Streamlined Invocation & Merge ritual of C. Kendall

Okay, so I read the post of C. Kendall Magick without Tools thought not much about it, because I got tools and use them so why would I want to work without them? Until entities were telling me that this is a very special and important ritual setup. When one has mastered this, the practitioner is able to do magick anywhere at any time. When I say anywhere, I mean literally anywhere, doesn’t matter if you are here below or in the heavens (astral and other planes), heck, you could do even in a lucid dream.

The original text was a bit messy, so I threw it in AI for format purposes, in addition I found the original invocation method that was present by the author some what lacking compared to other invocation tutorials he published So this what I did I took the actual manifestation part of Magick without Tools (Forming the Magickal Construct & Charging and Releasing) and added it to the invocation tutorial and into Structuring and Merging a Being Inside of You
I downloaded the video, converted the mp3 file to text, and threw that in AI for format purposes.

See here below the streamlined versions for easy read & follow while conducting the rituals.

*** Make sure to create a protective space before you commence, as he did not mention to do so. ***

C Kendall Invocation Video + Manifestation of a desire ritual

Chapter 1 : Preparing for Invocation

  1. Positioning: Sit comfortably, either on the floor or in a chair. Ensure your spine is straight but relaxed. Loosen your body by shaking or stretching if needed.
  2. Focus on Intent: Center your thoughts on the purpose of the invocation. You are about to invoke a specific entity.
  3. Breathwork: Close your eyes and take deep breaths—inhaling through the nose, exhaling through the mouth. Relax the muscles in your neck, face, jaw, and body.
  4. Releasing Tension: Take a deep breath, hold it for five to six seconds, then exhale, visualizing all tension leaving your body. Repeat as needed until fully relaxed.

Chapter 2 : Visualization and Chanting

  1. Energy Centers: Begin visualizing your energy centers (chakras). Even if you do not practice chakra work, imagine the locations where they would be.
  2. Sigil Imprinting: Recall or memorize the sigil of the entity. Close your eyes and vividly recreate its image. Imagine an astral imprint of the sigil at your base chakra.
  3. Breathwork and Mantra: Inhale deeply, visualizing energy flowing into the sigil. As you exhale, vibrate the name of the entity. For example, with Azazel: Azaaazel.
  4. Activation: With each exhale, infuse the energy of the spirit into your chakra. Repeat this three to seven times at each chakra before moving upward.

Chapter 3 : Ascending the Chakras

  1. Rising Energy: As the sigil is activated in one chakra, visualize the energy rising into the next chakra.
  2. Elemental Adaptation: If the entity is associated with fire, visualize flames rising. If with water, visualize flowing currents, and so on.
  3. Completion at the Crown: Once all chakras are imbued, focus on the crown chakra. Speak the entity’s name and titles, such as:
  • Azazel, Ebon Sata, Black Flame of the North, I invoke thee!
  1. Poetic Invocation: For those inclined, a more elaborate invocation can be recited.

Chapter 4 : Strengthening the Connection

  1. Hymns or Incantations: If known, recite hymns, chants, or invocations associated with the spirit.
  2. Mudra Connection: Bring hands together in a prayer mudra to create an energetic circuit. Visualize the spirit’s energy overflowing from your chakras into your entire being.
  3. Anthropomorphic Form: Feel the spirit’s presence manifesting in and around you. Some may experience visions, sensations, or changes in perception.
  4. Statement of Intent: Declare your purpose for invoking the entity. Tailor this to the entity’s nature. For example:
  • Azazel, ignite within me the Black Flame of transformation!
  • Raphael, great healer, cleanse and restore my vitality!

Chapter 5 : Forming the Magickal Construct

Hold out your hands and create a ball of energy, filling it with the spirit’s power. Visualize the desired outcome manifesting inside this sphere as though watching it in a scrying mirror.

Infuse the construct with intent, desire, and emotion. See it growing brighter as you inhale energy into it. When you can’t push more into it, condense it by bringing your hands closer together.

Chapter 6: Charging and Releasing

Close your eyes and state your intent. Push your own energy into the construct, merging it with the spirit’s power. When the vision within the sphere becomes solid—no longer a mere wish but an inevitable reality—inhale deeply, hold your breath, and gather the final remnants of the spirit’s power into the construct.

