Spririt childs are possible through a sexual relationship between a demon and a human being?

There is no doubt that it takes practice and training, It is not easy to reach this stage easily.

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Awww :heart_eyes: did you birth the triples or her? I ove all forms of families.

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Well the triplets were born from me, by the sumerian demon. Since my true self has the capability to polymorph, in etheric projection I was the female in this instance. So they know me originally as their mother but I also take the role as father since the demon is not in the picture since then.


I wouldnā€™t want to pay the price of being a deadbeat to a half demonā€¦even though u may not have to put up with paying child support in cashā€¦

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Can you please explain more to me?

How do u confirm u have erm, half human half spirit beings? How does one know one isnā€™t being deceived???

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Yes, true, I did not pay attention to this issue, I think it is not clear and it is more complicated than we think.


Itā€™s super important to have the ability for sight and hearing when have spiritual child. Also daemons are born adults in most cases. So there isnā€™t the parenting as there is with my human child. You have more of a respect for each other then mother/ father. None of my ā€œchildrenā€ see me as mom. They are protectors of me, my home, my child etc. some didnā€™t even stay here they have other missions of life. I know who they are but I donā€™t have the motherly feeling I have with my kiddo of that makes sense.


@C.Kendall Since your daemon story was shared there and OP is male can you maybe share some insight with him
If you are able to?

Itā€™s not easy or even fun. In my personal experience I got really physically drained during the delivery and I didnā€™t know if I could keep going. It was harder the. My physical birth since there is no spiritual C-section. Your in it for the long haul.

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:rofl::rofl::rofl: IKR! Given the topic of this thread I just had to!


The flame was perfect for the topic. I was like :joy::joy::joy:


My kids arenā€™t half human or anything. I find spiritual children are more likely to be a mix of what your soul is and what the other parent is.


No problem, you are welcome!

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Can you come to me in a dream?

I want to communicate with you and I want you to teach me good things, I want to learn how to overcome my fear and how to master going out of the body and travelingā€¦

Is having sex with a beautiful and sexy devil possible? :thinking:

From what I have read, many forum members say they have sex with sexy devils. But I personally have not.

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Why? Is it scary?

Would I be in danger if I did that? Will there be symptoms?

Oh I honestly donā€™t know anything about it. This is not my area of expertise. I just posted a funny meme cause I thought it would be fitting due to the nature of the thread. Good luck with your spirit work though!

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