Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Sitrah Ahra sphere project.

Sphere one day five

Almost recitation from memory.

Dreams are absolutely fruit loops and crazy tunes crazy. Crazy is better than horrid nightmares. Two more days to gl then I rest and meditate two days.

I never posted this but I should have.

This is the sphere one ritual

Sphere One: the Rite of Nahemoth

Liftoach Shaari Ha-Nahemoth B’Shem Ha-Na-Ama-Hema (x11)
[Open the Gate to Nahemoth in the Name of Na-Ama-Hema]

Agios o Sitra Ahra– Drakosophia Gloria!
Veni, Saksaksalim, Et Germinet Aur Chashakh!
Et Revertetur Ad Tenebras!
Io Sitra De-Smola, Drakosophia Liftoach Nehemoth, Sitra Ahra Gloria!
[Numinous is the Other Side– Glory to the Current of the Adversary/ Come, Saksaksalim, and Generate the Black Light/ And Return All to Darkness/ Hail unto Hell, the Sphere of the Black Earth is Opened by the Current of the Adversary, Glory to the Other Side]

Baruch Ha-Kelippa Ha-Reschaim– Liftoach Nahemoth– Phenex Va-Azael Liftoach Nahemo (x9) [Blessed is Reschaim, the Qlipha of the Black Earth– Open the Qliphothic Dwelling of the Black Earth– Phenex and Azael, Open the Womb-Sphere of the Black Earth]

Goap Liftoach Kelippot! Agios Ischyros Nahemo! Qodesh La-Nahemoth! Ari Refu Mata Dragon! Agios o Azael Rex Grigori Et Nephilim! Invoco Phenex In Nomine Qliphoth! Vocamus Te Laylah-Noctiferi! Azielis Proveni Ether Subtilis Totis Orbis! Naamah Nahema Ha-Nahemoth, Liftoach Shaari Ha-Sitra Ahra!
[Goap, Open the Qliphoth! Numinous and Mighty is Nahemo! Holy to Nahemoth! (Chant to Behemoth)! Numinous is Azael the King of the Watchers and Giants! I Call to Phenex in the Name of the Qliphoth! We Call to Laylah the Bringer of Night! Azielis, Provide the Fine Ether of the Entire Universe! Naamah/Nahema/Ha-Nahemoth, Open the Gate to the Infernal Plane]

Anoki Adamas Ater (X8) [I am the Black Diamond]
Sum Lapis Philosophorum (X8) [I am the Philosopher’s Stone]

Now if anything terrible happens to me or i lose my.mind and or die then everyone knows what I researching prior and can avoid the same thing.

Professional courtesy ( leaving good records)


Dude…I REALLY tried to sound out a few of those lines in my head…


@norse900 :blush: It’s a monster mishmash of Hebrew and latin. My Hebrew is pretty good my latin not so much.


Ah…well…I’m bested for now…


You know what’s hilarious, I didn’t know the exact meaning of the word numinous until I looked it up just now. So glad I did.


Well everyone I decided to fabricate, charge and consecrate my new talisman of exile.

Here’s the link to the thread this comes from.

Very cool talisman with versatile abilities and functions.


Spirit of the day

Prince Seere

He appears to me as a collosal blue skinned man. At his belt are the stars in the Orion constellation.

I once asked him his offices and he boastfully replied “I can do anything”

I recently employed him to speed up getting my inheritance, this was a good suggestion by @Jetsetrose

Hail Prince Seere

On today’s agenda, the evocation of Prince Orobas. I’m doing some work on behalf of another balg member.

Sphere one day six complete

Grand seal of Lilith

Seal of Gamaliel


The evocation of Prince Orobas

Awesome experience to evoke Prince Orobas. Today we begin a Goetic layered working where Orobas is the team leader.
This work is on behalf of someone else so for reasons of confidentiality I cannot disclose more.

Wish us luck


I wanted to do a quick update. I experimented yesterday with this magickal calling of Azazels Se’irim spirits.

Here’s the link to the OP

Before the sun rose I was awakened in the middle of the night to the sound of bleeting goats from my next door neighbors.

I read this as a sign of this spirit classes activity. When Azazel was in my life teaching me I constantly ran into goats everywhere I went. It’s sort of our call sign.

