The final push that broke me from stagnation was an awful set of nightmares. For about two weeks now, I’ve been having vivid dreams of nothing and during the night, a loud masculine voice would talk so loudly in my ear that it woke me up thinking someone was there. The voice at first talking to my dog and then to me, so earsplittingly loud it sounded like someone eating their microphone. It didn’t come from a person either from the dream, more like a disembodied voice.

Now, I don’t really think that it’s a thing or an imposter. It very well could be, I don’t know. The occurrence was a catalyst that eventually fell into annoying bouts of irritation. General discomfort, discontent, unwarranted anger. I had taken time to catch a break and do something that alleviate this, but nothing worked. Just to be safe, I performed several different cleanses tonight to remove anything negative or stagnant energy from me. And in cleansing, I had this rush to gather all my tools and sit down on the floor.

Notably, there was a visual push too. While working there were at least 50 crows all around my house from the front and back yard. It felt like a call from Lucifuge and a reminder of neglect I’ve had for my practice.

There was nothing special about today’s ritual. I had mentally planned on performing an invocation to Tiamat out of the Grimoire of Tiamat, but it felt more appropriate to call out familiar Leviathan in his male form and worry about Tiamat later.

I had his sigil that I covered liberally with blood, lit his candle and some incense, then sat with some ambience. I performed my final fire cleanse here and during this trance, I heard a woman. I opened my eyes to my skin boiling and peeling off with her hand outstretched to me. I ripped out of this skin, newly born in an ash-covered body, following her. There I bathed under this small waterfall of all the muck on me. This woman had mentioned that I had lived in that skin “too long” and that’s why I was uncomfortable.

Meeting with her was brief as I was dressed in a black satin robe then led into this black room with 5 candles in a star formation over Leviathan’s sigil. I sat in the middle of the sigil now physically and mentally chanting his enn. With each breath the black floor cracked until it was revealed I was sitting on glass and beneath was the black waters.

Eventually the walls came down and Leviathan stared in the form of his sea serpent. The illusion eventually dissolved and he approached me with his arms crossed, looking me over.

Some words were exchanged here, but before the conversation continues, he grabs me by the head and spits the skin of my forehead open to reveal an eye. He pulled what looked like a pulsating organ out and from there I felt actual pressure on my head, a familiar clairsentient feeling.

Only a few more things were said before he took my hands and dragged me into the black waters. For the rest of the trance, I fall deep into these waters, sinking deeper into forgotten comfort. Leviathan, now as large as a grand statue, watched over me, his large hand below me to catch me if I sunk too deep. A personal conversation was spoken here, but eventually I snap back and found myself on the floor.

For the rest of the night, I mostly did yoga to stretch out unused muscle and release seated energy from my hips.

I don’t really expect much to come from all of this, but it was nice to fall back into my routine. My body has been far from grounded in either this world or the next. Maybe now I’m hoping I can hop back on abandoned projects with a renewed sense of vigor.

Have a nice night, everyone.

March 21st, 2022

Odd time.

I’ve felt this intense pull towards Lilith within the last few days? Maybe week? It turned into a minor bout of obsession of me consuming different experiences people had with her and me looking up different invocation techniques. Usually when this is the case, I feel as if it is a call to them.

It was sort of difficult understanding the call. I have no inclination towards sexual freedom of any sort nor do I really care about becoming in tune with my “darker feminine”. So, reading a lot into various workings and interpretations did not really resonate. Of course, this is speaking as a Leviathan devotee, so I know the best experience is my own personal gnosis.

I had my usual setup: index card with sigil and enn, incense (opted for Amber, not sure but felt as if she wanted something sweeter), a heart shaped candle with her enn, tool to draw blood, and a journal. Instead of the usual ambience music, I chose a ~Dark Academia~ classic piano playlist.

I do not normally journal my experiences as I usually write them here with them still vivid in my brain, but something here told me to take notes. This joined with my tarot deck beside me too, for a post-meditation reading.

Into the ritual, a sigil outlined with blood in the deepest red I’ve ever marked on a piece of paper, chanting her enn. I did not watch the flame, but at some point my eyes lidded open to see it flickering and the incense creating shapes towards me when it was originally standing straight. I felt a light brush on the side of my head paired with a verbal “I am here”. I closed my eyes into the next scene.

