So I was reading The Art of Magickal Enchantment by Theodore Rose and saw his strategy to make influence more cooperative. In that book you not only set your intention on the end result and how it benefits you, but also how it benefits the target. Now while this may not be appropriate for every ritual it is certainly something I’m going to integrate into my practice beyond this one book.
That got me thinking about influence magick. It is very easy to find various rituals to do it but there isn’t a lot of strategy talked about. In comparison consider wealth/money magick, every book I’ve read on the subject has some novel insight on how to manifest wealth. While I couldn’t possibly use every book, each was worth reading because it adds another bit of strategy to the way I practice.
So the point of this post is to try to collect these strategies for influence/control/domination magick. If anyone knows of good books, articles, personal experience, or just things you heard please list them below.
Thank you. Now just to clarify I’m not looking for techniques, I’m spoiled for choice on techniques. I’m looking for insights and strategies that make the magick work better. For example, for any ritual of any type not lusting for results helps the magick along. Stuff like that, but specifically for influence.
Not to say the links aren’t helpful, they most certainly are. I have read through half of the 7 steps thread (I’ll read through the other half later) and found some useful insights:
People who are sensitive to spiritual phenomena can be easily overwhelmed, which will cause them distress and to push against the influence. It better to start slow with them and work up.
While influencing there is a chance of pushback. The target will push back against the influence and may even show some hostility towards you. This usually means they started having thoughts in line with your influence and rejected it. The strategy here is to use divination to find out why they rejected it. You then stop doing influence for main goal, and start using it to get rid of their reason for rejecting.
I’ll scour the the rest of the thread then other tutorial threads and post what I find
In term of strategy asymetric warfare is a good starting point:
attack key targets for a cummulative victory instead of a big frontal assault.
I’d start by making a list starting with the desired outcome then work my way back to the current situation. Each step would be a battle to “win” (enchant for) to win the war (what you would consider success).
If one step is establishing trust with a person you could enchant for plenty of things like a chance encounter, an opportunity to share a common goal/interest, success in helping them, a recommendation from someone they already trust etc.
Think compounding effect.
Having read the same book you reference I agree that favoring an approach that also benefit the target is a good thing to keep in mind.
Another thing that is worth keeping in mind is to really spend time thinking on the intention. A carefully thought and written declaration of intent does wonder and force you to consider outcomes and interpretations. It actually forces you to strategize.
Here, think Alexandrian Solution: A simple and sometimes out of the box solution to a complex problem.
And then…execute.Fire the spells, do the sigils, the evocations etc. The added benefit is by having all laid out help being detached from the outcome. It is just a plan that you execute with pre-planned steps that are easily adjustable.
My last 2 cents would be to look up “sigil shoaling” too.
I like your recommendations, but also extrapolating from your example of breaking down the goal I see an extra piece of advice: don’t just focus on influencing their mind but also their external circumstances. Don’t know if you meant to give that insight, but that’s what I got from that example lol.
In a recent thread on this forum someone asked about the book Morphic Fields Made Simple. Because of that I decided to do a quick read through. The book was very meh… but I found a little bit more strategy in there.
Essentially, it is a schedule of spacing out workings so that the target doesn’t get overloaded. They have their own ritual in the book but I think this would apply to any influence ritual that requires repetition.
The schedule is:
Do the ritual once a day for three days
Take a week off
Do the ritual every other day for four repetitions
Take two weeks off
Start again
If the target does what you want while you’re on an off week you can stop doing more rituals, otherwise continue until you reach an off week.