I’ll report results as soon as we achieve manifestation.

Another topic.

Aside from terrible dreams each night this week as I go through the first sphere of the Qlippoth I’ve noticed some very marked sexual side effects. Highly charged libido, constant sexual thoughts, receiving sexual innuendo from others. This has been a very pronounced effect. I just want it documented.


Ah my paint by numbers kits have arrived from the internet. I promised king Bael back in may of last year I would paint him fantastic tribute. He’s been patient but reminds me of my words regularly.

This frog painting is to commemorate one of three heads of the legendary Kong Bael of the Goetia. The man, the cat, and the frog.

Hail King Bael the invincible


Update on the Orobas evocation from last night.

Look what I got gifted today.

Cedar silvers

A personal call sign between Orobas and I.

I love it


Spirit of the day (in 38 more minutes)

Naberius, I believe he’s come up before fairly recently.

This is a dignities spirit. What’s unusual about him is that he has the power to strip others of dignities as well as bestow them. That’s frighteningly powerful.

He also appears to be a capable and wise teacher instructing in rhetoric, arts and sciences.

Hail Naberius!

I will do some painting on my King Bael tribute tonight and then crash out.

Tomorrow is day 7 of the Qlippoth sphere initiation. After that’s done I take a break for two days and percolate on what insights I have gotten from the experience. Then on to the second sphere.

This project is already highly illuminating. The things I’ve learned about the about the 72 thier place and role in the LHP is amazing.

It’s like wandering through nightmares and dreamscapes.

I’ll be completely honest this takes me far from my comfort zone. I have fears as well. I’ve seen other magicians attempt this and be driven to madness, suicide or an untimely, bizzare demise.

I am grounding and making sure most of my attention is focused on the here and now though.

There is one phrase that keeps repeating like a broken record in my mind.

Numinous is the Qlippoth, Hail Sitrah Ahra!

I have a feeling I have opened a door. Twice today my left ear began to ring strongly for a few moments. I don’t know that’s related but that’s usually a cue to me something spiritual involving me is happening presently.

I must face my fears and misgivings though, and facing these things head on is best I think.

I strongly felt like I heard the voice of Lilith in my mind but without her actual presence. “Do not be afraid” that was the message.

This is quite possibly the most important, most profound working of my entire spiritual experience and life.

I have tried to occupy a left of center philosophy as a LHP practioner up until this point. This project is a sharp bank into a hard left.

I understand not everyone sees this subject, material, hell, even what it means to be a LHP practioner the same way that I do.

With that said I know I’m fulfilling my destiny and I’m exactly where I need to be right now.

I am wide awake and headed home…


Ok sphere one day seven complete. Excellent recitation and highly charged emotive performance. Almost entirely from memory. Thursday and Friday I will take off to ponder and reflect and Saturday will begin the Second Sphere Gamaliel.

I slept long and deeply last night and I needed it too. My dreams we’re not tortured by nightmares but we’re marvelous and strange.

Tomorrow I have scheduled the second working of the layered Goetic working which began with Prince Orobas yesterday for my friend. The evocation of Queen Beleth. I always enjoy seeing her.

Update on my financial working with the spirits of Azazels Se’irim. They manifested a sharp increase for me within a day of me being woken to the sound of bleeting goats from my neighbors yard.

Tjis class of spirit works quickly and as advertised. I recommend anyone wishing to gain some experience in working with the Se’irim of Azazels current to try this. Here is a link to the original post.

Very good then I hope everyone has a good day. I’m off to drink coffee and paint my tribute did King Bael.


I’m constructing the seals of the tree of death and the temple of Sitra Ahra as a meditation tool and possibly to work with the spheres in kabbalistic magick in the future.

Seal of sphere three samael


I had a difficult conversation with a friend that required a great deal of difficult, confrontational honesty to resolve the matter at hand.

When it was finished. Prince Orobas appeared and commended me for my desire to help my friend while while delivering the Truth tactfully.

His acknowledgment is unexpected but welcome. He doesn’t usually make comments like that to me.



I’d be interested in seeing King Moloch next, not many have worked with him, secondly Mephistpheles

The spirit of the day

I can’t make this shit up guys…it’s Malphas…again.

Well hail Malphas!!!

