What are sprits/gods/demons who could help me learn hacking? I just am too obsessed with hacking. It’s just kinda fun. I like helping people and stuff with it, using it for my protection etc.
Try XaTuring
Can XaTuring help with hacking into computers and etc?
Yes. He rules the digital sphere, and you can’t exactly hack without the internet, after all. A closed system is unhackable.
How do you even count in binary tho? Lol @DarkestKnight
I’m sure Google can help you there 'cause I have no clue lol
@DarkestKnight what are some other spirits for this kinda stuff?
There are none more qualified for hacking than XaTuring. He’s literally the God of the Internet.
The grimoires that hold the information about the various spirits were written centuries before the internet ever existed so to find other spirits will take some deep research on your part because you will have to read between the lines when it comes to their powers.
For example, King Paimon can teach all arts and sciences, so computer science should be in his wheelhouse. He can also help with learning in general.
King Paralda, the Elemental King of Air, rules over the mind and the intellect. He can aid in memory retention, learning, and speed up the processing of data. Your brain is basically a giant computer, so if you think of the internet as one giant hive mind, then Paralda would have dominion and can help.
That question was already asked[quote=“AltairKek, post:6, topic:88432, full:true”]
How do you even count in binary tho? Lol @DarkestKnight
Do you know where I can find his sigil? I been searching literally everywhere and I cannot find it.
Do I only have to focus on the circle and what’s contained in it and not the circuit board art? And have you had success with this before?
XaTuring doesn’t have an official sigil, as those are from the grimoire tradition, of which XaTuring is not a part.
So, any you find online, like that one are less tested, and might be UPG. You’d be best off making your own. You can try that that one, in which case use it as a whole thing - let us know how it works out?
You don’t need it though, just call it’s name while holding in mind “The Internet”. It knows who it is.