Spirit of the day, reflections, meditations, and thoughts

Spirit of the day

Duke Eligos

Reveals knowledge of battles and procures the favor of lord’s and kings.

I’d like to work with him soon.

Dreamscapes: nothing of importance


Hi Mike, I hope you are doing well. I was wondering if you could help me with the occult tarot? people say the cards itself invokes or more so conjures the demons! how so? and how do u use them? I actually was wondering if u would make a thread about it because I just bought mine and im excited to use and hoping you can shed some light?


Yes @Fallen_Human I will in fact make a thread on the method I’ve devised to use the occult tarot. Look for it in the general discussion thread tonight or tomorrow sometime. If you still have questions after that feel free to PM me.


Oh thank you and much appreciated. Will definitely be waiting for that.

Be Blessed


I just realized it would be more appropriate to for me to post that in the divination section of the forum so look for it there everyone.


@Fallen_Human here you are.


Spirit of the day


Now I like this spirit. I need to put him on my calendar soon. I’d like collaborate on a project.

This spirit will teach the magician the right way to do wrong. If you’re gonna do the wrong thing , do it boldly :rofl:

I think he got himself a bad rap.

He tells me it’s not his fault that certain individuals he’s worked with in the past got a little too greedy and got themselves pinched. Not his fault. I believe him.

Dreamscapes: can’t remember a damn thing.


The Occult Tarot and Tarot of Ceremonial Magic (Thoth Tarot as well I think), are on my amazon wishlist. Light at the end of the tunnel is glimpsed for now for me financially, so perhaps soon I will have those.
What tarot spreads besides a card for the day are presented with the Occult Tarot?
I will read the link you presented, my question might be answered in there.

Edit: Never mind, my question is answered in there.


Thank you so much for your time and effort.

Be Blessed


I feel you on the bad rap. Knowing a spirit can tempt someone into a self-destructive act is useful… Or just an act they’re prone to, whether they know it or not. And he feels nobler to deal with than shadow people.


I agree, better do it the right way. Probably more fun too!

Always the humans fault :joy: :joy:
But, so many of them do warn people to watch themselves lest they fall too deep into their vices.


An experiment

Bufas presides over the second heart chakra and can help the witch open and demonize it.** In doing so, he imbibes the energy of the celebrant (only to return it with interest), and it is best that the witch is intoxicated in some (any) way when this is performed– Pruflas loves that kind of energy. This operation simultaneously results in the refinement of the witch’s entire subtle body, facilitating the easier/smoother flow of prana throughout the subtle body. This will bring a sense of power and peace to whatever you do and eliminate the tendency to wrongfully second-guess one’s psychic perceptions.

I’ll be working with Prince Bufas tonight on this

Hail the Order of the Brass Lamps


Intoxicated you say… Sounds like my kinda jam :joy:


Yes @Kekka some spirits dislike intoxication. Prince Orobas detests it for example. Others don’t care. Others enjoy it. Especially an intoxicated blood offering.

I theorize the spirit actually gets high top from this.


I’ve found that using marijuana or opium prior to an intense ritual has gotten me more from it than when I’ve tried without using anything. Not enough to be “high”, but enough to sort of relax. From what you’re saying though, there are some spirits i should avoid if I do this.


Experiment with Prince Bufas was a success. I strongly felt my heart chakra…,“change” it feels like new blood is pumping through my body.

Hail Bufas


Spirit of the day
Marquis Forneus

This is a really great spirit. I’ve worked with him before on a language and reconciliation project. Both be successful.

Dreamscapes: dreams of Orobas


Spirit of the day


This spirit is actually better known as Ba’al Ze’ Bub, or Baal from the city of Zebub.

Over time this spirit seems to have gained it’s own identity and consciousness independent of Bael.

This is a heavy duty offensive spirit. He can manifest apparitions of ghosts and demons on your enemies or cause men to be laid low by thier vices.


Dreamscapes: flamingos…


Spirit of the day

Prince Seere

This guy is a powerful spirit. I recall on our first job together I asked if he could do the job. He scoffed and laughed and said “I can do anything and everything”

Very cool.


I dreamed I lived in Hong Kong and was part of a syndicate. Great dream


I’d like to offer my thanks to Duke Amduscias for his outstanding familiar spirit. I am very very pleased with the familiars performance, behavior and dedication.