Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

I took the initiative today to confront President Glasya labolas about out recent “misencounter”

First let me tell you she didn’t want to show up. Then she showed up with a disrespectful, fucked up attitude.

I had to “discipline” the spirit and force compliance.

I don’t like doing that but after our misencounter where she got the better of me she lost some respect for me I think and we had to address that immediately.

I keep the respect levels real high with the spirits. Dont cut into me wrong and I’ll treat you good. I’m very generous with the spirits.

Today was unusual.

I’m glad I have the knowledge and skills to handle that if a spirit becomes disrespectful or recalcitrant.


Spirit of the day

President Marax

This is an alchemical spirit with fascinating abilities and offices
President Marax has been reaching out to me for six months but I’ve been too busy.

Dreamscapes:doing drugs with my sister and Russian gangsters

First of all I don’t even talk to my sister in real life. We’re estranged. Secondly I don’t know any Russians, third I don’t like getting high with other people. For me it’s just me and the spirits kind of thing.


The Evocation of Prince Bufas

Gear Honors and praise to the strong Prince Bufas

I performed this working from VK jehennum

Bufas presides over the second heart chakra and can help the witch open and demonize it.** In doing so, he imbibes the energy of the celebrant (only to return it with interest), and it is best that the witch is intoxicated in some (any) way when this is performed– Pruflas loves that kind of energy. This operation simultaneously results in the refinement of the witch’s entire subtle body, facilitating the easier/smoother flow of prana throughout the subtle body. This will bring a sense of power and peace to whatever you do and eliminate the tendency to wrongfully second-guess one’s psychic perceptions.

I also ordered to Prince Bufas to destroy my enemies.

I felt my heart start to palpitate and bear hard during the working. I felt my pulse through my entire body.

Absolutely amazing.

I will report results when a few days have passed and I can verify what happened due to the working.


Have you been working with Mike Bees evocation guide? If not give that a try, work on your faith and belief in these spirits and perhaps you’ll notice a change. I hope you do. Good luck.


Spirit of the day


This is an excellent spirit to know. I highly recommend working with him. He’s all about his business. He prevents, lies, fraud, slander, punishes thieves and forces people to return and make amends.

Dreamscapes: none


Temple cleaning day.

Floors swept, scrubbed and rinsed.

Table washed, new altar cloth, reorganization of candles and incense.

Saged the place and burned Paolo Santo and gave it a good banish and cleansing with the singing bowl.

Proper spiritual hygiene

Practice it!


Spirit of the day

Duchess Vepar

She guides one through challenges and obstacles. Can cause grief and stormy weather for others, can cause a person to due in three days of putrid worms…yep

Dreamscapes: I had two intense dreamscapes. The first was I had some kind of psych case manager inject me with a pacifier drug and ship me off to a guarded lock down institution.

The second I can’t recall.


Spirit of the day

Camio s a cool spirit. I don’t have much to say about him because we’ve done no business to date.

Dreamscapes: I was a contestant on a game show and won a date with a smoking hot Korean woman. Good times.


Now THIS THIS is a treasure worthy of being held in the temple of Mike B

Thank you my dear friend @Newbee for sending this to me in exchange for some ritual work.

I am most pleased and highly grateful to you.

I walked down to the ocean
After waking from a nightmare
No moon no pale reflection
Black mirror, black mirror
Shot by a security camera
You can’t watch your own image
And also look yourself in the eye
Black mirror, black mirror, black mirror
I know a time is coming
All words will lose their meaning
Please show me something that isn’t mine
-But mine is the only kind that I relate to
Le miroir casse,
The mirror casts mon reflet partout
Black mirror, black mirror, black mirror
The black mirror knows no reflection
It knows not pride or vanity
It cares not about your dreams
It cares not for your pyramid schemes
Their names are never spoken
The curse is never broken
The curse is never broken
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black mirror!
Un! Deux! Trois! Dis: Miroir Noir!
Black mirror!
Black mirror
Black mirror
Their names are never spoken
The curse is never broken
Their names are never spoken
The curse is never broken
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
Mirror, mirror on the wall
Show me where them bombs will fall
Black mirror
Black mirror
Black mirror
Black mirror
Black mirror
Black mirror
Black mirror

Arcade fire - Black Mirror


one hell of a tool, my friend


Spirit of the day


He builds towers and fortifications. Destroys the enemies thoughts and desires. Gives good familiars. That’s true


Very cook black mirror, bro.


I think I’m gonna evoke Prince Orobas in it tonight


Well I decided to evoke him today awhile ago and wow was this EXCITING.

I gazed into the inky blackness chanting the enns of Prince Orobas. My vision went completely black and then the blackness cleared and the face was not my own in the reflection. It was Prince Orobas.

I sat raptly listening to him. He was irritated and harsh today and scolded me for many things. He also gave me some advice and instructions.

This was a lot of fun. Try out a black mirror guys and gals.


Spirit of the day


This is a divinity of Legendary power.

I’ve worked with moloch on a few occasions and I can say he is very powerful and very fast acting.


The evocation of Prince Ipos

I called to apologize to him for something someone else had done to him in the recent past. Very embarrassing I’m connected to it even at all.
He was very polite.

I asked him a series of questions about the near future and was satisfied by his answers.

Used the magic mirror for this


Spirit of the day

Duke Amduscias

This spirit has a very strong infernal energy vibe. I like him though.

In fact today’s the day of the week I offer praise for his fantastic familiar. Hail Duke Amduscias.


The evocation of King Bael

I had a couple of goals for king Bael and needed to get some facetime with him anyway.

He appeared first in my crystal ball as an old crazy looking man with long whispy white hair, then I saw a howling black cat. Then a green eyed demon.

Cool working.

I’ve decided to use the crystal ball for day workings and the magick mirror for night evocation.


Spirit of the day ( for tomorrow)

The Duchess Bime

This spirit deserves a great deal of acknowledgment and praise. Duchess Bime is constantly giving out and giving out while asking so little in return. She is a master of manifesting material possessions and cold hard cash.

She has helped me tremendously and she can and Will hell you too, if you just ask.

Dreamscapes:. I’m afraid I have little to report. My memories of Dreamland are nothing compared to what they were during Qlippoth training. That was like living different lives each time I closed my eyes. Now it’s just fade to black. :pensive:


Hail Duchess Bim! Love her!