The expectation was a naked woman with unbound hair within the pitch blackness, but I reeled back the requirements and allowed her to present herself to me without bias. Instead, I was met with a tall woman, long black hair slicked back tight to her head as it cascaded behind her down to her hips. Lilith was not naked, instead wore a long black gown with gold accents and a diamond chest opening that bore her bare sternum where her long necklace dangled. She had scales defining the sharp angle of her jaw up towards her temples where they sprouted into smooth horns. Her face bearing even more beauty with near-black red tint lipstick and glamour black eyeshadow.

She extended her arm around my shoulders in a motherly gesture tagging a “I see you’ve found your way home”. Before walking the both of us through this black marble ballroom into a likewise hallway.

To preface, at the very start of my practice, Lilith was probably the first demon I’ve attempted to contact. My senses were sorely undeveloped and my focus was nonexistent. With some success, I was able to perform a lengthy chakra integrated meditation before appearing to her caverns to which she spoke “Come closer, child” and it frightened me so that I thought I was delusional for days. Not in fear of her, but the suddenness of someone speaking to me from thin air.

In this hallway, Lilith leaned against the seal of a tall window that displayed the inky darkness of night with a white full moon. She looked upon me with cold eyes, but they were with the sternness of a mother and no disdain. She knew what I had come for and I did not waste time speaking to her.

In essence, I made a pact, for something integral to my being I traded it for self-empowerment, reconciliation, and a chance to find betterment in myself… and hopefully acceptance and potentially happiness. Why a pact? It was something I do not want and it is something I am willing to give. It’s more of a trade, as I decided its value is more than a meager object/offering. She took this item out of me and accepted, locking me into the agreement of mentor and student.

She told me to go and reflect. With that I was back in my room, hands immediately on my tarot cards shuffling. The pull tonight was:
High Priestess and Page of Wands (reversed)

I was sort of surprised by the pull actually being something positive for once, but given the circumstances, I believe it’s context appropriate.

I look forward in future workings with Lilith. I am unsure why, but I sense a great relationship to come of her. Something a little more playful and homely than what I have with Leviathan or Lucifuge. It would be an exciting change, to say the least.

I hope you all have a nice night. (:

March 30th, 2022

Ever since I’ve evoked Lilith, daily life has become interesting.

It’s weird, really, having an active entity in my life. Any moment I find myself extremely pissed off or despondent, I feel her gentle presence beside me as if to comfort me. When I play through random songs on my playlist, I sometimes feel her nearby as if she is nodding to the song choice.

At times, she feels less like a mother and more like a sister to me. Or at least, I envision myself in a more casual playing field with her than I ever did with Leviathan or Lucifuge. Leviathan usually reserved, ever-watching, but stern. And, Lucifuge, the strictly business attitude. Which is fine, it is just different for me as I stood on the grounds that entities were not to “play” with.

Tonight, I sat myself with a different enn than her demonolatry one. I was drawn to the Saturnian enn of Ha Lilith Ama Kroniya for chosen meditation.

I slip into focus easily where it is just me in the vast darkness of the universe. The world shifts and I find myself at a white-clothed table with a golden chalice before me. The bowl of it the size of a regular food bowl and the contents were this reddish black water. Not necessarily blood, I’m not sure what it was. Lilith stood at the other end of the table. An older woman with her hair slicked back wearing a more Edwardian period dress (I’m not sure if that is what I would describe it, but it definitely wasn’t modern with slightly puffed sleeves and torso fitted with a corset). As always, makeup was beautiful with red-tinted black lips and darkly shaded eyes.

For some reason, I was so thirsty. It was more of a hunger, but with chalice in both my hands, it was pure carnal thirst. I asked permission to take a drink and she told me “as much as I need”. Wasn’t a full second before I was taking as much of this liquid as I could. It was like water with a cold metallic taste like I was tasting the bowl over the liquid and I couldn’t get enough. It refilled itself and I kept taking.

It was nearly barbaric how I was taking that it felt impolite as Lilith sat there that I pulled myself away and quietly apologized. She shook her head, like it wasn’t a big deal, before saying:

You’re starving yourself.