Cool spirit, I just wish I had more for him to do, I still haven’t even sent out my new familiar to spy for me yet.

I slept about 7 hours straight but it feels like a longer deeper sleep.

I decided to wear my Feng Shui black onyx and white shellstone bracelet for energy body protection while I slept. I’m trying to ground a take a quick rinse from the energy of the Qlippoth before I plunge into it again.

I was going to evoke queen Beleth during the witching hour but I still don’t feel like I have the juice to to do that now, my head is still in the fog of sleep mode.

King Bael seems pleased with his painting so far. He’s been hovering around while I work on it you could say. :joy::joy::joy:

There’s a manufacturing defect in my painting though. The numbers are so small and lightly inked on the canvas that I can barely read them. I’ve resorted to using the finished photo it comes with as a guide for what color goes where but I think I’ve already deviated significantly from the intended design. Oh well, I’ve decided come hell or high water, by Hook or by crook King Bael is getting the very best tribute painting I can do for him.

Oh something that has been a real gem to read and reflect on is this newer journal by @anon39079500

This is a high powered journal that contains highly relevant theory, anecdote, and practical Instructions for magickal development and spirit work. If you haven’t read through this yet you really ought to give it a go. It’s not a long difficult read, nor is it pontification or word stew. It’s just quality content. Get familiar! :love_you_gesture::grin:

A long winded musing of UPG

On the subject of the Qlippoth. The gnosis I’ve realized so far been largely based on direct confrontation of things that I reject from my psyche. What I’m seeing are the parts of my mind and personality that I keep partitioned off and locked away from my main self. This is classic shadow work in the sense of acknowledging these aspects and bringing them into the fold of union with the self… preferably without actually destroying the self.

What’s interesting is according to legend when Lucifer was “driven” from heaven he took a third of the stars in the heavens with him in his fall from grace. This is obviously a metaphor for taking a 1/3rd of the heavenly host with him in rebellion.

Now you at first may think. How could Lucifer do anything but be eternally backpedaling from a host that retained 2/3rd original strength and is headed by the “avengers” archangel team? Yes good question, that at first glance appears to be a recipe for an eternal angelic beatdown. Why is it then the angels and demons battle for the hearts and minds of humanity throughout the planes and in the battlefield of our souls?

This is because the reality of the matter is the 1/3rd Lucifer took were the best and brightest and strongest rock star angels. If you simply peruse the ars Goetia casually I’d say a full 30% of the 72 are directly recognized as fallen angels.

My personal belief is that number is actually much higher than 30%

So you see Archangel Michael may have numeric superiority but in terms of the quality of the troops that leaves something to be desired.

What this creates is a parity of power that is much closer to balanced than I had originally thought.

I will finish the book of Sitrah ahra in the next two days.

It’s very interesting material but I read through it and recognize alot of it is simply propaganda. The kaballah and gematria based parts of the book have been astonishing.

Well there’s a shit ton of RHP propaganda in our world why can’t there be a tad bit of LHP propaganda to mix things up a little. :thinking::thinking::joy::joy:

Edit update:

I’ve been reading some other journals of others Qlippothic experiences and I see where it went completely off the rails.

Things can get poisoned, corrupted and turned to shit… literally very quickly.

I want my readers to understand that this isn’t a game a gag or a joke this is very dangerous potentially and I am not recommending you follow me in Sitra Ahra blindly.

I’ll just keep my brain on point and stay head strong.


NOT misty eyed…it’s dust…

Thanks, my friend. I’ve published about half of it.


Dreams in Universe B

I travelled deep into a sewer complex in metro new Orleans. ( Never actually been there though). The purpose of this trip to the sewers was to marry this fairly attractive black woman. Her entire family came and followed us down into the sewers with the presiding minister or priest.

Her family were chaotic and squalked like wild birds. Not literally but they talked alot without saying much of anything. We didn’t like eachother her family and I.

The priest was going through a sermon and someone gave me a syringe of heroin that I escaped off to the bathroom to do. I got to the bathroom and it looked weak and sickly brown. I threw the dope and syringe it was in away.

Then went back and ate fried fish sandwiches before tying the knot.

I went back to my wedding and woke up.

That’s it.

Welcome to the looney tunes dreams I’ve been having.


King Bael is coming along