Stressed student? Having exam trouble? Look here

Hello and thank you so much for your information, I found that Orias has indeed helped me passing a really tough exam twice!

However, I wanted to ask about a specific question which may help others as well (I couldn’t find anything related on the search bar).

What demon is the most helpful in achieving the best marks?

Right now I’m facing the worst problem of student life: studying hard af and still not getting enough! It is the most dissapointing feeling, it makes me feel dump and useless. I can’t understand what is wrong and I want a demon to help me solve this out effectively.


Is your question too broad?
If the teacher does not pass the course even though you are studying, to manipulate: Paimon, Orias
If you have difficulty understanding the topics: Vassago, Naberius, Vapula
if the topics are very wide and your time is limited: Astaroth and seer
If you lack discipline: Agares, Paimon
If this is all, call these spirits twice a week in order to assist you: For example, wednesday paimon, saturday vassago…
Good luck🍀


Maybe you should change your way of studying.

so you suggest working with more than one demons for achieving excellent marks?
I think I’ll give it a try with Vassago and Paimon.

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yes, but don’t think of it as performing a ritual with 2-3 demons as one demon would be insufficient. Think of it this way. Each demon has different specializations and the way they work is different. Such as neurosurgeon, heart doctor and emergency doctor…
If your working efficiency is low as mentioned above, you should call Valac and Bael and ask for inspiration for the most suitable system for you. (these demons inspire invention and problem solving)


I see what you mean, seems like these two are indeed what I need: invention and problem solving.
I’ll give it a try for sure!
Thank you so much!


I have exam after 7 months, very difficult one
I will evoke asmodeus and vapula regularly to increase my memory and help me to master Mathematics,and a weird logical reasoning subject which is super unpredictable any suggestions anyone???
These subjects require hardcore thinking and problem solving skills… any help and suggestions will be appreciated.


See caringang’s answer above:

Valac and Bael


Is there an exchange for their help? As in energy or some sacrifice?
And is this feasible for newbies[day 20 for me]?

A simple thank you is enough, there is no need to offer or give anything unless spirits asks you to do.

But if you feel really obligated you may give public praise to the spirit who helped you.

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Do i call upon all of them at once? And in what fashion - do i petition them with their sigils? I always find it a bit complicated to call upon multiple spirits at once… but i don’t want to deal with them one by one either as i have exams coming soon and i don’t want to take multiple days to get it done.

Also, what offerings do you guys suggest?

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Yes. Evoke them one after the other, until they’re standing in a circle around you.


Give em public praise

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What if I haven’t worked on my 3rd eye as much so I can’t usually see etc. entities? Do I just visualise/imagine them when evoking?


Man just do it !

Yes. You structure the form in the manifestation base.


Reminds me of the days when I gave incense to temples for good marks (and not to be beaten by angry parents). Many Asian countries have temples for those who want to learn well. Temples Manjushri, Wenquxing, and Confucius are the most popular among students in my country.
Just adding more information for those who might need it. (:3」∠)

A post was split to a new topic: Where to start?