A very oblivious “what do you mean?” from me as I clearly eat when I need to.

You’re not conserving your energy and you’re not taking what you need. You’re falling behind in your vampirism practice.

It clicks and I don’t want to admit it. I nod and agree because I am, but I didn’t expect it to take such a toll on me.

It was then explained that the cup was filled with a Saturnian energy and I was hungrily eating up the closest source of energy I could. My physical body moved and my hands touched the floor, visualizing tendrils sprawling from it like roots into the Earth where I took even more for myself.

Other things were mentioned that are a touch more personal. I’ll leave it as the conversation focused on me needing to lean more into my studies and be more disciplined (Saturn aspect, am I right?). The only other item touched upon was Lilith telling me of my beauty and how beautiful I am then presenting me a mirror. However, what I saw in the mirror horrified me that I threw it off the table in a fit. Nothing more came of that, but that alone was telling of what I need to do.

I did a card draw that I can’t say I am a fan of: 10 of Pentacles Rx, 8 of swords, the Sun

Well, I can’t say I hate it, but it does point out a non-negotiable truth. Feeling trapped within my job currently and general despondence towards life. I’m distracted by irrational thoughts to the point that I stare at nothing when I’m free. Nothing totally new, but the routine crept up on me and has taken a serious toll on my mental health, as all things in life do. The Sun gives me hope like the rainbow after the storm and the light at the end of the tunnel. I just hope that I see that soon.

Have a nice night. (:

July 18th, 2022

Admittedly, I fell out of my practice for a little while. I hazard to call it depression since I never received a formal diagnosis, but I can say for a while I experienced lethargy and executive dysfunction. Along with general dissatisfaction of my life and my relationships for many months. I never rose above these lowly feelings, rather the inspiration to bring myself back into the comfort of my practice was stronger than the lamentation of this one life.

I’ve been ruminating on the next Big Ritual I wanted to tackle and found myself recognizing that I had a blockage in both mind and body. Whether it be the general block on my creative endeavors or not, I can’t, in full faith, put myself anywhere near several candles and pages of incantations. I’m simply not in the mindset for it and I know I would underperform.

Instead, I put myself back in front of Leviathan’s candle and a stick of Sandalwood to focus on something way more important; energy balancing.

I didn’t quite make it into Leviathan’s chambers at first chant. I was stuck re-learning how to breath and allowing myself to sink into breath, followed by empowering all the shelves in my spine and putting what little energy I could borrow from the Earth back into me. For the first time, in a long time, I felt free in the center of the universe. Unburdened by mundane stress and worry.

Skipping all the boring maintenance parts, I was at the Abyssian sands before two large obsidian doors with a dragon design on it. I chanted LVTH’s enn into the surface until it eventually opened wide enough to allow me inside. The rest I’ll skip because it was deeply personal gnosis.

Afterwards, I drowned in the deep, I think, for the first time I had ever been there. A moment my mind was blank before I “awoke” on the shore being revived, coughing up black worms and parasites from me. It was awful, terrible even and I don’t want to think about it, lol. Much needed cleansing is all I’ll say about it.

I did a pull with LVTH and received: X of Swords (Rx), VII of Cups, and II of Wands.

With how I am, and my circumstances are, now— I will take me a while to find footing again in consistent practice. I’ve reached the edge of burnout in all areas of my life (work, family, friends, leisurely hobbies) that I do not want it to spread here as well. Until I can bring myself to show up fully for a ceremony, I’ll sit down for a small daily ritual. Whether it be praying to Lucifuge and Leviathan, singing hymns in the morning, or lighting candles for all the spirits that I keep.

Side commentary: I’ve been reading through all my ritual books and information books. I do find deep value in them, but I find myself wanting to form my own rituals. I’ve created spells before for low-level concerns/matters that only affect the physical. Instead, I want to do something, sort of a devotional piece or a personal document of my own explorations with the entities that I work/will work with. Though, I feel it will take some time to get to the starting steps of that.

Have a nice night. (:

July 23rd, 2022

Nothing performed or rehearsed today.

There’s an itch to jump back into the spiritual currents and start spinning up some energetic concoction to send back out into the universe, but the more disciplined part of me gave pause and insisted on planning.

