Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

@norse900 The demon of the day I usually honor with incense and a story about the spirit if I’ve got one to tell. It reconnects me to the time when the spirit and I were face to face.

I also take a look at what’s going on in my life at that point and see if that demons presence gives any clarity or insights into what’s going that I may have missed.

Not a stupid question I never did make that clear until just now. Very remiss of me.

I also use the tarot divinatory meaning to get some view of what to expect from the day.

Sometimes I even get clues as to who’s reaching out to me that would like to help me.

The changing of the guard…

Another morning with King Bael. Now what will we do with today…


Thank you. I was really “stressing” asking :joy:. I was really thinking I had overlooked it.


The protection is only as good as your will makes it.

Which reminds me of something love craft said (dunno why it just did): Do not summon up what ye cannot send back (or something like that. It’s been several years since I read the actual story).

The purpose of it (love craft) popping into my mind is probably a meaning start with lower lesser spirits and work up to the more powerful ones when it comes to evoking or invoking

I think the story he said that in was the strange case of Charles Dexter Ward seeing as that’s the only love craft story book I own.


I’ll share a dream I had recently that I just remembered.

It was like I was inside of one of those holiday snow crystals


When it was held upright there were cherubic angels playing harps and smiling and flying around and the sun is shining highly in the sky.

Then the crystal is turned upside down and it’s the moon in the sky with clouds now and the angels had turned monsterous thier faces wicked and hateful and they carried swords and forks and buzzed around looking for something to destroy.

Then the globe was turned upright and the sun cleared the clouds and the angels put away thier weapon’s and started giving glory to God again.

What do you guys make of this dream?


I think it’s a very very interesting dream with a ton of possible interpretations :grin:


I know right…:laughing::laughing:

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However excluding the most obvious I think it’s just your subconscious trying to make heads and tails out of everything going on from the good (you & your sun getting along) to the bad (the media shitstorm) and therefore means the dream means nothing at all symbolically other then you hope it’ll be all good soon (cuz it ended sunny side up).

So forget it & dream on dream on dream until your dreams come true (to quote Aerosmith? I think)


I don’t just see it as a black or white option. I think it may be saying their is a sort of duality in everything. Since they’re both attached and seem to move back and forth, it may also be saying that the benefits to either depend on the point of view.


That’s kind of what I got from it too. There’s a good side of bad, a down side from up and everything between.


I feel fucking amazing after that evocation and spirit work with Prince Orobas this morning. A total quickening.

It’s like my mind was full of mindwax ( like earwax) and I couldn’t hear very well but after that partial possession I’m totally keyed in now. Whoah.

I gotta do that more often.


Happy Monday everyone

Spirit of the day

Duke Murmur

I honor you with incense and wine and story.

True story, I can’t recall if I shared this already.

I recently on all souls day did a ceremony to honor and pass a message to my relatives who passed on and my teacher Tony.

The next day a magician from my order, the Black Horse came to the group and said he got a message from the spirits for one of us. “does anyone here know an Anthony” (Antony was his full name). I was shocked Duke Murmur passed my message and arranged for a reply to be sent. The message was “He says you are valuable to him and he has something for you.”

I KNOW in my heart today’s Duke Murmur sighting is an extension of this. I sense there is more communication to be had with my former teacher. I will evoke Murmur later today.

This is truly incredible. My mentor conquered death he lives on the other side. What joy that brings me. Our path the LHP does not lead to being reabsorbed into the ALL. We retain our personalities and minds. This is outstanding.
Best of all our friendship has survived and continues on. Amazing.

I look forward to meeting with Duke Murmur about this. What a fantastic spirit. If you don’t know Duke Murmur, I say get familiar. :love_you_gesture:


Ok Duke Murmur has been evoked, the message sent. Now we wait for the reply.

Awesome I’m very excited about this.


This is one of my favorite stories. It’s the story of two Egyptian black magicians who nearly conquered heaven.

Two “wise men” are referred to by the names “Johana and Mamre” in the Babylonian Talmud in Menachoth 85a.[7] “Jannis and Jambres” are mentioned by name in the Targum of Pseudo-Jonathan in sections Exodus 1:15,[8] Exodus 7:10-12,[9] and Numbers 22:2.[10][11] Jewish traditions in the Targums preserve other legendary lore about the pair. They are called the sons of Balaam, the unwitting non-Jewish prophet of Peor.[12] It was also claimed that they converted to Judaism, and that they left Egypt at the Exodus to accompany Moses and the Israelites; however, they perished on the way, either at the Red Sea, or the destruction of the Golden Calf, or at the slaughter of Korah and his followers.[citation needed]

Apart from their opposition to Moses there are other aggadic lore and legends about Egyptian sorcerers; it was said that during the end of their days they had necessary occult knowledge to embark on a journey to the Jewish world to come. They were not welcomed and the angels of the first few heavens fought them vigorously but they could not evict them due to the potent talismans that were worn by the wizards. As they entered the fourth heaven they were met by Michael and Gabriel; legends say that the battle was very evenly balanced, but in the end it was the angels who had to fall back. Upon entering the fifth heaven they were met by none other than Metatron, who did not come at them with defiance or anger, but appeared accommodating, considering the circumstances; after conversing for a short time the angel was successful in convincing Jannes and Jambres to remove their talismans, leaving them thus vulnerable. Metatron was quick to act and threw them out of heaven with a wave of his hand. It is said that they lost all memory of the event after that.[citation needed]

The “Book of Jasher”, of which the earliest known copy is from a 16th Century Hebrew printed manuscript (first edition 1552), also refers to the two magicians by the name of Jannes and Jambres.[13]

Absolutely inspiring.


