Spirit for Attracting Werewolves

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Is that symbol a sigil? What name should I use to call the spirit?

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It’s lycania hecates sigil, I just called her, the first times I did I made the mistake of begging to become a lycan, now I’m just tryna build a good rapport so she reveals herself to me. Don’t beg for it

Sounds good, thanks for the advice!

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Welcome @NoobStoleMyBike It is a rule of this forum for all new members to properly introduce themselves, so please click the link below and tell us about yourself and any experience you have in magick:


Hi, i don’t intend that in a bad way, i’m genuinely curious as to why does everyone think it’s totally possible to become a werewolf but in another thread about vampires everyone said you can only be an energy vampire or have symptoms of being one? Both should be physical and therefore possible or not. Wouldn’t a werewolf only have the symptoms too? And if become a werewolve is possible because it’s shapeshifting, just changing your body, how come we can’t like, change our face? Isn’t it the same? Because i read about glaomur and…like…you can’t physically change anything. Just asking. I haven’t seen anything real yet so i’m sorry if i sound like a dumbass, i would love to hear some more about these things.

I dont know who everyone is…but it’s physiologically impossible to shapeshift your physical body into a wolf. Or into a half wolf/human as displayed in cinema or any form of literature.


@Chosen_Path I won’t try to convince you otherwise (despite having proof to the contrary), because that would be a waste of both of our time. You’ve obviously settled into a rigid view of the issue, and it’s usually impossible to force someone to open their eyes while they’re defiantly squeezing them shut.

For anyone else reading this, though, I’d encourage you to think it through before dismissing the possibility. No one is claiming that you can suddenly transform into a full blown werewolf that’s twice the size of a person in 5 minutes as is portrayed in movies, obviously. The law of conservation of mass-energy can’t be broken, and there are also strict limits on the speed of cell division, protein synthesis, skeletal remodelling, etc. That being said, major changes can be observed after extensive shifts that happen over the course of days.

Nothing is impossible, including this. It just takes time and a lot of energy.



In the norse all werewolfs are said to be birthed from the incestuous union of the thursian goddess Gullveig and her son Fenris. Odin is also associated with shapeshifting and the ulfhednar


any progress in your investigations? I have things to comment, talk to me privately those interested.

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