I bought a cheap faux leather cover notebook from the store. Dark blue, comfortable to hold, spiral-bound. I try to buy things that are minimal, so I don’t feel pressured to preserve the niceness of it. For this I plan to use as a little idea book. “Books of Shadows”? As one would call it, to scribble down whatever comes to my mind.

I had three sections on the first page: goals, to-do, interests. I wrote down all the goals I want to achieve (whether it be fleeting feelings or otherwise). Followed by a “to-do” which are items I am planning to do, regardless of my “feelings” or not. I have a spell to do that is at the request of a close friend of mine and then one for myself, that I’ve been planning on-and-off for a few months now. Lastly, I listed all the items I am interested in learning/honing my craft in. Simple enough, I think.

It feels good to sort through the mess in my head and finally put down and out into the universe my intentions. A sort of accountability towards myself and something to look forward to. Now, while this is only the illusion of accomplishment and productivity, it is better than backseating my thoughts and allowing my imagination to run through the motions of workings I could actually be doing.

Aside of that, I did a pull: V of Pentacles, Queen of Wands. No specific spirit inquired; only requested a message from anyone who thinks I need to hear it.

I also had a surprise guest today. Scared the lights out of me. I was walking through the living room and saw a whole white figure standing there off near the front door. Hair white, skin white, clothes white. No shoes. I flicked the lights on and they vanished. I feel like this is the second time I’ve seen them around and I should probably reach out to them, if they’re so bold to present themselves to me.

The whole of the house has orthodox Catholic protections on the mirrors and doors, while my own space has a mixed bag of everything I place. So, I feel no fear towards whatever spirit is hanging around, if they slipped through all of that. I do find it odd that I can see them, as my clairvoyance is my weakest sense. Maybe this is a calling card for something.

The weekend is ahead and I plan to get some genuine work done. Have a nice night. (:

July 24th, 2022

Sunday, the day of rest, a day for grounding. More like a day of cleansing. Today’s ritual I started with a bout of mindful meditation, cleaning my energy of the collection of muck gathered from poor moods and lack of spiritual maintenance. Then, a segue into working myself into Lucifuge’s office.

My attention span lately has been poor. I find my eyes glossing over large paragraphs or generally disassociating back into my mind. Unsure why, exactly, but I’ve been forcing myself to immerse into the present moment, and there, increase my attention. Which has been working, even more so performing small focus meditations before transitioning into pathworking/ritual/etc.

I’ve come to Lucifuge with a few items: a request for a spell I wish to perform, an opinion on potential workings with King Paimon, and general advice.

Lucifuge was overjoyed with what I was planning to do, shooting off a million ideas and ways to execute it. Which, in hindsight, made me realize how little I’ve actually thought this through on a functional level in terms of what to include/ways to deliver the spell. Big bold letters from Lucifuge: Layered Spell. I’m sensing a multi-day work here. I’ve concluded writing down some more ideas and perhaps another session to formulate it.

Moving on, normally I wouldn’t have originally consulted Lucifuge about my ponderings for King Paimon, as it would have been more appropriate to speak with Leviathan about it, however as I work with both equally, I would appreciate differing insight. Now, this wasn’t a spontaneous decision, I’ve felt a calling to him in forms of synchronicity via his name appearing just about everywhere, even in my dreams. I’ve seen the work he has done for others in relation to spiritual alchemy and I was seeing where I could add him for the additional benefit of getting back into the rhythm of things.

I suppose I was hesitant to call upon him again. He was actually the first being I attempted to invoke, ever, in my witchcraft/budding LHP journey. Of course, with obvious and continued failure. Admittedly, I felt lazy to call upon him again seeing as I didn’t see where he would fit my needs until I got to thinking about it now. Lucifuge mention that there was benefit to working with King Paimon this time and I should consider answering the call.

This conversation led to general advice. He, Lucifuge, is my discipline and I check-in with him on where I should improve. I wasn’t expecting much actually, other than the general vague tips that I could find out in the wild. Though, he did mention reviewing the books that I was familiar with, re-reading them with my newfound understanding. Also suggestions of keeping to habitual practices within my pantheon to keep myself focused, even if I cannot push myself to do anything deeper than that.

