Spirit for circulation issues?

THE BLACK LIGHT RITUAL REMOVES FORMER CONTRACTS AND PACTS. lol sorry to yell but I think we found our reason. Even though you might have just done a regular ritual without a pact or contract, I think this is why.

I am working on health issues too. I did some rituals with Buer (for healing) and Vine (to empower my rites). So far so good. I´ve been using the following mostly for spiritual hygiene (smudging): Clove, Black Pepper and Ginger. But Buer suggested the spiritual hygiene must be done on the physical environment AND inside your body.

So I started taking Clove, Black Pepper and Ginger as supplements! One gram of each.The results are phenomenal. I have a bad chronic pain for 8 yrs now and it has become much more manageable!

And this week I added (on Buer´s suggestion) a garlic that is called “Japanese Garlic”. It is not really from Japan, it was grown by some Asian man in the USA, so the name stuck. I can´t find the correct translation into English nor the scientific name but I include a pic

This garlic is superb for blood circulation, hypertension and is excellent for cardiac health.

So in summary this is the list of supplements I take daily now (they are readily available and cheap):

-Black Pepper (1 gram daily)
-Ginger (1 gram daily)
-Clove (2 cloves daily)
-“Japanese Garlic” (alternative regular garlic is an option-take 2 clove daily)
-Turmeric (been taking this for a while now-2-3 grams per day)

I hope this helps.
Best regards,


Its a good thought, but I don’t think its likely.

There’s nothing about former contracts and pacts in the write up about the ritual that I can find. The closest thing I can see is relinquishing soul contracts, that being a different kettle of fish to my understanding.

Also, the timing doesn’t stack up. The following time line is as per my timezone.

A few months ago- Did the Buer ritual for my knee
18:00 hrs (approx) Saturday- Did the Buer ritual for this issue
06:00-07:00 hrs Sunday- Woke up. Knee pain was back and the issue I did the ritual for was significantly improved.
15:00 hrs Sunday- Black fire ritual.

Also, if the black fire ritual had undone the working with Buer for my knee pain, I would expect that it would also have undone the working with Buer the night before.

Thats my thoughts on it anyhoo

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Can you please tell me a bit more about the specifics of this consition?

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Essentially there is tremendous non stop throbbing in my lower legs and feet. Like tremendous. Not just an annoyance, but to a degree that it is wrecking my ability to concentrate on anything. Its throbbing like continuous shockwaves.
It started small maybe a year or so ago but escalated over time. It reached a point where the leg movement with each throb was visible and many swollen vein prominences appeared.
To me the latter suggests very strongly that its a blood circulation type thing. I should point out that I had surgery for a blood circulation issue a couple of years ago (caused by some vein valve collapses), and given that this tends to be a genetic predisposition, I think it likely that this is of similar nature.
But my doctor is thoroughly disinterested.
I did the ritual with Buer and got a rapid significant result. The throbbing is still there and severe, but its severity is more like it was a month or so ago (given the degree to which this has escalated, that is a significant reduction). Some of the swollen veins have largely disappeared.
Despite the rapid reduction in severity, it has started to increase again over the last two days.
My doctor’s disinterest is vexing. He won’t even refer me to a specialist for testing. Today I’ve finally managed to secure an appointment with a GP at the same clinic (no other clinics in the city are taking new patients at all), and I’m hoping she might be more helpful. But the appointment is a few weeks away. Yes, given the doctor shortage over here at the moment it usually takes weeks to get a simple GP appointment.

If you have any insights as to what i can do while I wait for the very slow and expensive health system to do its thing, that would be greatly appreciated

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Are you able to stand? You mentioned knee issues, but I was thinking qi gong standing meditation could help alleviate the circulation problem by allowing the chi to settle and move through blockages without excessive force. Postures like “standing like a tree” are designed for lower body problems.

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The knee injury has me on crutches. So I can stand, with my crutches.
Interesting side note. When I did the buer ritual a few months ago most of the pain vanished overnight. I would have probably ditched the crutches, but still had the MRI that was scheduled shortly thereafter anyway. After viewing the MRI results, the specialist instructed me to remain on crutches as the damage was far from healed at the time. Always a good caution to remember- just because the pain goes doesnt mean the injury is healed.

My professional and magical specialties are in blood, so I may have some invaluable information for you.

The human body has adapted over thousands of years to the gravitational gradient of force we are subjected to, and that has directly effected the way our circulatory system works. Without gravity, our legs do not get sufficient blood circulation. We’ve seen proof of this in the physiology and pathology of astronauts. Likewise, to overcome the impacts of gravity humans rely on a skeletal muscle pump formed by the gastrochnemius and soleus, or calf muscles. It works by pumping blood back up as you walk due to the contraction of those muscles.

Additionally, the human body has this incredible ability to recruit smaller blood vessels when larger, essential vasculature is damaged or becomes unavailable such as in the case of amputation. This process of recruitment will sometimes turn capillaries into full on veins. Blood flow gets rerouted so tissues can still get access to the essential nutrients, ions, and oxygen it needs.

If I had to guess at what is happening in your legs, I would speculate that your body has recruited smaller blood vessels that are outside of the skeletal muscle pump system. It may be that you are having difficulty with blood return. I imagine this might coincide with feelings of fatigue and possibly issues with frequent urination, dehydration, lower extremity edema, and blood pressure.

