Magick Without Tools

Magick Without Tools.

Okay so let’s use a hypothetical here, you’re having a really bad day and you ain’t got no tools, or you just don’t have access to them at the moment. There’s something wrong and you need, you feel you have to cause some change, alteration or do something magick-wise. Yet like I said you don’t have your circle, your athame, your candles, sigils, herbs, books, like literally nothing except yourself.

I thought it would be a great idea to start a thread here about techniques and methods of causing change using your magick, without the use of any materials.
So I’ll post a few methods here first, then you are welcome to try them out and comment beneath your experiences, or you can share your methods here :smiley:.

Method One : Be You The Vessel Of The Spirits Power.

In this method you will be invoking the energy, presence, power and consciousness of the spirit into the self, wherein you will act as the conduit of the spirits power. Ergo that power can then be aimed and shot out of you as the magickal cannon if you will towards the goal/target.

Firstly don’t pick a random spirit just cause you like them, let’s think for a moment what is the goal, what spirits is perfect for this. Once the spirit has been picked then we can begin the method.

To give an example of this, I will create a scenario imagine you’ve been keeping something a secret, something hidden for a while. If someone were to stumble onto it, this would have to cast a real potent glamour or make it invisible in a sense.

Lets say you pick Bael for this as he teaches the arts of invisibility and can even conceal situations, plans or ideas from someone or everyone. Okay perfect we have the demon in mind, now let’s begin.

Now let’s get into it, first stage is making contact with the entity, creating the initial connection with it. We cannot use a actual drawn sigil however, let’s say you remember the actual sigil you could always just visualise it in your minds eye or you could use your middle and index finger and trace a energetic/astral sigil in the air. At which point you can focus on that visualised yet spiritual construct, you could at this point stab the sigil with the same fingers and vibrate the name of the demon about three to five times. As you do this visualise the sigil actually begins to glow, it actually opens up at which point you can then inhale deeply pulling forth the energy of the spirit through the area and begin to breathe in the energy of the entity.

Lets say that you don’t remember the sigil that’s completely fine, we will instead visualise the colour associated with the spirit. If you don’t know the colour associated with it, then you could visualise the colour of the spirits element, if you don’t know that then visualise the colour of the spirits planetary association. Okay let’s say for some unknown reason you don’t know that either, then imagine any colour that comes to you.
Before visualising anything, face its cardinal direction if you don’t know it, then thats fine too. Just begin vibrating the name of the spirit as a mantra, as you do this visualise these waves of energy emanate throughout your surroundings. Gathering around you like a astral vortex, at which point you can begin reciting the enn of the spirit, or its prayer, hymn etc.

What if then you don’t know any of them, okay here is what you can do just use something basic like.

“(Name Of Spirit) i call you forth,
Arise around me, rise up,
Encircle me, manifest above me,
Manifest below me, manifest around me.
(Name Of Spirit) come, (Name Of Spirit) come.
(Name Of Spirit) come, (Name Of Spirit) come”.

If you know any of the titles of the entity its great to include them into the calling too for example with Bael.

“Bael, Baal, Lord Of Lords,
Mighty King, Great Warrior,
The Ruler, Bael, Baal come”.

This is just a basic example, at this point you can utilise any enns or incantations of the spirit too, as you keep repeating “(Name Of Spirit) come” over and over.
Visualise and most importantly try and feel, the essence of the spirit gathering around you like a storm and solidify like a giant sphere above you.
If there is any specific shapes or construct associated with the spirit, then visualise that shape so instead of sphere. Lets say you were calling on Ahriman, Amaymon or an entity associated with the black sun, then instead of a sphere visualise above you a miniature black sun. Anyway once the entity gathers into a critical mass above you, vibrate the name of the spirit again another three times, visualising the presence of the spirit condensing and solidifying above you.

As you do this speak an invocation, it can be one you may have memorised or one as basic as this.

“Bael, Baal, I call you down
Descend and enter me,
I invoke you into me.
Enter my breath, Enter my body,
Enter my heart, Enter my mind,
Arise and manifest
Within the altar of my immortal soul.
Manifest within me, course through me,
Gift unto me your powers,
Ignite within me illumination,
Bestow unto me your forbidden gnosis
And sacred knowledge, be I the vehicle
Of your power, the lightning rod of your essence”.

Now as you breathe in, visualise the essence of the spirit descend downwards. If the entity has any serpentine associations then see it coiling downwards, if its like a water entity visualise it like a rainfall or just a spiralling essence. As it enters into the crown of the head, breathe in pulling it deeper into the self.
As you breathe out and in, fill every fibre of your being with the spirit, until the body of the spirit is within you.
Hold out your hands and create a ball or construct of energy, filling it with the power of the spirit and visualising the scenario you want to occur or the outcome you want actually happening in the construct like a scrying mirror. Sit within this for a while infusing all your desire into it, all your intent, your emotions and so on into it.

Seeing the ball of power increasing more and more, glowing brighter and brighter, as you inhale pushing more into, feel it grow bigger and as you exhale push your hands closer together condensing it. Repeat this over and over once you cannot push anymore into it, see the vision of the goal increasing in solidity no longer just a projection of desire and intent but an absolute happening. At this point when you can no longer compact anymore into the construct, inhale deeply and hold your breath, gathering the remnants of the spirit into the actual construct.

At this point close your eyes and give a statement of your intent and push your own energy into the construct. Until its a combination of the spirits energy, your energy, the spirits power, your power, your desire, your intent and your will into it. At which point once you give a final statement of will, push the ball out into the world, whilst visualising what you want to happen actually happening.

As you set it free vibrate the mantra AHHH its a mantra of release, releasing any remaining desire or attachment to the goal allow with the shockwave into the world. Simply grounding and then calming the self and saying “So it is done, (spirits name) thank you”.

This is one of my simple method, I’ll update you all with more, let’s here your experiences and your methods.




This is absolutely perfect!!!
I travel alot due to work and typically can’t access my physical temple at my home of residence so I find myself using “ditch witchery” alot, as I like to call it.
Very helpful :+1:


Perfect, this came at the right time. Thanks for posting :bouquet:

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@Cosmic_star book Mark this there is already a lot of useful information about working without tools and I am sure a lot more will come. Conner is better at teaching this kind of stuff then I am.


@Midnight_Rose this will help you a lot too with all that has happened with you aunt. There will be nothing for her to find this way :two_hearts:

Thank you girly!:heart:

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You are so welcome sweetheart. I think having this skill combined with the guidance of the goddesses I told you to work with we can get you through the next year without much more emotional and mental toll on you​:two_hearts::two_hearts:

Thank you for sharing! Your knowledge is greatly appreciated

I think it will too💕

Many questions :grin:

  1. Can you use that technique invoking elementary pentagrams/ planetary hexagram instead of entities?

  2. Do we have so see our will becoming true before sending the ball or like the explosion make it real?