I did a pull with him and the results were: Page of Wands, IV of Pentacles

As my mind wandered today, I did think about Sephiroth working as well as Qlippoth. If nothing else, but to look into the dual meanings to append to my personal grimoire. However, I was humbled by the research as the only non-Kabbalah thing I could find with how ever little time I took to search was mostly the initiation book for the Golden Dawn, which I’m not all too interested in performing. The book did have useful descriptions of reading the Tree of Life itself, but I think I rather work myself through the Qlippoth first and allow more time to research into the Sephiroth before I waste my time.

Enochian magick is work that I want to devote more time towards, but I’m so sorely understudied on the matter that I can’t be flexible the way I can with my Infernal work. Not that I have anything against working along a textbook, I rather just meditate on sigils sometimes and then some to keep myself in-check with the currents.

Oh, well, more for me to dwell on later.

Have a nice night. (:

Revisiting my pull, I find it hilarious. I most definitely am over the moon to try as many things as my mind can conjure, but I really should find my grounding (Page of Wands). The second card is likely related to my feelings about my job, in which I won’t elaborate. Not entirely surprised if I am being asked to loosen up, I could do with a little hands-off from needing to control every aspect of my life. Consider Wu-Wei, or something.

Also, Lucifuge passed along this quote to me after my workings, which I found valuable: “You will carve your path as your own not unlike the ambitious artist seeking perfection in marble; their chisel the athame and their heart the wielder.

July 27th, 2022

All my workings were actually on the 26th, but it seems I didn’t beat Father Time to the midnight mark.

My main working tonight was an evocation. I wanted to try my hand at conjuring the energy to a point and calling a spirit with me along with a petition. The last I performed something like this, the room went cold and the plain walls started to warp before me. Instead, the candle I had near me nearly snuffed itself out followed by the spirit brushing my bangs from my forehead. There was other, more subtle occurrences such as the usual feeling in my temples and feeling an actual eye open in the middle of my head. I’ve been so out-of-tune with my clair-senses, that this was likely my body warming up to “muscle” memory.

I spoke my request and sent them on their way, which is where I start to get into trouble. Instead of calling it a night, I bring myself back to plainly meditate, focusing on my breathing, though at some point I cracked. Not sure if it was me becoming increasingly warm or the overstimulation of having just experienced another lifeform near me… I was irritated.

There I sat in the middle of the universe, trying my damnest to hold focus to breath, which I did. It— was like a fissure opened down the middle of my midsection and the outpour of anger long withheld in me spilled onto the ground. All of it, spilling in an ugly ooze. It was at this point I had to cease function and transition to something more physical, stretching to be exact. I figured I had stagnant energy in my body, or at the very least moving the blood through would remove this weird itch in the middle of my chest.

To some degree it did work, but I still feel the residual annoyance in the marrow. I’m writing it off as nothing more than exhaustion and me forcing more energy through my body than normal. Though, I will become troubled if this somehow carries over into my day tomorrow.

I’m completely out of focus and a tad restless, so I’ll have to sacrifice the quality of this entry and cut it short.

I hope you guys have a good night. :pensive:

July 27th, 2022 Pt.2 (morning)

This is more of an append to my last post, but after getting next-to no sleep (am on-call and was definitely called every hour of the night), I got to thinking about my errors.

Prior to ritual, I felt myself exhausted and needing to raise my energy to get anything properly done. Usually, I would pull from the Earth to both ground myself and feel a stable, easy flow of energy through me. Instead, for some ungodly reason, I decided to pull from the Sun like some sort of idiot because I thought I needed way more than I did to evocate. Spoiler: not really, doesn’t take as much as you think it does.

I certainly was appraised with bountiful energy and I thought I had expended it all in ritual, so in following meditation I let myself sit in untapped reserves until it did nothing but agitate me out of my own skin.

Which is new for me and a lesson well learned. :unamused: If anything, it kept me going through the night to sleepily fix all the problems that arose. Making positives out of negatives or whatever gratuitous thought pattern one should follow.

July 28th, 2022

Technically a report for last nights workings.