What might be worth trying is icing your legs to constrict the recruited blood vessels and force blood back up into your upper circulatory system. Also worth trying is flipping the script on gravity; lie on your back with your legs against the wall, feet directed towards the ceiling, and practice pointing and flexing your toes. I doubt these things will solve your problem, and in fact I’m not sure your condition is reversible, but it may offer you some temporary relief. Also consider taking aspirin or arnica if you aren’t allergic and your doctor or pharmacist say its ok. Blood clots in lower extremities are a serious concern when the skeletal muscle pump isn’t doing what it usually does. Aspirin and arnica are both blood thinners and can help reduce the likelihood of clots, and they also derive from medicinal plants that have been used for hundreds of years.

In the metaphysical side of things; your power is alive in your blood. If it is being pulled towards the earth and causing your valves to fail at their job of maintaining the proper direction of blood flow there may be a reason for that. If it has been this way for your family or a long time, it is worth investigating your families history with magick, or other magick users. It could be a curse, or an unanswered calling.

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This is a form specifically for improving lower body circulation. it might be helpful.

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Many thanks, this post is amazingly informative.

Interestingly, my MRI showed bone marrow edema to the base of the femur. The specialist said it was of a nature that you would normally see if someone had fallen from a significant height and landed in a standing position, except that if that had happened there would be something corresponding to the top of the tibia (which had no issues).

I’ve tried experimenting with leg elevation and found it doesn’t improve things. One of the things I’ve noted as ineresting is that although the throbbing is ever present, it is much much worse when I am lying down. This flies in the face of everything I’ve managed to find about situations of similar symptoms.

I also tried out compression stockings for a while (I had to wear them for a month after my surgery and luckily still had them) and they have resulted in no change.

Its all very strange.

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Thank you, I’ll give this a try starting tomorrow

If elevation doesn’t work, still try regular point/flex toe movements but while sitting with your legs in front of you on the floor. If you are able to reach your ankles in a seated stretch, also try massaging your legs in an upwards/towards your heart motion.

I would also recommend getting some sunlight if you can, and reducing high fat foods. These are factors that can contribute to BME, and the BME could very well be causing or exacerbating the pain and throbbing you are experiencing.

The BME in and of itself is a very good justification to see an osteopathic doctor.


Thanks, I will begin point and flex.
I’ve been trying the massage side of it for some months with no result, but will continue it.
I don’t do much in the high fat consumption space (basically I eat plants and occasionally consume some dairy).
I tried searching the term “BME” but the definitions I find don’t appear to relate. Could you clarify the meaning of the acronym in this context?
Again thank you for your information, its great to have specialised expertise contributing to understanding the potential causes of the matter

I’ve been trying to get my doctor to refer me to someone (anyone) who might be able to progress things. But he’s not interested. Hopefully this other doc I’ve managed to score an appointment with will be more open to examining the situation and providing appropriate referrals


Sorry, that’s “bone marrow edema”

Have you tried calling on Marbas? Or Opfaal?

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What about sciatica? Or other pinchages? A sciatic nerve pinched by your piriformes or your lumber could cause most of these issues and would present no blood factors that would be diagnosable by traditional methods and near nothing brings relief other than temporarily.

Usually presents with pins and needles, circulation issues, extreme pain that shoots downward through the legs or up through the shoulders, numbness, an area that feels energetically different from the rest, mmm probably other symptoms I’ve not experienced or seen too or course…

Surgery is often used for relief but usually it starts up again and stretches seem to help the most, similar to carpal tunnel in that most of the time surgery only temporarily reliefs the pain as the cause didn’t get address and most people don’t do stretches that are painful or in opposition of the contraction causing the problem, so everything just ends up too tight in the long run and unable to be stretched from how they fix it.

Fibromyalgia like symptoms of pain without a reason or from pressure like your clothes etc can be related to sciatica or other similar pinched muscles and nerves. Especially in the spinal/lumber area.

In addition to point and flex, ankle rotations, leg lifts (all directions but particularly behind you and to the side of the you), and in anything is opposite of what might cause a muscle to be too contracted usually help.

Child’s pose and some stretches derived from it also help with sciatic and lower back /leg pain and circulation, but then even working on the core can to an extent depending on where the root problem is.

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Okay so let’s look at things that present like circulation issue but are not, rather they cause it or cause similar symptoms but circulation alone is likely not the root cause if circulation fixes don’t help.

I understand you had surgery before, but I’ve found that just because a doctor successfully treated something doesn’t necessarily mean they helped the problem even if they did help the symptoms.

I don’t want to say that’s the case, but since you’ve been considering the circulation very hard so far, perhaps looking into problems that present as if they are circulation issue but are not would help.

For instance I was misdiagnosed with an issue for six years, once the true issue was cleared up what they thought was wrong started healing and reached a more stable place without any treatments.

But as long as I was doing their treatments I got worse because the problem wasn’t that at all, that was a symptom of what was going on and what was shutting down in response to the problem we didn’t know I had.

So basically if this mode of thinking isn’t working, have you tried googling/working on it as something like mimics circulation issues or some similar?

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Very good points. This may not be the same issue I had surgery for, but something that presents similarly. I’ve not found anything helpful through google as yet. But I shall continue the hunt.

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You might not have enough Yang energy. I would recommend acupuncture. That worked wonders for me. Especially if you go to a clinic where they give you herbs along with the acupuncture to restore your qi… not a spirit but it will help alot


Many thanks. I have an acupuncturist I go to for a complicated neck-effecting issue from time to time. I will ask him about this at my next appointment

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