Stonks divinations anyone?

Yes but Ive had my money in and its a pain to change over to something else and I sure as hell am not about to get out of my stonk right before it goes to the moon.




Iā€™d love joining up I just been using acorns but looking to actually trade. Is there a discord or anything we are using?


I donā€™t know if it still worksā€¦
But instead of diviningā€¦
Try the cheating way.
Find a trading platform that has somewhat of a delay on the the income of information.
Depending on what source the platform uses, some have a more accurate real time graphics. Others have some delay.
Get access to the source of information and beat the system by seeing ahead what will happen on the slow platform.
If you canā€™t understand that ask me Iā€™ll give some examples.


Is there anyone that trades crypto or forex?


What platform you all using, sofi, Robin hood Iā€™m trying to grow out of acorns and move on lol


Try Robinhood. Itā€™s been getting a lot of flack lately, but I found it to be very user friendly and straightforward for beginners. I use TD Ameritrade and WeBull.


i donā€™t trust Robinhood, but this was the case even before recent events. I prefer Questradeā€¦but even they arenā€™t so great. I prefer paying more per trade if it means better security, convenience and customer service. This is something that these cheaper options just donā€™t provide. TD Ameritrade is probably one of the better options overall


They sure did and now Robinhood has been hit with a class action lawsuit!


Yikesā€¦yeah, it would be best for anyone looking for a trading platform to do some due diligence before investing.


I first put stock in $CPRX, but now I have stock in $JNJ, $M, $ABT, $SNDL, and $ZYNE, I slowly filter money into each one at chances I get, havenā€™t much worried about the risks since for now itā€™s not really going so bad.


Donā€™t know if youā€™re aware. But if you scan for stocks waiting on earnings calls, that could correct the stockā€™s value drastically high. ThinkorSwim has scanners for finding those stocks. News is always delayed by at least a couple hours. Manual scanning is more useful.

This could help in finding where to put your next position.


$LAIX. . . Surprising 11am jump. Nearly %25.
Steady runs and short squeezes for dayzz.

A few of them. Last week Tertiary Standard Deviation break.



This is all great inspiration especially for a complete newb like me. Iā€™m like a kid looking in the window of a toy shop.

Thinking of the possibilities and pitfalls and what the hell everyone is going on about with all the terminology.
This new area of learning is enticing.

Iā€™m not sure at what point I would be ready to dive in but I have done a little research and one thing that would qualify to me as a service to use is one that makes it easy to get funds made into my bank. Maybe all the trading services are supposed to try to hold on to you once you are in, I donā€™t know.

I know nothing as yet but itā€™s great to see this discussion on Balg.


Sure. I was able to double my retirement using astrology. I get psychic information about which to pick but I always manage to mess it up. If I would have listened to to voices Iā€™d be rich 10 times over but for some stupid reason, I always doubt them. I used to have a following where I would tell people with their voices were staying and they would follow it and then those people did very well financially. Iā€™m actually about to take EA Koettings class on evocation so that hopefully I can get better at hearing the voices and knowingā€¦ because I just get confused really easy I guess.

For example 3 months ago they said to buy 100 shares of GME. On two different occasions I looked at the stock price and I said why would I do that? Theyā€™re practically going bankruptā€¦ stupid me, I should have listened

Astrology can tell you big moves. Like overall moves that affect everyone. I think with some practice I would be able to successfully use psychic work to pick stocks but I have to get better at listening


Ok so SNDL is at 1.68 not a bad profit at all I hope you guys listened to me and made yourselves something. And Iā€™m going to go out on a limb here and say dogecoin is going to go up also so might not be a bad idea to diversify your portfolio.


Didnā€™t really have confidence in SNDL but it seems to be rolling up and down over the course of months. Iā€™ll wait for another downtrend and purchase a few hundred shares.

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Yeah I know look at it now itā€™s at 2.25

Better get in now it went from 2.25 to 2. 66 and aint slowing down for you youre going to have to run to catch this train. Arenā€™t you all glad I brought you this prediction? Donā€™t ever say ol Thothy didnā€™t do nothing for you.


Weed stocks are widely known by traders as the bad stocks of the market. Theyā€™re no good unless you wanna hold for months or lose money on unreasonable volatility. Not ideal for trading. Trying to catch a train is how you lose money. Many stocks run up every single day. Plenty of other options.