Why do pacts fail…

I hear this alot…

I really think it has alot to do with two key elements. Respect and personality.

Respect has gotta be there or it’s going to fall apart. I don’t go pestering Orobas or Bael constantly for favors because I don’t want them to get irritated with me. Yes I have the right to ask for anything I wish within the bounds of our agreement but I don’t push it. Because of that most of the time I don’t even have to ask for something pact related it’s just granted to me. Conversely I don’t starve my Patrons for attention and offerings and public praise either. I know what they like, I know what’s expected of me and we’re cool.

Best way to have a successful pact is to live it fully. Live your words live your pact. Make it real. It’s as real as the two parties to it make it.

I think people make pacts with spirits that thier personalities don’t jive right with.

Like I think Belial is cool but I couldn’t pact him. I’m frankly to lazy and indolent and addicted to pleasures and comforts that I couldn’t handle his influence.

I tried an evocation with him but neither of us held up our end of the deal. I was pretty embarrassed really. He wasn’t unreasonable with his demands either I just couldn’t make myself do mediation on the regimen he prescribed. Worst part is I know he was actually trying to help me.

Orobas is more chill he can tolerate quite alot of personality defects except bold faced dishonesty. That really pisses him off. Also at this point in our relationship I Know the little things that irritate him and I’m mindful about it.

I think people need to work with a spirit for awhile first before they start talking about pacting. I Know I didn’t do that with Orobas and I got really lucky. For most people though you definitely need to know if you’re compatible.

Update edit: Big shout out to Prince Orobas for keeping away tricksters, parasites, and imposters. Not having to worry about that shit is SUCH a blessing.


Spirit of the day

Lucifuge Rofocale

Ace of pentacles

I’ve honored him with incense and I hope to see his influence on my day.

This card represents wealth, money material possessions and all the good things in life.

Very good to see this again especially so soon since I last saw him.


Interesting, the Ace of Pentacles popped up in a reading yesterday that I still haven’t fully analyzed, this helps, thank you!


Time for a two week tarot reading.

Let’s get started

First we call on Prince Orobas that I may see clearly.

Then we shuffle 3x, cut into 3 piles, tap the side 3x, tap with the ring of insight, cut and draw.

Card 1 my energies and my guide
Duke Aim : 5 of cups

Isolation, Loneliness, grief, anxiety

Yes while waiting on my money I have felt these feelings but I recognize this is temporary.

Card two my opposition
Baphomet: The magician

I do not sense this is an actual living magician who is against me, nor do I sense the wrath of baphomet. I do sense there are things I’m unaware of and the challenge is waking up to become aware.

Card 3 the near future

Page of cups :. I will recieve good news and joyful tidings in the future. There will be social gatherings and merriment.


Card four what I need to arrive at my near future

Amduscias the 9 of pentacles

The time of payback and reward is here. Material success, plenty, prosperity.


Card 5 spirit and energies leaving my life
King Zagan 8 of pentacles

Card six spirit helpers and allies
Haures: the knight of swords

Card seven: me my heart

Marquis Phenex: queen of cups
Excellent tidings

Card 8 spirits in my periphery that may be called on.

Duke Zepar:The lovers

Excellent excellent excellent

Card 9 Best or worst I can hope for

Lucifer: Death

I strongly sense the energy of Lucifer in this reading. This is very good. The ending of one cycle and the start of a new one.

Card 10 The spirit I must appease for the blessings to manifest.

Duchess Gremory: the empress

I understand exactly what this means.

Great reading.

I will now honor my spirits that were a part of this reading.

I thank Prince Orobas for the clarity.


Good morning everyone

Happy Wednesday

Spirit of the day


I have honored him with incense and I’ll update a recent story of his.

All quiet on the western front the battle of the birds is over. I noticed that he teaches stones and herbs and that may be something I wish to discuss with him in time.

It’s very early here I’ll probably finish this cup of coffee and head back to bed soon.

I’ve been working on a project with my tarot deck. I’ve made my own tarot book of meanings which are in many ways mirrors of the standard meanings and the addition of my own experience as well.

I wrote it all in ledger format because I know the act of writing will assist me in remembering.

Tarot is so fascinating.


It really is. I remember a fellow I met a few years back and wed take the bus together and talk about the occult. There were only three pigments available in the time the tarot first took off, and obviously had its own meanings.
Fast forward to the GD/OTO group, and some slight differences, but same spreads, shuffle, most meanings, etc.
They all have their symbolism, and the combinations are too much for us to breeze through in a day, let alone their symbolism.
Your own custom made tarot deck is probably the most cool new magical tool you have, especially mini cards with a jeweler headset and colored pencils.
It is fascinating, I want to get ahold of interpretations outside of the RHP, especially the LHP.

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I think the BOTA have a blank deck you can color in. @Fuego