I haven’t been getting much rest nor sleep as I’m on 24-hour shifts, but am oddly committed to have a semi-recurring practice. I sat down to work on evocations again with this spirit, having feeling that it is becoming more naturally to me to center my energy before me and “conjure” something. Whether it be sleep deprived delusion, or not, not really up to me to decipher at the moment.

I’m focusing my intent and I get to a point where my vision begins to warp and I feel like I am seeing… something. An shifting black mass before me, I made out facial features at one point before it faded back into this inverting geometry. Strangely, I was expecting failure. I was sick to my stomach and I wanted to vomit (not sure why, likely due to bad dietary decisions), yet all exhaustion and nausea left and I was in a state of complete focus. For once, I had a channel of uninterrupted conversation with a spirit.

I attempted to write down my experience, but my in-trance writing is god awful. Seems that I was experimenting with touch to test clairsentience then at some point clairaudience.

Will likely run though some more exercise tonight, time and work permitting. My ritual was cut short as the worry of receiving a call plus unfinished responsibilities sat on the back of my head.

Have a nice day. (:

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July 29th, 2022

Day 3 of clairvoyance training. I am finding myself needing to chant less to conjure the spirit forward. Unsure if this is because of the relationship I am building with it, or if I’m unlocking something within myself. Likely both but more towards the former. I gaze at their sigil with intention then allow my vision go into the space I summoned them to.

I managed to wear myself out doing this, lol. My eyes went unfocused and I was allowed all sorts of shapes and lines over my vision, to a point where I felt like maybe I was starting to wander from my focus into staring at the shifting black blob in front of me. A few times I had to ask for confirmation that the spirit was still with me via touching either hand, touching my face, flicker the candle. I’ve never had to visually hold gaze so long with little blinking, about 20-25 minutes-ish, that I’m surprised I do not have a headache.

Successful working today, I’d say.

I had two occurrences today that got me thinking. A close friend (pagan) reached out to me, speaking on how they’re leaving their job on a New Moon and starting a brand new life on a Full Moon. How they felt heard and was just swelling with love/admiration for Diana. The other instance being, I went to eat out downtown for dinner and the table behind me was this man ranting fanatically about how much God/Jesus had done for him in his life. How he saved him from this difficult situation and all that followed when he prayed like 4 days a week plus all the other stuff. I’m guilty as a bit of a eavesdropper, especially when eating in silence.

Both of these had me thinking on my drive home… Have I ever felt such sincere gratitude for everything Leviathan, Lucifer, Rosier, Sael, Lucifuge, etc. has done for me? I want to say “yes”. The emotionally stunted person that I am, I believe I have felt deep love/absolute thankfulness for at least everything Leviathan has done for me. While I was never the perfect student, still not, he continued to extend patience and compassion towards me, even when I could not push myself to look at my altar. There is comfort to be found when I think of him, like a warm blanket around the shoulders. While I never developed such a deep relationship with any other being I’ve worked with, I believe everything that I have ever petitioned them for has put me a spot closer to the comfort and life that I’m sure my soul yearns for. Giving me the chance to explore the depths of this world. For that I could not be more grateful for.

The hilarity to feel pleased towards higher powers. I used to scoff and roll my eyes whenever my father would stop all conversation/my walking path to tell me I should be “thankful” for everything Jesus has done for me. Like a sour aftertaste of something supposedly sweet. Yes, I should be humble and glad for the life I’ve lived, the work I’ve done, but that was my work. Never would I have thought I’d express such feelings towards anyone else other than me and the luck I had. Funny.

Emotional pondering aside. I did find myself laughing this week. Of all the clairsenses I could have, smell was not one I would have particularly desired… Ever since working with this spirit, I can sense him by the smell of cigarettes, not a brand I’ve been around before, but still has that distinct nicotine scent (along with the room being unusually warm). The only other time I’ve exercised this was when I used to work with Lucifer. At night, I’d be flushed with the scent of sandalwood and a hint of rosemary. I miss it sometimes.

Anyways, I’ve rambled myself empty today. Have a nice night. (:

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August 1st, 2022

Over the weekend, I received two books that I ordered: The Red King by Mark Alan Smith and Thaumiel: The Dark Divided Ones by S. Ben Qayin.