Finally, release the ball into the universe while vibrating the mantra “AHHH,” a sound of release. Detach from the goal completely and ground yourself.

Seal the rite by saying:

“So it is done. (Spirit’s name), thank you.”

Structuring and Merging a Being Inside of You + Manifestation of a desire ritual

Chapter 1 : Preparation and Meditative State

Close your eyes, keep your spine straight, relax your body, and focus on your breath. Stay in this meditative state until you feel centered and receptive.

Chapter 2 : Visualization of Chakras and Sigil

  1. Visualize your seven chakras, each glowing and active.
  2. Now visualize the sigil of the spirit you want to contact.

Chapter 3 : Charging the Chakras with the Spirit’s Energy

  1. Visualize that sigil at your root chakra.
  2. Vibrate the name of that spirit three times.
  3. Feel the sigil open, allowing the essence of that being to flood through that chakra.
  4. Experience the power, energy, and vibration of the spirit filling that chakra.
  5. Inhale deeply, solidifying that essence in the chakra.
  6. Exhale and feel the energetic sigil move to the next chakra.
  7. Repeat this process until the sigil reaches the crown chakra.

Chapter 4 : Forming the Column of Energy

  1. Once the spirit’s power and energy surge through all chakras, bring your hands into the praying mudra.
  2. Visualize the light and essence of the spirit intensifying until it overflows from the chakras, forming a column of energy within you.
  3. See this column increasing in size as you vibrate the name of the spirit.

Praying mudra.

Chapter 5 : Manifestation of the Spirit’s Body

  1. With each inhalation, feel the energy becoming more solid.
  2. With each exhalation, visualize the column transforming into the body of the spirit.
  3. The body should form from the chakras, growing outward, slowly replacing your physical parts.
  4. Bit by bit, the spirit’s form overlays your own—chest, torso, head, and limbs.
  5. Focus on the spirit’s body within you while repeatedly vibrating its name, increasing its manifestation.

Chapter 6 : Enhancing the Ritual with a Drink

  • Performing parts of this ritual over a glass of water and then drinking it can enhance the connection and energy transfer.

Chapter 7 : Forming the Magickal Construct

Hold out your hands and create a ball of energy, filling it with the spirit’s power. Visualize the desired outcome manifesting inside this sphere as though watching it in a scrying mirror.

Infuse the construct with intent, desire, and emotion. See it growing brighter as you inhale energy into it. When you can’t push more into it, condense it by bringing your hands closer together.

Chapter 8 : Charging and Releasing

Close your eyes and state your intent. Push your own energy into the construct, merging it with the spirit’s power. When the vision within the sphere becomes solid—no longer a mere wish but an inevitable reality—inhale deeply, hold your breath, and gather the final remnants of the spirit’s power into the construct.

Finally, release the ball into the universe while vibrating the mantra “AHHH,” a sound of release. Detach from the goal completely and ground yourself.

Seal the rite by saying:

“So it is done. (Spirit’s name), thank you.”


Raising Sacred Space Method:

(El Gibbor) – “Mighty God.”

(Elohim) – “God” or “Mighty Ones,” emphasizing power and authority.

Chant one of two to the divine names of God, depending if you are white or blacked, you can choose to recite it as it is or concentrate on the left side of the name. Turn on some ambient music as the background, the channel ‘panic music’ has good ones.

Recite El Gibbor for 8 minutes or until you feel the energy of the name.

Then you address the servants of the name by saying

“Servants of the name of ((left side)) of El Gibbor, by the power of (left side) of El Gibbor, raise the sacred space, remove all negative energy, fortify my aura, bestow on me and the room massive amounts of energy of the name of (left side) of El Gibbor, and provide protection and assist me in evoking (or invoking) (name spirit)

Then you recite El Gibbor for 2-3minutes, then you address the servants again, and you continue this cycle.

Do this for 15min.

Granted it can be done In 5 min, chant the Divine name until you feel the energy, then address the Servants, then recite the Divine name 20-30 times, again Servants ect… do that cycle for 5min, start counting after you addressed the Servants the first time once you feel the energy of the name.

*Chanting divine names raises ambient energy, making the other rituals more powerful. I always chant for 15min before I commence any type of work.

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