Spirit for circulation issues?

Hey all, I’m wondering what spirit would be recommended for healing or otherwise dealing with a major ongoing escalating blood circulation issue? (yes I am engaging with my doctor about it but he’s not been very helpful or interested so far).

Usually Raphael is my go to for all things healing and I’ve been engaging him for some time now on this matter without result.
I’ve also tried Lucifer.
Used Hargrove’s enochian healing ritual.
Done lots of reiki.
So far no changes.

I’ve had great results with Buer for joint issues and emotional stuff, but from everything I’ve read these seem to be the scope of his healing remit.
Looked into Marbas, but his seems to be limited to infectious diseases.

Its likely the circulation issue has a genetic basis, which I realise complicates things.

Any thoughts or recommendations?


Fasting, and Ebuhuel from Angels of Omnipotence. Not just his sigil, use the pathworking to meet with him and disuses in detail.


Going organic and learning about different herbs and teas can help. Massage (light or Swedish fluff and buff style) and dry brushing can help.

Also turning your attention to your extremities, like your toes in the morning and before bed can increase the circulation simply by stimulating the energy down there so combined with massaging your hands and feet and can make for a wonderful all over difference.

Energy flows with intention and your blood will follow it too in my experience, but my massage training and exposure to medicine tells me the rest! :rofl:

Damballah Le Flambeau comes to mind for spirits, forgot that part sorry!


Buer!!! Of the goetia.

He solved a years long medical issue I had for years almost instantly. I was quite honestly baffled and joined this dorum just to thank him.

I would suggest pulling up his sigil. Once you’ve connected with the energy, lie down.

Next, focus on all the pain and inconvenience your medical issue has caused you. This will serve as an energetic offering to the spirit.

Once you feel you’ve discharged all the pain, look back at the sigil and stare deeply. Let Buer’s energy pulsate in waves through your body. Let whatever movements happen naturally.

Once you feel energetically “full”, simply thank Buer and go about your day.

Symptoms should start to improve within 48 hours, with some level of relief almost instantly.

I sincerely hope this helps.


I didn’t see you mentioned him in your original post, but still, I’d recommend you give the technique a try.


I would also recommend Opfaal from K.o.F.

He is known to bring relief. His sigil can be easily found on google or this forum.


Many thanks everyone, greatly appreciated.

Ill give this a go. But given my clairaudience is next to non existent, it will be a one sided discussion. I suspect this may well be why ive had only occasional success with the AoO’s.

In this case im more wanting it to not follow :slight_smile: Sorry i didnt go into much detail, this seems to more be more too much blood rather than not enough. Huge, massive, throbbing constantly in both lower legs and feet, veins bulging. The throbbing is massive to a point its a 24/7 severe distraction. You can actually visibly see them throbbing. Started probably near a year ago quite minorly. But has continued to worsen with major major esscalation over the last few months.
I’ve been trying massage but sadly no effect. I suspect there are vein valve malfunctions in play (had surgery in 2021 to rectify some valve malfunctions and was told theres often a genetic pre disposition).

Many thanks. I went ahead and engaged Buer yesterday after reading your post. I used the DoM method. If I don’t see changes, i’ll apply the method you suggest.

Not asking specifially what your medical issue was, but if I can ask, was it something that required physical structural changes to rectify?

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It did. It was essentially major swelling in a certain area, normally painless, but the pain had been getting worse before I finally called on Buer. After calling on him the swelling and pain went from 80% down to less than 5%.


Interesting, I hope for a similar results. I did it about 18:00 hrs last night (its now 08:30 hrs here). Hopefully things play out well. If not, ill try it with the method you describe

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My method is slightly more shamanistic and less formal than DoM, but it does give you a very direct connection to the spirit. Best of luck to you :muscle:

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Also, make sure you’re looking at only the black triangle in the DoM book. Just zoom in or hold the book up to your face. The god names and angelic seals will dilute the energy, and we want it as close to 100% as we can get it.

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Hi there when I was 50 i started getting circulation issues lethergy and general fuzziness that was bringing me down every morning i had problems just standing up without massaging my feet for a few minutes first. My wife is a nurse and told me to go to the doctors "as it might be diabetes " I said no way am i going to a doctor they find things wrong with you and then put you on chemicals.at the time i was using angelic magick from Damon Brands books and asked for help
The following day i was on my computer when loads of pop up adverts appeared from nowhere pushing the benefits of distilled water I have to say it was bloody annoying to start with as I was trying to work
About three o clock in the afternoon i finally got irritated enough to press the start button of an advertised u tube video ,In the first sentence the lady doing the video said if you are suffering with bad circulation it’s because your blood is dirty and drinking a good quantity of distilled water daily cleans it
So after doing lots of research I decided on drinking a lot of distilled water daily for one month .apparently the first thing it does is clean the blood, for the 1st 3 or 4 days that is what it does followed by cleaning out your inner system (Don’t stray far from a toilet distilled water doesn’t take prisoners)
I can report that after 4 days I haven’t had bad circulation since
My brain feels sharper my joints don’t ache at all except when i do heavy work and i am now nearer 60 than 59 and feel as fit now as when i was 35
And still drink about five pints of distilled water every day
All thanks to the spirit world …Happy Magick


Hhhhmmmm interesting. Ill see if I can pick some up and give it a go, although in this case its quite likely that valve malfunctions are the underlying culprits

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Best of health while finding the answer :ok_hand:


Interesting developments.
The day after the DoM process with Buer, I noticed a notable improvement. Its continued to improve. Its now at a level similar to how it was a couple of months ago (which is a significant improvement).

But there is something else strange. A couple of months ago I engaged Buer to deal with a serious ongoing knee pain. Sorted it fast. But the morning after I did the process for the circulation issue, the knee pain was back (and still is).
Maybe a strange coincidence, or maybe Buer doesn’t like to multi task on the operator.

But still, very impressed with the improvement in the circulation issue and I hope it continues. Even the huge swollen veins that have erupted over recent months are visibly greatly diminished (many of them anyway, a few are still right up there).


Glad to hear you’re making progress!!


Perhaps the knee was a nudge for you to make an offering.


I made one for the knee a couple of months ago when i got the result. During the petition i made one specifying it (public praise) would be made one week after seeing first results (so due in a few days). Its very interesting though.


I can’t presume to know based on what little info we have here, but is there any possibility this is the root cause of the circulation issue?

When one symptom alleviates and another roars up sometimes it’s related as the body will compensate unwanted or unattended pain when it becomes too unbearable in an area, in another area.

Sometimes one symptom will alleviate and you’ll go back to the original symptom then on to a new and different symptom till treated then back to the original symptom, like a ping pong as mostly surface symptoms instead of causes are recognized etc.

I had a third case, but I already lost it… so I know there are other possible ideas, but it seems unlikely she would stop helping with one thing to help with another unless there is some sort of reason.

I can’t hardly imagine a healer working like that unless they had limited resources or time! :rofl::woman_shrugging:


Very good thinking Ket. But as you say I haven’t provided much information. The issue that is the subject of this topic has been ongoing for a year or so, whereas I suffered my knee injury in December.

The former is certainly still very strong and present, but is significantly reduced (still very bad though) since engaging Buer.
Another possibility here is that the free black light ritual I participated in the day after may have played a part as well. One of its functions is removing obstacles. One of the intentions I wrote down ahead of it was to remove all obstacles to this issue resolving.
So there may be multiple factors here

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