Lately, I find myself hesitating to throw myself at whatever book seems interesting and that struggles with the want to explore each author, allowing myself to judge the authenticity and efficacy of their work. In a path with limited reference, compared to others, I feel like it would be a waste to not at least skim through and make the call for myself. Though, it’s hard to ignore personal accounts and reviews, in plain sight, of the author themselves and/or their works.

Would that constitute me a “dabbler”? Maybe. I do this to see what fits in my path and I feel like that shouldn’t be a crime, in and of itself.

The first book, The Red King, was bought per referral. I was told that it had value, even if I didn’t find myself resonating with the work entirely, that I could take something from it. Now, I see why that may be the case. To preface, I’ve made the grave error of buying this one alone, as it seems it is the second in a three-part series, but I have no wish to fully immerse myself in this “primal craft”. Nor, do I really have the budget to do so.

After a skim, it does seem to reference the first book some, in terms of tools created and some jargon, but that shouldn’t be too much of a hinderance. I was not aware that this was by someone who seems acquainted with the Temple of the Ascending Flame (I think is what they are called), so that’s interesting. Likely out of ignorance, I am bad at following which groups people write for. The hymn-like evocations and sigil artstyle was a dead giveaway, so this book should not have workings that I would be totally unfamiliar with.

Taking into account that this book is purely written within the boundaries of Smith’s gnosis, it has some teachings that make me scratch my head a little. Especially the everything about Atlanteans (I’m none the wiser). Since it all seems to align in foretelling the creation of the Draconian path, I suppose it has value in its own right to the right people. Of course, ToAF’s teachings focus on the search for universal truths and personal ascension, which this book definitely capitalizes on.

Should I work through the rites and proceedings of this book, I’d have to alter it quite a bit, both due to limitations and unwillingness. To which, I wonder if that would void the purpose of following the book of all by not following the gnosis of this author as he intended. I could view it as, I am not Smith. Even if I were him and work it exactly down to the T… I would not have the same experience. Perhaps, it is fitting to work it as I will, take his sigils and find my own truths. Isn’t that the goal of individual ascension? Likely a philosophical debate with no real winner. Or maybe there is a correct answer, and I am a foolish novice who knows nothing of magick.

That said, some of the workings calls one to work outside, with specific tools some of which would be expensive to acquire in modern time. I feel as if I can substitute these things with something that has value and meaning to me to better amplify the goal here. Paper instead of parchment, etc. I cross the line on sexual magick when pertaining to deities. I have no need nor want nor will to placing any part of my orgasm for ritual with higher beings. No thanks. I also draw the line at pacts. I’m not binding myself to any one deity in the name of personal ascension, that is a bit overkill.

The book is in-depth and thorough, it would be a shame not to at least try to work through it, even if it’s a very vanilla, bastardization of it. It may result in utter failure, but I can’t say I didn’t try.

The second book, I bought out of interest of wanting to start a Qlipphotic journey. It only details Thaumiel, in terms of actual workings, but provides nice foundation about the duality of the Sephiroth/Qlipphoth. Albeit, a bit abridged, but enough to be concise. It has discussion of the beings it places within that sphere (Satan/Moloch) and why their alignment is within Thaumiel. It is quite short as well. I’ve only skimmed it, but it seems promising. At least, I say this without knowing anything about the author, so don’t take this as genuine endorsement.

Book club aside. I managed to do one working with selected spirit, evoking them, working on clairsenses. I find he has taken up whistling at me, like one would do to get someone’s attention, also that he smells of cigarettes. There’s some minor progression in my clairvoyance, however my clairaudience and clairgustace (is that what it’s called? I’m too tired/lazy to Google it) is improving much faster.

I feel myself gravitating towards King Paimon some more. Some time needs to be set aside to work out the details of what I wish to ask of him then I’ll work into structuring an evocation. TBA on that.

I’ve written myself empty of thought, so I’ll stop myself here. Have a nice night. (:


Hii there @vverfault

I have some information about one of the author’s in your last post. I discussed it with one of our awesome mods and he told me I’m not allowed to share it openly. I asked if I could Pm it. Which he said its possible, but I should ask you first. So do you mind if I send over this crucial information to you?


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